Saturday, November 30, 2013

Date me! under skyscraper

Hi there!

While I'm still thinking about tomorrow's  manicure, let me show you the beauty what I wore with last one.
Dok još razmišljam o sutrašnjoj manikuri, dopustite da Vam pokažem ljepotana kojeg sam nosila s posljednjom. 

This is China Glaze 'skyscraper' in two coats, no topcoat. I love China Glaze polishes and this one is not an exception. It has nice formula, it's fully opaque in two coats, it dries in decent time... and looks awesome. Only problem comes when you need to remove it, but if you use the foil method you'll have no problem with that either. 
Ovo je China Glaze 'skyscraper' u dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Obožavam China Glaze lakove i ni ovaj nije iznimka. Ima ugodnu formulu, poptunu pokrivnost dobijete već s dva sloja, čak se i osuši u pristojnom vremenu... a izgleda super! Jedini problem snađe Vas kad dođe vrijeme da ga skinete s noktiju, ali sjetite li se metode s folijom, ni to Vam neće predstavljati nešto strašno.  

But that's not all folks, only today, in this special offer, you can see another beauty from 8 ml bottle (while China Glaze polishes comes in a 15 ml bottles).
Here's another of my new pets - essence 'date me!' from Cute as Hell collection, few years back, as I can remember. I usually love bold colors, but this one is pure elegance, look at it.
Ali to nije sve narode, jer samo danas, u ovoj specijalnoj ponudi, možete vidjeti još jednog ljepotana iz bočice od 8 ml (dok China Glaze lakovi dolaze u bočicama od 15 ml i zato ih volim još i više).
Tu je još jedn od mojih novijih ljubimaca - essence 'date me!' iz Cute as Hell' kolekcije, koja je stara i par godina, ukoliko se ne varam. Obićno sam za jače i hrabrije boje, ali ovo je čista elegancije, pogledajte ga samo.

Don't mind my frozen hands, outside is freezing! I have two coats on my nails, no topcoat. The formula of this polish is perfect, the polish just glides over your nails, the brush is not as wide as new essence brushes, but it works just fine, drying time is decent, you can see how the polish is glossy even without the topcoat, the color is lovely, the pigmentation fine... this looks to me like a good quality polish, for a little ladies winking. As for color itself - it's kinda dusty washed lilac, not quite lilac, not grey... and I love it!
Ne zamjerite mi smrznute ruke, vani je baš bilo hlaaaadno! Na noktima opet imam dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Formula ovog lakića je super, lak Vam jednostavno klizi preko noktiju, četkica nije tako široka kao kod novijih essence lakića, ali i ova sasvim pristojno radi, vrijeme sušenja je ugodno, a vidite kako je lak sjajan čak i bez nadlaka. Boja je krasna (bar meni), pigmentacija isto takva... sve skupa ovaj malac daje dojam sasvim pristojne kvalitete, za damice svih uzrasta winking. A sama boja je - ispranoprljava lilasta, ne baš lila ali ne ni sasvim siva... ma super!

Which one is your favorite?
Za kojeg bi se Vi radije odlučile?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Christmas Great Challenge - Christmas Tree

Hi there!

I joined one of the Christmas challenges, this one is by lovely Sara from LovingCosmetic blog. It'll look like this:
Pridužih se jednom od Božićnih izazova, ovog je kreirala ljupka Sara s LovingCosmetic bloga. Izgledat će ovako:

So, this week's theme is Christmas Tree. For a years I was admired to great white trees that you can see in some malls... one year I decided that I want my Christmas Tree to look just like that... but guess what - I didn't like it. White, blue and silver are cold colors, and I like Christmas because of all the red, green and gold that look so warm and comfortable. But, I bet it won't look that bad on nails.
Dakle, ovotjedna tema je Božićno drvce. Godinama sam se divila bijelim stablima koje možete vidjeti u nekim trgovačkim centrima... i jedne godine odlučila da moje Božićno drvce mora izgledati baš tako... ali znate što - nije mi se svidjelo. Bijela, srebrna i plava su hladne boje i nikako mi ne idu uz Božić za kojeg ipak vežem crvenu, zelenu i zlatnu koje su ipak puno toplije i ugodnije. Ali, na noktima ne bi trebalo izgledati tako loše.

I used China Glaze 'skyscraper' and 'snow' with Avon 'silver foil' and essence 'crack me! white' which I applied with sponge on base of some of my nails. I like how this looks, how about you?
Koristila sam China Glaze lakove 'skyscraper' i 'snow', te Avonov 'silver foil' i essence 'crack me! white' koji sam nanijela spužvom na bazu nekih noktiju. Sviđa mi se kako izgleda manikura, a Vama?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

as soon as I get the inlinkz code, you would see the other participants of this challenge right here, in meanwhile, you can see them here
čim dobijem inlinkz kode, moći ćete vidjeti i manikure ostalih sudionica tu, a u međuvremenu, pogledajte ih ovdje

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Matching Manicure Sunday #11 - V shape manicure

Hi there!

