Showing posts with label shimmers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shimmers. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fusion Beauty - Ultraflesh shinebox

Hi there!

Tonight I have a review for you... but before I start I must say how upset I am, because few minutes ago, I manage to broke my camera sad. It just slip from my hands, hit the floor... and now it's history. Blogger without camera, that sounds just great tongue. So, excuse me, if I'm not quite myself tonight. 
Anyway, here's one and only 'Ultraflesh shinebox'.

Večeras za Vas imam jednu recenziju... ali prije no što počnem moram podijeliti s Vama svoju frustraciju, jer prije no što sam krenula ovo pisati uspjela sam razbiti foto-aparat sad. Jednostavno mi je iskliznuo iz ruku, rasuo se po pločicama... i otišao u povijest. Blogerica bez fotića, super zvuči tongue. Stoga mi, molim Vas, nemojte zamjeriti ako baš i ne zvučim sasvim svoja.
Nego, da mi krenemo s tom recenzijom, pred Vama je jedan i jedini 'Ultraflesh shinebox'.

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