Hi there!
I've been really good girl and both only two things through the whole December
Baš sam bila dobra ovaj prosinac, i kupila tek dvije (neophodne) stvarčice
But that doesn't mean that these are the only new things in my stash
. These are the goods bought in November, but arrived in December.
Few new stamping image plates and stampers, all from e-bay.
Par novih pločica i pečata, sve s e-baya.
New brushes for nail art, and set of spikes for tough manicure in bikers mode
Novi kistovi za nail art, i set šiljaka za buduću opaku manikuru u bajkerskom stilu
My first shopping on Hypnotic Polish that includes: Colors by LLarowe 'Refresh...ing!', El Corazon 'Vampire in Love', Kaleidoscope f-12 by El Corazon and Pretty Polished 'Cuttlefish'.
Nail art stickers, studs, hearts and stars that I won on Minnie's giveaway. There were some candies in these package, but they're gone, don't have a clue how that happened
Naljepnice za nokte, nitne, srčeka i zvijezde sam osvojila kod Minnie. U paketiću je bilo i nešto slatkiša, no nestali su, nemam pojma kako se to desilo
P2 Color Victim(s): 'remember me', 'drive me crazy', 'eternal', 'final countdown' and 'can't get enough'.
P2 Last Forever 'romantic dinner' and 'enjoy the moment'.
P2 Volume Gloss 'lovely daughter', 'fresh sister' and 'charming girl'.
I've been really good girl and both only two things through the whole December

Baš sam bila dobra ovaj prosinac, i kupila tek dvije (neophodne) stvarčice

But that doesn't mean that these are the only new things in my stash

No to ne znači da su ovo jedine nove stvari u mojoj zalihi
. Tu su i krasote kupljene u studenom, koje su stigle tek prošli mjesec.

Few new stamping image plates and stampers, all from e-bay.
Par novih pločica i pečata, sve s e-baya.
New brushes for nail art, and set of spikes for tough manicure in bikers mode

Novi kistovi za nail art, i set šiljaka za buduću opaku manikuru u bajkerskom stilu

My first shopping on Hypnotic Polish that includes: Colors by LLarowe 'Refresh...ing!', El Corazon 'Vampire in Love', Kaleidoscope f-12 by El Corazon and Pretty Polished 'Cuttlefish'.
Moja prva kupnja kod Hypnotic Polish donijela mi je: Colors by LLarowe 'Refresh...ing!', El Corazon 'Vampire in Love', Kaleiodoscope f-12 by El Corazon i Pretty Polished 'Cuttlefish'.
Nail art stickers, studs, hearts and stars that I won on Minnie's giveaway. There were some candies in these package, but they're gone, don't have a clue how that happened

Naljepnice za nokte, nitne, srčeka i zvijezde sam osvojila kod Minnie. U paketiću je bilo i nešto slatkiša, no nestali su, nemam pojma kako se to desilo

This glass bottle filed with cotton balls and rhinestones came from my dear Suzana. She hide four polishes inside, such a cute and clever solution.
Staklena boca s kuglicama vate i ukrasnim kamenčićima stigla je od drage mi Suzane. Unutra je sakrila četiri laka, oduševljena sam kako zgodnom tako i pametnom idejom.
She send me Deborah 100 % mat in shade 10, China Glaze 'cowgirl up', Golden Rose Jelly Jewels 101 and Avon 'teal glitter'

My hubby came home for Christmas and bought me 'few' polishes. Unfortunately, one died during flight and bled out all over the other bottles
. These are survivors

Poslala mi je Deborah 100% mat u nijansi br. 10, China Glaze 'cowgirl up', Golden Rose Jelly Jewels 101 i Avonov 'teal glitter'

I dragi je stigao doma za Božić, ruku punih lakova. Na nesreću, jedan je stradao tijekom leta i iskrvario po drugim bočicama
. Preživjeli u nastavku

