Showing posts with label real technique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label real technique. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

January's box of goodies

Hi there!

Only last week I removed our Christmas tree, it was time to get rid of it. I have never enjoyed in it so long, it was so cool to light up all those lights, just sit and enjoy in view, which I did every evening. Now it's time to move on... can you believe it's February already?
Anyway, there was something in the air this January, I was shopping a lot. Only thing I can say in my defence that the majority of these things was bought on discounts.

Tek sam prošli tjedan raskitila naše Božićno drvce, bilo je krajnje vrijeme da ga se rješim. Nikad nisam uživala u njemu ovako dugo, bilo mi je super upaliti svjećice, sjesti i uživati u pogledu, što sam i radila redovito svaku većer. No, vrijeme je da se krene dalje... možete li uopće vjerovati da smo već u veljači???
Nego, prošli je mjesec izgleda bilo nešto divlje u zraku, pa sam uživala u shoppingu. Jedino što mogu reći u svoju obranu je da je većina stvari ipak kupljena na akcijama. 

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