Hi my friends!
It's time for another awards post. This tag came from sweet Mateja, famous Geyba from Parokeets and dearest Maria.
Here are the rules:
1. Each person must post 11 thing about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
4. Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
5. No tag backs.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about 'you are tagged if you are reading this'. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
I already wrote few of 'about me' post on the blog, so I'll skip the first part.
No, let's get serious... these are the questions from Mateja:
1. What is the best thing about blogging in your opinion?
great people that i've met, exchange of ideas , feedback... i love this game!
2. How did you come up with the name for your blog?
smart as i am, i thought that my nails will always look crazy
3. When you realized that you are nail polish 'addicted'?
shortly before i started with blogging... in a few months i bought over 50 polishes, i had only 2 when i started to read some blogs
4. For what do you spend more money, on nail polish or other decorative cosmetics?
definitely on polishes
5. Pink or red?
just a few months before, it would be red, now it's - pink!
6. What is your favorite type of polish?
any polish will do
7. Do you prefer long or short nails?
long... but it seems that i'm stuck with a short ones
8. What is your biggest polish lemming right now?
omg, let me think... china glaze something sweet
9. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
i wish i was more rude to some people, they don't deserve better but it's just not me
10. What is your weirdest habit?
lol, never going to toilet without my cell phone
11. What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
i prefer to spend my free time with my friends, but i love gardening, i love my flowers... i'm crazy about the books and i reed a lot, but not as much as i used to do
Now on to Gejba's questions:
1. Which nail polish LE are you currently lemming the most about?
i don't know, so many of them... china glaze 'capitol colours' ?
2. Do you have a 'higher' end cosmetics brand that you regularly splurge on?
not at the moment
3. Are you more of a high heels or flat shoes kind of person?
flat shoes person
4. What is one think that would force you to get rid of your nail polish/cosmetics collection?
shut up, i don't even wanna think of it
5. Are you a klutz or one of those annoyingly graceful people?
something in between
6. Do you dance? If so - which dance is your favorite?
i do, disco
7. Do you come from a large family?
small one, just me and my sister
8. Which nail polish brand do you miss the most in your country?
kiko, zoya...
9. Are you into sports? Which ones?
soccer, i wouldn't never miss any of european or world championship
10. What is the most funny thing your husband/boyfriend/brother/father said to you about your nails polish/cosmetics obsession?
my father said: why so many of them, you can only wear it one at the time...
11. Do you live by the sea, in the mountains...?
some 150 meters from the sea
And Maria would like to know:
1. How long has Nail Polish been an 'obsession'?
for two years now
2. Why did you start your blog?
the anticipation will someone read this blog at all...
4. What kind of nail art do you love the most at the moment?
freehand, i'm full of respect and admiration for people who are good at it
5. What kind of nail art is the most difficult for you, something you are struggling to learn, if anything?
almost everything, but sometimes i surprise my self
6. What are your 3 favorite brands of nails polish?
it used to be essence, but they left us only with small bottles, i hate it... i love china glaze, catrice, flormar (wish i can get my hands on it)
7. What do you like the best about being a nail polish blogger?
the fact that i'm not the only one who's addicted, and i'm proud to be a part of this world
8. How many days ahead do you prepare blog posts - if at all?
not at all
9. How many fingers do you polish for swatches/taking photos of them?
all of them
10. Do you do swatch marathons if the weather is nice and you have the time, to have something to fill in 'the vault' for later busy days?
no way
11. What do you prefer to see/read on nail blogs, you can choose more? swatches, nail art, comparisons, DIY ideas, product reviews?
i love to see nail art, diy ideas, comparisons...
Omg, did you see how many questions did I answered just now? Feel like I've been on a quiz
I'll tag:
2. How did you come up with the name for your blog?
smart as i am, i thought that my nails will always look crazy
3. When you realized that you are nail polish 'addicted'?
shortly before i started with blogging... in a few months i bought over 50 polishes, i had only 2 when i started to read some blogs
4. For what do you spend more money, on nail polish or other decorative cosmetics?
definitely on polishes
5. Pink or red?
just a few months before, it would be red, now it's - pink!
6. What is your favorite type of polish?
any polish will do
7. Do you prefer long or short nails?
long... but it seems that i'm stuck with a short ones
8. What is your biggest polish lemming right now?
omg, let me think... china glaze something sweet
9. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
i wish i was more rude to some people, they don't deserve better but it's just not me
10. What is your weirdest habit?
lol, never going to toilet without my cell phone
11. What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
i prefer to spend my free time with my friends, but i love gardening, i love my flowers... i'm crazy about the books and i reed a lot, but not as much as i used to do
Now on to Gejba's questions:
1. Which nail polish LE are you currently lemming the most about?
i don't know, so many of them... china glaze 'capitol colours' ?
2. Do you have a 'higher' end cosmetics brand that you regularly splurge on?
not at the moment
3. Are you more of a high heels or flat shoes kind of person?
flat shoes person
4. What is one think that would force you to get rid of your nail polish/cosmetics collection?
shut up, i don't even wanna think of it
5. Are you a klutz or one of those annoyingly graceful people?
something in between
6. Do you dance? If so - which dance is your favorite?
i do, disco
7. Do you come from a large family?
small one, just me and my sister
8. Which nail polish brand do you miss the most in your country?
kiko, zoya...
