Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Peeled off

Hi my friends!

I just had to share this with you:
E ovo moram podijeliti s vama:

As you can see, I lost my manicure . And I did it this morning! After lunch I made some pumpkin lanterns... I've been working with acrylic paints and after being done, while washing my hands, my manicure just slid off my nails. Seeing the first one in the sink I thought some bug flew through the window... then I realized that I already miss some from my nails... I found them on the floor. 
I'm so disappointed by this Essence 'peek off' base coat! Have I done something wrong? I really don't know... it seems that this works only away from water. I guess I'm too close with water . I thought this base will be great so I can wear my glitters more often, but... this relationship is ended before it's even started properly. 
While I'm here, I can show you my pumpkins. This year they look like this:
Kao što možete vidjeti, ostala sam bez manikure . A jutros sam je napravila! Nakon ručka sam se igrala praveći si tikvaste lampione... radila sam s akrilnim bojicama i nakon što sam bila gotova, dok sam prala ruke, manikura je jednostavno skliznula. Vidjevši prvog bjegunca u lavabou, mislila sam da je neka buba uletjela kroz prozor... onda sam shvatila da mi već nedostaje par noktića... neke našla na podu.
Strašno sam razočarana Essenceovom 'peel off' bazom! Jesam li nešto napravila naopako? Ne znam... izgleda da ovo djeluje samo ako se držite podalje od vode. A ja sam prebliska s vodom . Mislila sam da će ovo biti super, i da ću ćešće moći šetati svoje glittere ali... ova je romansa gotova prije no što je zapravo i počela.
A kad sam već tu, mogu vam i pokazati svoje tikvane. Ove godine izgledaju ovako:


The cookies will be done in a minut, and the 'Night of the living dead' is just about to start, so I'm leaving you.
Kolač je gotov za minutu, a 'Noć živih mrtvaca' samo što nije počela pa vas ostavljam.

Till we meet again, keep those nails polished, Žana

Halloween Nail Art Challenge - My choice

Hi my friends!

Happy Pumpkin Day  boys and girls! Are you ready for tonight? I am... almost .
As for the manicure... I just knew I want to wear China Glaze's 'ick-a-bod-y' or 'it's alive'. I ended up with 'ick-a-bod-y', which is awesome polish, but not so great if you want to do some stamping. I tried with black, on my right hand, but it's hardly visible so I switched to white... I'm not too happy with this manicure, but I have tons of work today so I'll be wearing it after all.
Sretan vam Dan bundeva  dragi moji ! Spremni za večeras? Ja jesam... skoro .
Što se tiče manikure... znala sam samo da će lak biti China Glaze 'ick-a-bod-y' ili 'it's alive'. Na kraju sam se odlučila za 'ick-a-bod-y' koji je fantastičan lak, ali ne tako sjajan ako ćete raditi stamping preko njega. Pokušala sam s crnom, na desnoj ruci, i bila je jedva vidljiva pa sam se prebacila na bijelu... Baš i nisam presretna s konačnim rezultatom, ali čeka me još tona posla pa ću ovu manikuru ipak zadržati. 

They all came - the bats, the witch with her cat, the spiders, one noisy ghost, I even have a spiderweb on my thumb, it can't get more halloween-ish than this . I love this polish, it's pure perfection in a bottle .
What do you think, is this manicure good enough for Halloween?
This is the last day of Halloween Nail Art Challenge. I'm kinda sad, but I'm so glad I participated in it, because the Halloween time is awesome as inspiration for nail art. I'm sure next year we all be better than this one .
Svi su došli - vještica s mačkom, šišmiši, pauci, jedan bučan duh, na palcu imam čak i paučinu, ma ne može biti halloween-skije od ovog ! Obožavam ovaj lak, čisto savršenstvo u bočici .
Što vi mislite, je li ova manikura dovoljno dobra za Halloween?
Ovo je i posljednji dan Halloween Nail Art Izazova. Kao svi krajevi i ovaj sa sobom nosi dozu sjete ali mi je drago što sam sudjelovala jer je Halloween fantastična inspiracija za nail art. Uvjerena sam da dogodine sve budemo još i bolje .

Till we meet again... enjoy tonight and don't be to scared of monsters around you, Žana

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The one with tons of pictures

Hi my friends!

Well my girls, this is the post for real polish addicts . Just wait and see!
I must start with this gorgeousness, it's Catrice 'Steel My Soul' and it really took my soul .
Drage moje, evo i posta za prave lakoholičarke . Samo ostanite sa mnom pa ćete vidjeti!
Moram početi s ovom krasotom, Catrice 'Steel My Soul', koji mi je stvarno ukrao dušu .

On pics two coats, no topcoat. This one have a satin finish, but with lots of golden, green and red shimmer that really gives it deep and 'that special' look. It's almost one coater, and this taupe color is extra elegant. Catrice has really done awesome job with this one, love it!
How about that ring? It's from Essence's nail art 'create your own ring' set. 
Na gornjim fotkama su dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Ovaj ima satin finiš, ali brdo zlatnog, zelenog i crvenog shimmera daje mu dubinu i onaj 'poseban' izgled. Gotovo da je dovoljan jedan sloj, ako stavljate išta deblji nanos od mene (a u mene su zbilja tanki) onda će vam taj jedan biti dovoljan, a ova puderasta boja je zbilja elagantna. Catrice je s ovim lakom napravio predobar posao, obožavam ga!
Sigurno ste primjetile i prsten!? I to je dio noviteta u Essence asortimanu, set 'kreirajte vlastiti... prsten'.

