Hi my friends!
Dear and sweet Ulmiel and Ena tagged me whit this one... and it sound like a fun, I have to dig up for my most worn polishes. I was kinda surprised with the result... let's take a look what we have here.
Drage i slatke Ulmiel i Ena proslijedile su mi ovu zarazu... zvučalo je baš zabavno, morala sam prekopati svoju zalihu i pronaći najistrošenije lakove. Donekle sam bila i iznenađena onim što sam pronašla... idemo pogledati zajedno.
Essence white tip painter and Konad whit stamping polish
obviously I used these a lot...
za ove znam da sam ih prilično koristila...
Essence - rock it, baby!, check me out!, berlin story (i love berlin), in the jungle (show your feet), watch out! and replay...
it was a surprise to see the orange in this bunch (it looks terrible on my nails)
iznenadio me narančasti lak u ovoj gomili (užasno mi stoji)
Catrice - it blue my mind! and london's weather forecast...
these are among my most beloved polishes, but I spend them carefully (only don't know why)
ova dva spadaju u moje omiljene lakova, i zato ih čuvam (samo ne znam zbog čega)
these are among my most beloved polishes, but I spend them carefully (only don't know why)
ova dva spadaju u moje omiljene lakova, i zato ih čuvam (samo ne znam zbog čega)
Gabrini Elegant 375, Elf mint, Gabrini Multivitamin 326 and Woo 619
Nubar Knight's armor and Color Club Worth the risque (again among my favorites) (ova dva su opet među mojim favoritima) with Wet'n'Wild Sleep-walker and Del Sol Rock star
S-he 466 (I love this one) (ovaj baš volim) and China glaze Snow
Essence Rock rebell and Circus confetti
absolutely empty bottles - Circus confetti I used for frankens, but Rock rebell was too often on my nails, this was my first polish 'in color'
totalno prazne bočice - Circus confetti sam potrošila na frankene, ali Rock rebell sam stvarno iznosala, ovo mi je bio prvi obojeni lak
absolutely empty bottles - Circus confetti I used for frankens, but Rock rebell was too often on my nails, this was my first polish 'in color'
totalno prazne bočice - Circus confetti sam potrošila na frankene, ali Rock rebell sam stvarno iznosala, ovo mi je bio prvi obojeni lak
if you didn't see it on the first picture, you can see here - empty bottle of nail polish, I know that is extremely rare among nail polish addicts, but sometimes the wonders do happens
Ako niste dobro vidjeli na prvoj fotki, evo je i ovdje - prazna bočica laka za nokte, znam da je ovo izuzetna rjetkost među lakoholičarkama, ali ponekad se i čuda znaju desiti

Ako niste dobro vidjeli na prvoj fotki, evo je i ovdje - prazna bočica laka za nokte, znam da je ovo izuzetna rjetkost među lakoholičarkama, ali ponekad se i čuda znaju desiti

This was it, it was fun and educational, hope I'll see the same post on your blogs. I dare you!
To bi bilo to, bilo je zabavno i poučno... nadam se da ću isti post naći i na vašem blogu. Izazivam vas!
Till the next polishing... love, Žana
O, pa ti ih bas trosis, svaka cast! volim da vidim kad su lakovi korisceni, a tek da su skroz potroseni - mislim da mi se to jos nije desilo, pravo cudo ;)
ReplyDeleteiskreno, jedino potrošim base i top coat, ovaj ljepotan mi je jedini potrošeni 'pravi' lak... a essence ga je izbacio iz asortimana :-(
DeleteWauw, nice nailpolish!
thanks dear :-D
DeleteIf I had to show one beloved polish, it would be Circus confetti, I have the second bottle for now :)
ReplyDeleteit was great till it lasted, i didn't get my back up :-(
DeleteEto da i ja saznam kako izgleda potpuno prazna bocica laka :)
ReplyDeleteahaha, to čudo svatko mora vidjeti bar jednom ;-D
DeleteMislim da nemam ni jedan skroz potrosen lak naravno osim base i top coat-a :)
ReplyDeletebaze i nadlaka imam brdo potrošenih bočica, ovo mi je prvi lak iza crnog kojeg sam kupila, zato sam ga i uspila potrošit ;-D
DeleteAn empty bottle, woo, that is a rare sight LOL
ReplyDeleteI have a "I love your blog" award for you, see the "how to's" here: http://mariasnailpolishblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/word-verification-free-i-love-your-blog.html
it is a rare thing to see an empty bottle, agree ;-D
Deletethank you for this award, you're so sweet :-D
Such a cool post! I can see some amazing polishes in your list! hmmm, Ihave no idea which polishes are my most worn ones, I'll go check!
ReplyDeletecheck it out and write a post about it ;-D
Deletebaš zabavno!
ReplyDeletexoxo Sienna
Deletepotrošen lak
ReplyDeletepotrošen ruž ili sjajilo za usta
vjeruj mi nemam pojma kako izgledaju
lol, eto sad si vidjela ;-D
DeleteNemam puno lakova, ali isto kao i ti neke lakove čuvam samo ne znam zašto. Umjesto da lakiram nokte i uživam u njima! :)
ReplyDeletejel'da... mene je iznenadilo kako su mi omiljeni lakovi malo potrošeni, ne znam samo zašto ih čuvam ;-D
DeleteŠto je najgore, žao mi ih je trošiti. Catrice london's weather forecast nikad neću prežaliti što ga nisam kupila.(sad svako malo uzmem prijateljici pa njen trošim) :(
ReplyDeleteBome si se natrošila.
ahahaha, eto si se snašla...
Deletei love this post!
ReplyDeletethanks :-D
DeleteWow! I love your nail polishes!
thank you :-D
DeleteZar može da se desi da se lak potroši? :P
ReplyDeleteBilo je zabavno gledati :))
izgleda da ipak može ;-D
DeleteWhat a fun post! It's always interesting to see other people's fav/worn polishes. Think I might make a post like this as well. :)
ReplyDeletethanks, i'm waiting for yours ;-D
Deleteni ti nisi sramezljiva s trosenjem, svidja mi se to, najgore mi je vidjet ogromne kolekcije koje su prakticki jedva dotaknute, osjecam da tim lakovima fali ljubavi ^_^
ReplyDeletelol, ma neke previše volim i sve ih čuvam... valjda mislim da će se razmnožit ako ih ne diram ;-D
DeleteI'm really sorry (grinning with an evil laughter) I'm afraid I have tagged you ;) - you can find the "what and how's" here: http://mariasnailpolishblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/11-questions-tag.html
ReplyDeletelol, thank you... it would be just the best if i totally give up my real life and the rest of it spend here, in front of my computer ;-D