P2 Color Victim(s): 'remember me', 'drive me crazy', 'eternal', 'final countdown' and 'can't get enough'.
P2 Last Forever 'romantic dinner' and 'enjoy the moment'.
P2 Volume Gloss 'lovely daughter', 'fresh sister' and 'charming girl'.
P2 Sand Style 'precious' and 'pretty', with Leather Matt in 'rule breaker' and 'fashion star'.
Not bad month at all, hope I'll be this good in January too. How was your December, did you misbehave in drugstores?
Dobar mjesec, zar ne... nadam se da ću biti ovako dobra i tijekom siječnja. Kakav je bio vaš prosinac, jeste poklekle zamamnim iskušenjima pred šarenim policama?
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
Mene jako zanimaju pecati, vjerujem da ih imas nekoliko pa bi voljela procitati neku usporedbu, mozda savjet, koje kako i zasto :)
ReplyDeleteOci sam ostavila na fotkama sa p2 lakicima, a paketic od Suzane je presladak :)
dugo sam koristila konadov, koji mi je super, no treba probati i nešto drugo... nadam se da će mi pasti na pamet i s njima odraditi kakav post jer razlike zbilja ima, hvala na ideji :D
Deletemanikure, shopping,not bad at all. ubijas sa p2 lakovima :P
ReplyDeletehehe, mene ubilo što je jedan u minusu ;)
Deleteznam :(
Deleteoriginalno, presla si me zenska..rekoh kupila si samo skidac laka za nokte ,ha ha a onda slede slike i zazubice ! svi su lakovi dobri , plocice takodje ! uzivaj !
ReplyDeletepa jesam, sve drugo je stiglo greškom ahahaha ;)
Deleteaha, znaci takooo, dobro zovem tvog macka u pomoc da nesto mazne za mene, i onako je sve stiglo greskom..primam reklamacije,,vrati ako ne zelis ahahahahah
Deletelep pozzzz
ne vraćam ništa, sve će mi trebati hihi
DeleteLjubomorna sam na lakove! Mnogo mi se svidjajuuu! Imam veliku zelju da probam p2 lakove, pravis mi zazubice :D
ReplyDeletenadam se da će se već negdje pronaći kakva bočica za tebe :D
DeleteSome really nice ones here :-D The nail stickers and studs look great :-D
ReplyDeletethanks Ananka :D
Deletethey'll appear on my nails as soon as possible :D
Stardust, P2s, stamping plates, Llarowe, and others... so many goodies :D
ReplyDeleteglad you like them... wish i could buy some llarowe every month ;)
DeleteKrasne bočice :)
ReplyDeleteLajkam China Glaze :P , P2 'kožnjake' a i P2 remember me; charming girl; enjoy the moment; romantic dinner i can't get enough :)
A na tvojim noktima jedva čekam vidjeti ekipu s Hypnotic Polisha!!! :)
jooooj, tako malo vremena, tako puno lakova... no sve ćemo mi njih već otvoriti, zar ne :D
Deleteso ....many....polishes <3
daaa, a ja jadna sama ;)
DeleteI see a lot of lovely stuff - I think you will love the P2 Volume Gloss's - it's good quality for the money :)
ReplyDeletei already have few from this line, and they are really good :D
DeletePa ovo je sve lepše od lepšeg.
ReplyDeletedaaaa, dobar neki mjesec za moje nokte ;)
DeleteColors by LLarowe, so want. Bilo šta, fenomenalni su. :D GR 101 je na WL kod mene ima dosta vrimena, ali baš me zanimaju P2 Leather Matte lakovi. Čestitam, bravo <3 Odsad se nadam da ću ići tvojim stopama. I za nobuy i za ostalo :D
ReplyDeletei ja si želim još brdo colors by llarowe lakova, tek da se zna ;)
DeleteWow que de cosas por favor!!! los esmaltes me parecen todos fantasticos!
ReplyDeletegradicas sara :D
Deleteodlični lakići, veselim se bajkerskoj manikuri ;)
ReplyDeletei ja, i ja... samo nek uhvatim vremena :D
DeleteLijepo si se ponovila :D Koliko p2 lakića, slinim :))
ReplyDeletehehe, mužek je dobro izabrao :D
DeleteIma ovde svega i svacega lepog, a nekako mi je za oko zapao Avon Stardust :-)
ReplyDeletemogla sam i mislit ;)
DeleteOMG!! This is the BEST stash I've ever seen!! Santa must have been watching you very closely ;D I hope you had wonderful holidays sweetie!! <3
ReplyDeletethank you so much Minnie :D
Deletene vidim sve ove p2 uopce ne vidim
ReplyDeletea doooobro ;)
DeleteJao kakav candyland! Moj razum glede gomilanja lakova uvijek ode k vragu kad gledam tvoje new in-ove :-Đ. I baš hvala na linku Hypnotic Polish. Ne želim ni gledati... Nop.
ReplyDelete(Kolika je dostava? :D)
hehe, neka pokvarim još koga kad već kvarim i sebe ;)
Deletenemoj gledat, sad već ima tooonu novih stvari, nad kojima slinim *.*
shipping ti je 10€, puno ali kvragu, koji put se treba i počastit ;)