Hi girls!
Danas ćemo se malo igrati s essence-ovim novim proizvodima 'better than gel nails'. Mislim da bi već trebali biti u trgovinama u Hrvatskoj, ako nisu budu za koji dan. Moram se ispraviti, budu u prodaju tek u petom mjesecu, a to znači da ćete se morati još malo strpiti. Moji proizvodi su došli u krasnom neseseru :-)
Today we'll play with the essences new product 'better than gel nails'. I think it should be in stores in Croatia, if not today than soon. Sorry, not before may, i've been told. My products arrived in a beautiful bag :-)
Naravno, odstranila sam lak s noktiju i krenula...
Korak 1 - odstranjivanje nečistoća i masnoća s nokta... za to vam služi ova turpija, svjetlija strana
Of course, I removed nail polish first...
Step 1 - removing dirt and grease from fingernail... use this file, the lighter side
A evo i obrađenih noktića...
And here are treated nails...
Naravno, prije nastavka obrišite nokte da odstranite prašinu s njih :-) Izvadimo naše nastavke za noktiće, ja sam izabrala sive za ovaj put, dobila sam i bijele i nadam se da će i oni doći na red.
Of course, before continuing you have to wipe your nails to remove dust from them :-) Take french tips for the nails, I chose gray for this time, I got white too and I hope they will come to turn too.
Korak 2 - od 9 ponuđenih veličina izaberite onu koja odgovara vašem noktu, namažite je ljepilom s donje strane, pritisnite na nokat i držite par sekundi (stvarno brzo hvata)...
Step 2 - of 9 offered size choose the one that fits your nail, apply the glue on the bottom, press and hold it for a couple of seconds (it catches really quickly)...
... ovako to izgleda, sad ovu polugicu podignete gore, spustite dolje...
...it looks like this, now this handle of tip push up and down...
... i nje više nema :-)
...and it's gone :-)
Naravno, ovo bi trebalo ponoviti i na ostalih 9 noktiju :-D
Of course, this should be repeated on the remaining 9 nails :-D
Korak 3 -nakon ovoga ćete s tamnijom stranom turpije isturpijati eventualni višak nokta (ja sam svoje morala skratiti šmrc) ili ostatke polugice.
Korak 4 - nanesite base sealer, 2 sloja...
Step 3 - after this you'll use the darker side of file to file-off residue of handle of tip and shape your nails (I have to shortened mine, so sad)Step 4 - apply the base sealer, 2 coats 
... a onda i top sealer, isto 2 sloja.
... and top sealer, 2 coats also.
I to je to! Sad sam konačno mogla ruke počastiti i kremom :-)
That's it! Now I could finally put some cream on my poor hands :-)
Ne bi uopće izgledalo loše da nisam napravila kardinalnu grešku - nisam htjela kratiti svoje nokte pa sam french tip pomakla na sam kraj nokta i time liniju rasta učinila vidljivom. Znači, ovo je ipak za kraće nokte... Sad će biti zanimljivo provjeriti trajnost ovog proizvoda... trebao bi trajati 10 dana, ali ja bih bila sasvim zadovoljna i sa 7. Jedini problem je u činjenici da su mi nokti prestrašni... osjećam se gola, pokrijte me :-(
Meni će ovo biti teška apstinencija - nema lakiranja noktiju idućih par dana :-(
Sve u svemu, mogla bih ovom proizvodu dati prolaznu ocjenu. Turpija je fantastična, trebali bi je prodavati i samostalno. Ova dva top coata mi se isto čine sasvim pristojni, i jako se brzo suše. Sami french tipovi su me također pozitivno iznenadili, mislila sam da će biti tvrđi i deblji, a oni su ustvari sasvim mekani i tanki, kao deblji sloj laka. Primjena je isto sasvim jednostavna, čak sam i ja, smotana kakva jesam, to pristojno odradila :-)
Ali, ima i mana! Ako imate duže nokte, ovo preskočite... ovdje igraju samo kratki nokti. Druga primjedba i meni bitnija odnosi se na tipove - u pakiranju dobijete 18 komada u 9 veličina, svaka veličina po 2 komada. E, tu je problem. Meni su recimo nokti na kažiprstu i prstenjaku identične veličine, znači trebala bi mi 4 komada iste veličine, u ovom slučaju 6-ice. Ali u pakiranju su samo dvije ove veličine... pa se trebate snaći ili s većim ili s manjim tipom. Šteta, inaće bi sve ovo savršeno radilo.
A odstranjivač ću vam predstaviti kad dođe na red... moram priznati da jedva čekam :-)
I naravno, proizvode sam dobila da bih ih ocijenila i predstavila vama. S ocjenom ću još pričekati, jer bi i trajnost trebala ući u nju.
Nadam se da vas zainteresirala, ja sam se u svakom slučaju zabavila :-)
It wouldn't seems bad at all if I haven't made the cardinal mistake - I didn't want to shorten my nails so I moved the french tip till the end of nail and now the growth line is visible. So, this is for shorter nails... Now it will be interesting to check the durability of this product... should last till 10 days, but I'd be quite happy with 7. The only problem is the fact that my nails are horrifying... I feel naked, somebody cover me :-(
To me this would be difficult abstinence - no nail polishing for next few days :-(
I could give this product a passing grade. File is fantastic, they should sell it independently. The two top coats seems quite good, and very fast drying. French tips also surprised me, in a good way, I thought they would be harder and thicker, and they are actually quite soft and thin, like a thicker layer of polish. The application is also quite simple, even I, clumsy as I am, have done a decent job :-)
But there are flaws too! If you have long nails, skip this... this is only for short nails. The second objection and more important to me refers to the french tips - the package will get you 18 pieces in 9 sizes, 2 pieces of each size. Well, here's the problem. Nails on my index finger and ring finger are identical in size, meaning I need 4 pieces of the same size, in my case 6. But in the package are just 2 of this size... so you need to manage with bigger or smaller tips. Too bad, otherwise this would be working perfectly.
I'll introduce the remover when it comes to turn... I must admit than I can hardly wait :-)
If I wasn't clear enough, take a look at this video: essence, betterthangelnails
And of course, these were sent to me for review. I'll wait with a final conclusion, just to see how long this will stay on my nails.
This was fun, I hope you enjoyed too :-)
Till we meet again, love yourself...