Showing posts with label alverde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alverde. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

New in July

Hi there!

At the beginning of this month, I have to reveal what came during the last one. Trust me, this time it wont be a big bunch. Let me start with showing them all together.
Na početku novog mjeseca, moram vam pokazati što je stiglo proteklog. Vjerujte mi, ovaj put to neće biti velika hrpa. Za početak, evo svih noviteta zajedno.

For my hair: 
'Garnier' Ultra Doux shampoo with avocado oil and shea butter. Sounds great, can't wait to try it. 
'Balea' Proffesional oil with argan and sunflower oil for damaged and dry hair. I so need this. 
Za kosu:
Garnier Ultra Doux šampon s avokadovim uljem i karite maslacem. Zvuči odlično, jedva čekam probati. 
Balea Proffesional ulje za kosu s arganovim i uljem suncokreta za oštećenu i suhu kosu, baš ono što mi treba.

For my face:
'alverde' 2 phase make-up remover. It said that's suitable for sensitive skin too... well, my ass is tongue. It's full of alcohol and it burned my eyes! This is very first product from 'alverde' that I bought, I'm not sure if I'll make that mistake twice.... or maybe next time I'll read a label before I actually bought something. 
'My face' skin care washing cream, haven't tried yet, but I'll hope I'll have more luck with this product than the first one winking
'Balea' clear-up stripes. Since I have enlarged pores on my nose, these stripes work just fine for me. Yes, I use them only on my nose.
Za lice:
alverde 2-fazni odstranjivač šminke. Kaže da je pogodan za osjetljivu kožu... ma da, jako tongue. Pun je alkohola i spalio mi je oči pri prvom isprobavanju! Ovo mi je prvi alverde proizvod, nisam sigurna hoću li ikad više kupiti išta njihovo... a možda ću idući put pročitati etiketu prije no što nešto zaista i kupim. 
Ukoliko koja od vas koristi ovaj proizvod i paše vam, rado ću ga proslijediti, javite mi se komentarom ili emailom. 
My face krema za dnevno, blago ćišćenje lica. Nisam još probala, ali toplo se nadam da ću imati više sreće nego s prethodnim proizvodom.
Balea trakice za dubinsko čiščenje. Imam proširene pore na surli pa ove trakice kod mene sasvim dobro djeluju i da, koristim ih samo za nos. 

From neck down:
'Cien' anti-perspirant with aloe vera. Cheap and efficient roll-on, gentle to my skin. Maybe I'll buy it again, maybe I don't.
'Balea' creamy shower gel with mango butter and ananas - smells divine. Love Balea products, have to try them all batting eyelashes.
'Nivea' invisible antiperspirant stick. Works fine, smells nice, no bad reaction on my skin - so far, so good. Unfortunately I had to give up from natural deodorants, soda in them really irritates my skin sad.
Od vrata dolje:
Cien anti-perspirant s aloe verom. Jeftin i što se mene tiče učinkovit roll-on, nježan prema mojoj koži, i možda ga kupim još koji put. 
Balea kremasti gel za tuširanje s maslacem od manga i ananasa - miriše božanstveno! Volim Baleine proizvode, moram ih sve probati batting eyelashes.
Nivea invisible antiperspirant. Radi super, fino miriše, nikakve reakcije na koži - za sada, sve štima. Na žalost, morala sam odustati od prirodnih dezića, soda u njima iritira moju kožu sad.

New toothpaste and some products we all use but barely talk about them winking.
Nova pasta za zube i neki proizvodi koje manje-više sve koristimo ali jedva progovaramo o njima winking.

New 'Out of Africa' lip balm, unscented, with shea butter, and two of 'Madre Bees' lip balms - one unflavored, the other one with pomegranate oil. 'Madre Bees' lip balms are great, but 'Out of Africa' are just perfect love struck. Does anyone knows how come I always pay for 'Madre Bees' lip balms, although they are suppose to be free of charge on iHerb??
Novi 'Out of Africa' balzam za usne, bez mirisa, sa karite maslacem i dva 'Madre Bees' balzama - jedan neutralnog ukusa a drugi s uljem nara. 'Madre Bees' balzami uopće nisu loši, ali 'Out of Africa' su mi savršeni love struck. Može li me itko prosvijetliti - kako to da uvijek platim za 'Madre Bees' balzame kad se na iHerbu nude kao besplatni??

These were the things I bought, now on the things I've received big grin.
Ovo su bile stvari koje sam kupila, idemo sad na ono što sam dobila big grin.

From Juliana Nails I got these two nail file, topcoat and bottle of cuticle oil. More about those some other time, after I try them properly. 
Od Julijana Nails dobila sam dvije turpijice, nadlak i bočicu ulja za zanoktice. Više o njima ćete ćuti kad ih pošteno isprobam.

From sweet Josipa I got these two 'pevonia' face creams. 
'Balea' hair mask came from Lenka, it was consolation prize - instead of an ice cream winking.
Od drage Josipe dobila sam ove dvije 'pevonia' kremice za lice. 
Baleina maska za kosu je od Lenke, utješna nagrada umjesto sladoleda winking.

From Lendoxia I received these two polishes - Catrice 'London's Weather Forecast' (one of my favorite of all times) and 'essence' i'm bleutiful.
Od  Lendoxie sam dobila ova dva laka - Catrice London's Weather Forecast (jedan od omiljenih svih vremena) i essence-ov 'i'm bleutiful'.

Rapsodi 33 and 35 (my first of this brand), 'smart girls get more' 65 (limited edition), MUA nail polish in shade 13, essence 'chica' from their 'show off!' collection, Deborah Shine Tech in #23 and essence 'fairy berry' of 'fairy tale' collection - these are all from Irena, for leaving the most comments on her blog. Thank you girls kiss.
Rapsodi 33 i 35 (moji prvi ovog branda), 'smart girls get more' #65 (le), MUA lak za nokte #13, essence 'chica' iz kolekcije 'show off!', Deborah Shine Tech #23 i essence 'fairy berry' iz 'fairy tale' le - svi su stigli od Irene zato što sam na njenom blogu ostavila najviše komentara. Hvala cure kiss.

And this is, believe it or not, the only nail polish that I've bought last month - Lovely Lapis suncoat peelable water-based nail polish. I bought it on iHerb, stay tuned to see it in action. 
I think I was good girl through july. How about you, have you spend a fortune on your cosmetics!?
A evo i, vjerovale ili ne, jedinog laka kojeg sam kupila protekli mjesec - Lovely Lapis lak na vodenoj bazi. Kupljen na iHerb, recenzija uskoro.
Mislim da sam ovog srpnja baš bila dobra. A vi, jeste dale bogatstvo za kozmetiku!?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Best commentator last month was Lendoxia, so she'll become a new owner of these thingies:
Najbolji odnosno najvrijedniji komentator prošli mjesec je bila Lendoxia, pa će ona biti novi vlasnik ovih stvačica:

Congrats! / Čestitam!

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