Hi there!
In Split, at 'bio&bio' healthy food store, a presentation of new foundation by Dr.Hauschka took place yesterday.
Dio službenog priopćenja za novinare kaže, između ostalog:
I was pleasantly surprised by a few things. The event took place at Split, and someone even remembered to invite beauty bloggers. This was the first time that the bloggers from Split were invited.
The event was planned for Monday, at hotel Radisson Blu Resort, but cause of unpredictable weather and canceled flights, it was postponed for next day. The star of this event was definitely Karim Sattar, international makeup artist for Dr.Hauschka. He swept us all from our feet with his accessibility and down to earth attitude. Anamarija Asanović, young designer was his model, but to me she's just as beautiful even without the makeup.
The press releases says:
'Liquid Powder is easy to apply because it combines natural shades with an airy texture and also nourishes the skin with the finest vegetable oils, waxes and extracts of medicinal plants. Thanks to the ideal color that adjusts skin tone, Dr.Hauschka make-up evens the complexion, giving it a balanced and fresh look. The new formula Dr.Hauschka liquid foundation contains mineral pigments, selected extracts of medicinal plants, the finest vegetable oils and waxes, and natural essential oils that stimulate the skin's natural functions by protecting it from external influences. One of the benefits of the new Dr. Hauschka powders is a liquid consistency that makes them simple for even application.Make-up Dr. Hauschka come in four natural shades that harmonize, Pleasant and moisturize the skin. Shades of "01 Macadamia", "02 almond", "03 Chestnut" and "04 hazelnut" blend with the natural color of the skin, covering small imperfections, but at the same time allow its vitality to comes to the fore.Dr. Hauschka make-up shades 01-04 are available in packaging of 30 ml per informative price of 151.95 kn from 1 March 2015. '
This is how the event looked at 'bio&bio'.
Karim je bio spreman odgovoriti na svako pitanje, pomoći savjetom.
Jučer je u Splitu, u prostorijama trgovine 'bio&bio', održana prezentacija nove linije Dr. Hauschka tekućeg pudera.
In Split, at 'bio&bio' healthy food store, a presentation of new foundation by Dr.Hauschka took place yesterday.
Ugodno me iznenadilo par stvari. Event je održan u Splitu, a netko se sjetio pozvati i blogerice. Ovo je prvi slučaj da su pozvane sve splitske blogerice, od nas četiri tri smo uživale na licu mjesta.
Predstavljanje se trebalo održati u ponedjeljak, u hotelu Radisson Blu Resort, no zbog meteoroloških prilika i otkazanih letova, odgođeno je za dan kasnije. Zvijezda događaja je definitivno bio Karim Sattar, službeni make-up artist branda Dr. Hauschka, koji nas je sve osvojio svojom neposrednošću i pristupačnošću. Kao model mu je poslužila mlada splitska dizajnerica Anamarija Asanović, meni prekrasna i bez make-upa.
Dio službenog priopćenja za novinare kaže, između ostalog:
puder je jednostavan za primjenu jer spaja prirodne nijanse s prozračnom
teksturom te ujedno njeguje kožu najfinijim biljnim uljima, voskom i
ekstraktima ljekovitih biljaka. Zahvaljujući
idealnoj boji koja se prilagođava tonu kože, Dr.Hauschka tekući puderi
ujednačavaju ten, dajući mu uravnotežen i svježi izgled. Nova formula
Dr.Hauschka tekućih pudera sadržava mineralne pigmente, odabrane
ekstrakte ljekovitih biljaka, najfinija biljna ulja
i vosak te prirodna esencijalna ulja koji potiču prirodnu funkciju kože
štiteći je pritom od vanjskih utjecaja. Jedna od odlika novih Dr.
Hauschka pudera je tekuća konzistentnost koja ih čini jednostavnima za
ravnomjerno nanošenje.
Tekući puderi Dr. Hauschka dolaze u četiri prirodne
nijanse koji
harmoniziraju, pružaju osjećaj ugode i hidratiziraju kožu. Nijanse „01
makadamija“, „02 badem“, „03 kesten“ i „04 lješnjak“ stapaju se s
prirodnom bojom kože, prekrivaju manje nepravilnosti, ali istovremeno
omogućavaju da njena vitalnost dođe do izražaja.
Dr. Hauschka tekući puderi nijanse 01 - 04
dostupni su u pakiranju od 30 ml po informativnoj cijeni od 151,95 kn od 1. ožujka 2015. godine.'
Ovako je to izgledalo u prostorima 'bio&bio'.
I was pleasantly surprised by a few things. The event took place at Split, and someone even remembered to invite beauty bloggers. This was the first time that the bloggers from Split were invited.
The event was planned for Monday, at hotel Radisson Blu Resort, but cause of unpredictable weather and canceled flights, it was postponed for next day. The star of this event was definitely Karim Sattar, international makeup artist for Dr.Hauschka. He swept us all from our feet with his accessibility and down to earth attitude. Anamarija Asanović, young designer was his model, but to me she's just as beautiful even without the makeup.
