Hi my dears!
Danas opet super jednostavna manikurica... baš sam lijena
, ne znam jel' to zato što sam bolesna (opet) ili ovo ušljivo vrijeme... ili pobješnjeli hormoni. Uostalom, evo je... na mojim kratkim noktima sa suhim zanokticama
Today again I have a super simple mani for you... I'm getting really lazy
, don't know if it's so because I'm sick (again) or this lousy weather... or my raging hormones. Anyway, this is it... on my short nails with dry cuticles
Za baznu boju izabrala sam Essenceov 'got a secret' (blijeda nijanse sive, obožavam je) pa dodala malo Golden Rose 'care + strong 166' da to ipak malo začinim. Na žalost, sunce je već palo pa ne možete vidjeti kako se ovo sve bljeska na suncu. A sama bazna boja...
I used 'got a secret' by Essence as base color (really pale shade of grey, i love it) and Golden Rose 'care + strong 166' to spiced it up a little. Sorry, the sun was already down so you can't see the sparkles in this topper. And the base color on its own...
That's all folks! Take care of yourself...
Danas opet super jednostavna manikurica... baš sam lijena
Today again I have a super simple mani for you... I'm getting really lazy
Za baznu boju izabrala sam Essenceov 'got a secret' (blijeda nijanse sive, obožavam je) pa dodala malo Golden Rose 'care + strong 166' da to ipak malo začinim. Na žalost, sunce je već palo pa ne možete vidjeti kako se ovo sve bljeska na suncu. A sama bazna boja...
I used 'got a secret' by Essence as base color (really pale shade of grey, i love it) and Golden Rose 'care + strong 166' to spiced it up a little. Sorry, the sun was already down so you can't see the sparkles in this topper. And the base color on its own...
That's all folks! Take care of yourself...