They come in three size. And if you like match your jewelry with nail polish, then this is 'must-have' for you.
Just polish the inner side of ring, let it dry and you have perfect match with your nails. When you're tired of this model, remove the color with acetone and make a new one! You can even play with some nail art on it. 
But, let's get back to nail polishes . Have you tried any of  'colour and change' polishes by Essence?
Dolaze u tri veličine. Ukoliko volite slagati nakit prema laku za nokte, ovo bi vam trebao biti obavezan dio kolekcije nakita. Samo nalakirajte unutrašnji dio prstena, pustite ga da se dobro posuši i imate savršeni prsten za novi lak. Kad vam taj dosadi, odstranite lak s acetonom i napravite novi! Možete se čak poigrati i s nail art tehnikama. 
Nego, idemo mi natrag na lakiće . Jeste probale koju od nijansi 'colour and change' Essence lakova?

This simple kind of nail art consist of two steps. Step 1 is 'an ordinary' nail polish, in this case 'wonderlicious green'. 
Ova vrlo jednostavna nail art tehnika sastoji se od dva koraka. Prvi bi bio 'obićan' lak za nokte, kod mene 'wonderlicious green'. 

I don't see any green here, but it's nice cold blue and grayish shade, satin finish, on pics two coats. You may wear it like this, or go to Step 2, take the nail art bottle (hiding in a cardboard) and add some magic over this polish. 
Ne vidim ja tu nikakvu zelenu, već sivkastoplavu hladnu boju, satin finiša, na fotkama u dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Možete ga nositi i samog, naravno, ili prijeći na drugi korak, poslužiti se drugim lakom (koji se krije u kartonu) za malo magije. 

When you applied this one, pretty soon you'll see your nail polish changes. Make any design you want, have fun, I even made a ring. It's much more visible if you use a thicker coat. After this you mustn't  put a topcoat, it said so on the packaging too. But I wanted to see what will happened if I do so. 
Kad nanesete sloj ovog nadlaka, za tren ćete vidjeti kako se vaš lak mijenja. Napravite bilo kakav uzorak, zabavite se, ja sam čak i prsten napravila. Efekt će biti uočljiviji ako koristite deblji sloj. Nakon ovog ne smijete koristiti nadlak, i na pakiranju piše tako. Ali mene je zanimalo što bi se desilo kad bih ga ipak stavila.

The magic effect fades, it's hardly visible anymore. So, if you want to see it, skip the topcoat. Here I used 'glow in the dark' topper, I'm only sorry I don't have a black light in the house to show you how it glows, but it can be used as an ordinary topcoat, it dries normally, not so fast as 'better than gel nails' top coat (the best you can buy in Croatian's drugstores) but it's pretty glossy. 
Učinak magije blijedi, jedva da je vidljiv. Dakle, ako ga hoćete vidjeti, preskočite nadlak. Tu sam koristila 'glow in the dark' nadlak, žao mi je što doma nemam crna svjetla da vam pokažem kako svijetli, ali može se koristiti i kao običan nadlak, suši se normalno, ne tako brzo kao 'better than gel nails' nadlak (najbolji kojeg možete nabaviti u hrvatskim drogerijama) ali je prilično sjajan. 

This is 'naughty and pink!', two coats, no topcoat. It's semi-jelly, I would say, it's not so transparent and it shines like crazy. If you like pink shades, hot pink in particularly, then this one must find a way to your collection. 
Na gornjim fotkama je 'naughty and pink!' u dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Polu jelly je, čini mi se, nije tako proziran ali se sjaji kao lud. Ukoliko vam se sviđaju roze nijanse, hot pink osobito, onda ovaj lak mora biti dio vaše kolekcije. 

This blue beauty is 'the boy next door', two coats, no topcoat. It also have that jelly looks, but after two coats my nails lines are not visible. It shines just great, lovely color, drying time pretty decent.  
Ovaj plavi ljepotan je 'the boy next door', u dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Takođe ima taj jelly izgled, ali nakon dva sloja linija nokta nije vidljiva. Ima fantastičan sjaj, krasna boja, vrijeme sušenja sasvim pristojno.

Let me tell you a few words about new bottles. More polishes inside, that's definitely a big plus in my book,  although I'm not quite sure what to think about the bottle design. Love this branding on the cap. New brush seems wide but it's rounded and it really awesome for polishing, especially if you're not fan of cleaning up your cuticles after polishing, like me. And when you close the polish, you'll know it closed properly when you hear that 'click' sound, love this new function. Now, there's just no way of leaving the bottles half-closed.  
Dozvolite i par riječi o novim bočicama. Unutra je više laka, što je za mene definitivno veeeeliki plus, iako baš i nisam sigurna što da mislim o novom dizajnu bočica. Sviđa mi se ovo brendiranje na čepu. Nova četkica se čini široka ali je zaobljena što je super za lakiranje, naročito ako niste neki fan čišćenja zanoktica nakon lakiranja, poput mene. A kad lak zatvarate, znat ćete da je dobro zatvoren kad čujete onaj 'klik' zvuk, ovo obožavam! Sad nema šanse da ostavite bočicu poluzatvorenu i nađete zgusnut lak. 

Have you already found your favorites on new Essence displays?
Jeste li i vi već pronašle svoje favorite na novim Essenceovim policama?

Till we meet again, keep those nails polished, Žana 

these are PR samples
ovo su PR uzorci 

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