Hi my friends!
Saturday seems like a good choice for a laundry day - if you have a job than you probably won't work today , so it's time to catch up with some housekeeping tasks.
Subota je obično dan za pranje rublja - ako radite, danas vjerojatno imate slobodan dan pa je vrijeme da se nadoknade neke stvari doma.
I washed my laundry
. But now I see that my mint blouse with black collar and black buttons, have a stain, I guess I'll have to wash it one more time
I was asked what's the purpose of this manicure... There are some things in our life that doesn't need a purpose or deep meanings, they are here just to make us happy, to charge our batteries and help us through the day.
What do you think?
Oprala i ja rublje, eno se suši
. Ali sad vidim da je na mint bluzici s crnim ovratnikom i dugmićima ostala mrlja, morat ću je oprati ponovo
Pitali su me koja je svrha ovakve manikure na noktima... Postoje neke stvari u našim životima koje ne trebaju imati ni svrhu ni dublje značenje, ovdje su samo da nas usreće, napune nam baterije i pomognu izgurati dan.
Što vi mislite?
Till we meet again... love, Žana
I was asked what's the purpose of this manicure... There are some things in our life that doesn't need a purpose or deep meanings, they are here just to make us happy, to charge our batteries and help us through the day.
What do you think?
Oprala i ja rublje, eno se suši
Pitali su me koja je svrha ovakve manikure na noktima... Postoje neke stvari u našim životima koje ne trebaju imati ni svrhu ni dublje značenje, ovdje su samo da nas usreće, napune nam baterije i pomognu izgurati dan.
Što vi mislite?
Till we meet again... love, Žana