9. Are you into sports? Which ones?
soccer, i wouldn't never miss any of european or world championship
10. What is the most funny thing your husband/boyfriend/brother/father said to you about your nails polish/cosmetics obsession?
my father said: why so many of them, you can only wear it one at the time...
11. Do you live by the sea, in the mountains...?
some 150 meters from the sea
And Maria would like to know:
1. How long has Nail Polish been an 'obsession'?
for two years now
2. Why did you start your blog?
i wanted to share my excitement with my new-founded love with the people who shared my love for it
3. What was/is the hardest thing about being a new nail polish blogger?the anticipation will someone read this blog at all...
4. What kind of nail art do you love the most at the moment?
freehand, i'm full of respect and admiration for people who are good at it
5. What kind of nail art is the most difficult for you, something you are struggling to learn, if anything?
almost everything, but sometimes i surprise my self
6. What are your 3 favorite brands of nails polish?
it used to be essence, but they left us only with small bottles, i hate it... i love china glaze, catrice, flormar (wish i can get my hands on it)
7. What do you like the best about being a nail polish blogger?
the fact that i'm not the only one who's addicted, and i'm proud to be a part of this world
8. How many days ahead do you prepare blog posts - if at all?
not at all
9. How many fingers do you polish for swatches/taking photos of them?
all of them
10. Do you do swatch marathons if the weather is nice and you have the time, to have something to fill in 'the vault' for later busy days?
no way
11. What do you prefer to see/read on nail blogs, you can choose more? swatches, nail art, comparisons, DIY ideas, product reviews?
i love to see nail art, diy ideas, comparisons...
Omg, did you see how many questions did I answered just now? Feel like I've been on a quiz

I'll tag:
Honestly, tagging someone always seems such a drag... but when I look at my blog list I see so many of you, so many who deserves more attention... and always want to tag more of you, but the game said only 11
Lol, I almost forgot on my questions... here they are:
1. Which is your favorite cosmetics brand?
2. Must have cosmetic product?
3. PC or laptop?
4. The last movie you saw was...
5. The last book you've read is...
6. Are your toes polished right now?
7. Skirt or pants?
8. Do you wear make up on days when you don't need to go anywhere?
9. What would your ideal day look like?
10. Your favorite song, at least for today?
11. Have you met any of your fellows bloggers?
Wow, this looks like a very, very long post. But a longer one is in progress...
Till we meet again... love, Žana
p.s. just because you survived this post, I give you not one, but 11 manicures

Lol, I almost forgot on my questions... here they are:
1. Which is your favorite cosmetics brand?
2. Must have cosmetic product?
3. PC or laptop?
4. The last movie you saw was...
5. The last book you've read is...
6. Are your toes polished right now?
7. Skirt or pants?
8. Do you wear make up on days when you don't need to go anywhere?
9. What would your ideal day look like?
10. Your favorite song, at least for today?
11. Have you met any of your fellows bloggers?
Wow, this looks like a very, very long post. But a longer one is in progress...
Till we meet again... love, Žana
p.s. just because you survived this post, I give you not one, but 11 manicures
Great tag :D
ReplyDeletethanks :-D
DeleteThank you for your very nice replies, I'll link to this post in my original 11 questi0n tag post... :)
ReplyDeletei'm a very nice person ;-D
DeleteHahah, thank God you didn't tag me :)
ReplyDeletelol, you'll be the first one in my next tag ;-D
DeleteSuper je post, bas mi se svida, hvala na tagu! :D
ReplyDeletehvala ti, nadam se da ćeš i ti guštat smišljajući nova pitanja ;-D
DeleteSo you'll gonna watch EURO 2012? :)
ReplyDeleteyou bet! but only in front of tv screen :-(
DeletePrekrasno! :))
ReplyDeletetko, ja? hvala hvala ;-D
DeleteHvala,draga,ovo mi je treća,bome ću se natipkati ;))
ReplyDeleteneka, neka, kad mogu ja, možeš i ti ;-D
DeleteSuper tag! Hvala na taggiranju ;))
ReplyDeletedrago mi je da ti se sviđa, uživaj :-D
Deletei wish i was more rude to some people, they don't deserve better but it's just not me
ReplyDelete- potpisujem.
lol, a tako nam je ;-D
DeleteHvala na nagradi, puno puno :) Sa zadovoljstvom ću odraditi tag, samo kad mi se malo smiri frka oko ovog challengea koji radim :)
ReplyDeletesamo polako, i kod mene se načekala ;-D
DeleteNe znam koju bih od ovih manikura mogla izdvojiti kao najljepšu. Sve su mi od reda odlične! <3
ReplyDeletehvala ti, uvijek narastem kad se nekom sviđa ono što radim ;-D
DeleteSviđa mi se post, a posebno ove manikure. :) Hvala na tagu! :*
ReplyDeletehvala tebi :-D
DeleteUh, dobro si se napisala :D
ReplyDeleteAl sta ce ti mob. u wc-u? :D
pa da igram igrice ako mi bude dosadno ;-D
Delete...umrla sam od smeha! :-)
Deletelol, ali to su ozbiljne stvari ;-)