The press releases says:
'Liquid Powder is easy to apply because it combines natural shades with an airy texture and also nourishes the skin with the finest vegetable oils, waxes and extracts of medicinal plants. Thanks to the ideal color that adjusts skin tone, Dr.Hauschka make-up evens the complexion, giving it a balanced and fresh look. The new formula Dr.Hauschka liquid foundation contains mineral pigments, selected extracts of medicinal plants, the finest vegetable oils and waxes, and natural essential oils that stimulate the skin's natural functions by protecting it from external influences. One of the benefits of the new Dr. Hauschka powders is a liquid consistency that makes them simple for even application.Make-up Dr. Hauschka come in four natural shades that harmonize, Pleasant and moisturize the skin. Shades of "01 Macadamia", "02 almond", "03 Chestnut" and "04 hazelnut" blend with the natural color of the skin, covering small imperfections, but at the same time allow its vitality to comes to the fore.Dr. Hauschka make-up shades 01-04 are available in packaging of 30 ml per informative price of 151.95 kn from 1 March 2015. '
This is how the event looked at 'bio&bio'.
Karim je bio spreman odgovoriti na svako pitanje, pomoći savjetom.
Karim was willing to answer an all our questions, and help us with few tips.
Anamarija je dobila smokey eyes u nijansama zelene i ljubičaste. Izgleda prelagano kad to radi profesionalac.
Anamarija ended up with smokey eyes in green and purple. Looks super easy when the pro does it.
Anamarija ended up with smokey eyes in green and purple. Looks super easy when the pro does it.
Gospođa je oduševila Karima, kao i sve prisutne. Ima 85 godina i svakodnevno prakticira yogu. To se zove duh!
Karim was thrilled with this lady, we were all. She's at age of eighty-five and practicing yoga every single day. That's the spirit!
Karim was thrilled with this lady, we were all. She's at age of eighty-five and practicing yoga every single day. That's the spirit!
A ovako se pozira, zar ne!?
And this is the way to pose, right!?
And this is the way to pose, right!?
Nakon šetnje gradom i kave na Pjaci, nastavili smo druženje u hotelu Raddison Blu Resort.
Kući smo ponijele i Dr. Hauschka goodie bag.
After a short walk through the city, and coffee at Pjaca (the main square), we continued to hang out at Radisson Blu Resort hotel.
We got our Dr. Hauschka goodie bags too.
After a short walk through the city, and coffee at Pjaca (the main square), we continued to hang out at Radisson Blu Resort hotel.
We got our Dr. Hauschka goodie bags too.
Na prvu ću Vam reći tek da je sve prekrasno upakirano i ooodlično miriše. Veselim se isprobavanju, jer do sada nisam ni probala ništa od ovog branda.
Bilo je ovo prekrasno druženje, mogu samo reći - ponovilo se.
All I can say for now that everything is great packaged and smells divine. Looking forward to try all this, because I have never used anything of this brand.
This was really great event, may I only say - hope it'll repeat one day.
All I can say for now that everything is great packaged and smells divine. Looking forward to try all this, because I have never used anything of this brand.
This was really great event, may I only say - hope it'll repeat one day.
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
p.s. mislim stvarno, tek kad sam došla doma sam se sjetila da se nisam slikala s Karimom... godine
p.s. really, i mean... only when i came home i realized that there's no photo of me with Karim... am getting old and forgetful

p.s. really, i mean... only when i came home i realized that there's no photo of me with Karim... am getting old and forgetful

kako je bilo super, napokon da u nasem gradu podno marjana ima beauty zbivanja ;)
ReplyDeletedaaaa da, nadajmo se barem još kojem :D
Deleteoće oće, biti će ih :)
DeletePonovilo se!!!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteOdlično mi je bilo i drago mi je što sam upoznala tebe i Tinu ;)
Bakica je odlična <3
nadajmo se :D
Deletepotpisujem tvoj komentar u potpunosti :D
Dabogda se ponovilo pa da i ja doletin :D Ti, Tina i Ana *_* Jesus :D
ReplyDeletevaljda ne bi pala u nesvist šta vidiš toliko blogerica na jednom mistu, ha ;)
What a nice old lady :D
ReplyDeleteshe's really awesome :D
DeleteZnači ima nade da neki event dođe i u Slavoniju :D Baš mi je drago što vam je bilo lijepo i ugodno druženje, a nastavak slijedi na BBDayu :D
ReplyDeletedržim fige, ali i da se pri tom sjete blogerica :D
Deletevidimo se uskoro :*
Looks like a good event! Wow that woman looks amazing - yoga must be the secret ;-) My husband teaches Tai Chi and his class is full of older ladies in their 70s & 80s and they all look great - he said their secret is walking. They walk everywhere! So he's started walking and taking me out with him! :-)
ReplyDeletemy very first ;)
Deleteclever of you, walking is a great exorcise... owning car equals lazy people ;)
super, baš mi je drago da vam se tako nešto lijepo održavalo :D mi smo nedavno imali avon event, što je meni bio prvi i super mi je bilo druženje s curama
ReplyDeletea prošlo ljeto ih je bilo nekoliko, što mi je isto drago jer izgleda da pomalo brandovi prepoznaju važnost blogova :)
ima toga u zagrebu, ali je split izvan centra a i nema bas nešto previše tu pa valjda brandovima nismo interesantni... meni je drago da se nešto ipak pokrenilo :D
Deletethumb up za dr hauschku i event u splitu vidim da vam je bas lijepo bilo :D
ReplyDeleteje, bilo nam je super, nadam se da ste i u zagrebu bili zadovoljni :D
Deletenazalost nisam bila na zagrebackom :/
DeleteKarim je legenda :D Baš mi je drago da vam je bilo lijepo :) i super je što se konačno i u Splitu održao neki event! :D
ReplyDeleteje, baš je super lik... i da, konačno nešto i u našem malom mistu :D
DeleteBitno da si se super zabavila :)
ReplyDeleteBakica mi je wooow!!!
slažem se... i za zabavu i za zmaj-bakicu :D