Yes, I know it's already tuesday, but it's better late than never, right winking
For this manicure I used essence Cute as Hell le 'date me!' and China Glaze 'bump in the night'. 'Date me' is super sweet and elegant so I added 'bump in the night', which is kinda rock style polish. So, here it is - elegance and style meet punk-rock star big grin.
Ma znam da je već utorak, ali bolje ikako nego nikako, zar ne winking.
Za manikuru sam koristila essence Cute as Hell le 'date me!' i China Glaze 'bump in the night'. 'Date me' mi se čini baš elegantan i profinjen pa sam mu kao kontrast nabacila 'bump in the night', koji mi je, ono, totalno rockerski lak. Evo ih - stil i elegancija susreću punk-rock zvijezdu winking.

I'm only sorry that I ended up with topcoat, which hide the textured surface of this black beauty. But, don't worry, you'll see it eventually. 
Now, let's all go and check out what the other girls have done. 
Žao mi je jedino što sam na kraju stavila nadlak jer je sakrio teksturu ovog crnog ljepotana. No, ne brinite se, već ćete ga vidjeti.
Idemo sad, ukoliko već niste, provjeriti što su druge cure napravile.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Matching Manicures - V manicure

1. Mala Palčica  7. nina's nails  13. nail crazy  
2. Searching For Spark  8. Sanjin ŠminkeRaj  14. Fantazija  
3. Head In The Clouds  9. tina  15. Lickanje  
4. Kapljice sreće by Mala Boginja  10. Nails From Fairy Tale  16. Jelena's Wonderful Colors  
5. Kontrol & Vanity  11. By Danijela  
6. Shpeksyy  12. Sanela  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, November 22, 2013

EBALAY Noble Platinum Shiny Glitter

Hi there!

In my corner of the world, the rains is pouring for a few days now sad. I don't feel like doing anything... but glitter can make my day just a bit brighter winking. Here's one from KKCenterHK assortment. 
U mom dijelu svijetu, kiša već danima lije sad. Nemam volje ni za čim... ali glitter mi može malo uljepšati dan winking. Evo jednog iz KKCenterHK asortimana.

I started with two CHANEL polishes: 'black satin' and 'shanghai red', then applied just one coat of EBALAY Noble Platinum Shiny Glitter Nail Polish 017. It has a platinum and white hexagonal and stripe glitter, with super small blue iridescent glitter in clear base. Although the smallest, that one is the prettiest, in my humble opinion. See how on black polish it looks blue, but on red it looks pinkish. Awesome! It would be great to have bottle of that glitter on its own. 
This glitter polish comes in a bottle of 15 ml, with the brush that won't made you any problem. The glitter comes out quite easy, you don't need to fish them from the bottle. Once applied it really looks great. But, there's few downsides. The polish stinks, and it dries slowly, but with speed dry topcoat you can fix that. If you like it too, you can found it here, for 7.04 $. Don't forget to use my nailcrazy69 code for 10% discount.
One more thing, I already wear it, and it was a nightmare to remove it from nails, so I highly recommend a foil method for removing this polish.
How do you entertain yourself while the rain is pouring?
Započela sam s dva CHANEL-a: 'black satin' i 'shanghai red', a onda nanijela jedan sloj EBALAY Noble Platinum Shiny Glitter laka za nokte 017. Čine ga platinasti i bijeli šesterokutni i trakasti glitteri, sa sićušnim iridescentnim glitterom u prozirnoj bazi. Iako je ovaj posljednji najmanji, najljepši je, barem po mom skromnom mišljenju. Pogledajte kako je na crnoj podlozi plav, a na crvenoj ružičast. Super je! Bilo bi fantastično imati bočicu samo takvog glittera. 
Lak dolazi u bočici od 15 ml, s četkicom koja Vam neće stvarati probleme. Glitter se nanosi bez problema, ne trebate ga hvatati po bočici. Na noktima skroz dobro izgleda. Ali, nije sasvim oslobođen mana. Lak smrducka, a suši se prilično sporo, no bar to se može popraviti s brzosušećim nadlakom. Ukoliko Vam se sviđa, naći ćete ga tu, za cijenu od 7.04 $. Ne zaboravite iskoristiti i nailcrazy69 kod s kojim dobijete 10% popusta.
Još jednu stvarčicu moram napomenuti, nosila sam ga već i moram priznati da je njegovo skidanje noćna mora, zato najiskrenije preporučujem metodu folije za odstranjivanje ovog i sličnih lakova.
Kako se Vi zabavljate dok vani lije?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

PR sample

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blue iced fire for Tanja

Hi there!

When Tanja asked me to make a guest post for her blog, I had to grab the opportunity. I'm proud to call such a kind and warm person my friend, even just a virtual... but, who knows, the world is getting smaller day by day winking. She's amazing in what she loves the most - painting her nails, and let's be realistic about it, my skills are no match to hers. But, I practice joyfully winking
I know how she loved my fire manicure, I know how she loves blue color... so, the choice I made was kinda obvious. Dedicated to Tanja, here's a blue iced fire. 
Kad me Tanja pozvala da gostujem na njenom blogu, objeručke sam prihvatila priliku. Ponosna sam što mogu tako ljubaznu i toplu osobu nazvati prijateljicom, makar samo virtualnom... ali, tko zna, svijet je sve manji iz dana u dan winking. Ona je fantastična u onom što najviše voli - ukrašavanju svojih noktiju, i budimo realni, moje se vještine baš i ne mogu mjeriti s njenim. Ali, vježbam sa zadovoljstvom winking.
Znam kako je voljela moju 'vatrenu manikuru', znam kako voli plavu boju... pa je i odabir bio nekako očekivan. Posvećene Tanji, evo i verzije ledeno plave vatre.

The rest of this post you'll find at Raggio di Luna Nails blog, right here
Thanks for this opportunity my dear Tanja kiss
Ostatak posta ćete pronaći na Raggio di Luna Nails blogu, baš ovdje.
Hvala na ovoj prilici i pozivnici, draga moja Tanja kiss

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Monday, November 18, 2013

CATRICE 'Arts Collection'

Hi there!

In some of Croatian 'dm' drugstores, this fall, we can found, see, and buy new CATRICE limited edition - 'Arts Collection'. And in it:
U nekim od 'dm' drogerija, ove jeseni, možemo naći, vidjeti, čak i kupiti novu CATRICE limitirano izdanje kolekciju - 'Arts Collection'. A u njoj:

Face and Eyes Palette in two version, each containing 6 eyeshadows, black eyeliner, blush and highlighter, MPC 59,90
Paleta za oči i lice u dvije verzije, a u svakoj 6 sjenila, crni tuš, rumenilo i highlighter, MPC 59,90

Nail Polishes MPC 20,90
01 Pinkroque

02 Forevergreen

03 Bronze-Deco

I love the look of both palettes, and green polish looks very appealing. Here is the list of stores when you can found this collection.
Super mi izgledaju paletice, obje, a zeleni lak me zove. Evo i popisa trgovina gdje možete ugrabiti kolekciju.

I started to pile up eyeshadow palettes... it's all under evil influence of beauty blogs i'm reading. What can I say, the heart wants what the heart wants batting eyelashes.
Počela sam gomilati palete... a sve pod zločestim utjecajem beauty blogerica koje čitam. Što da Vam kažem - srce želi što srce želi batting eyelashes.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Matching Manicure Sunday #10 - Skittlette Manicure

Hi there!

If you ask me, there's no limit for this kind of manicure, the only limit is your imagination. I bet we'll see tons of interesting manicures in this round. 
Pitate li mene, za ovu vrstu manikure nema ograničenja, jedina su ona vaše mašte. Kladim se da ćemo u ovom krugu vidjeti brdo zanimljivih manikura.

As you can see, my right and left hand don't look the same. I used China Glaze 'snow' and essence I LOVE BERLIN 'berlin story' for this manicure, with the water decals from BornPretty Store for accent nails. More of these decals some other time, let me just tell you how in love with them I am... this is the third day I'm wearing them, and they look just the same as first day. 
Now, let's all go see what the other girls have done.
Kao što vidite, moja desna i lijeva ruka ne izgledaju isto. Za manikuru sam koristila China Glaze 'snow' i essence I LOVE BERLIN 'berlin story', te vodene naljepnice iz BornPretty Store-a. Više o naljepnicama nekom drugom prilikom, dozvolite mi samo da kažem kako sam oduševljena njima, nosim ih već treći dan a izgledaju kao i prvog. 
Idemo sad svi zajedno pogledati što su nam druge cure spremile.

Matching Manicure - Skittlette 

1. Mateja  9. Good morning, gorgeous!  17. Head In The Clouds  
2. Vedrana  10. Kapljiće sreće by Mala Boginja  18. Lickanje  
3. Petite Chérie  11. Shpeksyy  19. Mala Palčica  
4. nina's nails  12. Searching For Spark  20. Mala Palčica opet  
5. Danijela  13. A Little Make Up Obsessed  21. nail crazy  
6. Mona Moon  14. tina  22. Šljokica ex My Happy Nails  
7. Tanya Minxy  15. Colours of my nails  23. Sanjin šminkeraj  
8. Sanela  16. Jelena's Wonderful Colors  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Hi there!

Guess what, I have another sand style polish for you today. You saw it with dots, but every polish deserves a chance to see it on its own, especially when it's polish as beauty as this one.
Zamislite, imam još jednog hrapavca za pokazati. Već ste ga vidjeli istočkanog, ali svaki lak zaslužuje priliku da ga se vidi samog, naročito ako ovako izgleda.

It's KIKO Sugar Mat 'wisteria'. I know you heard it all before, but everything I can say about this polish is awesome - super gorgeous color (wisteria color, just like the name says), fast drying time, great formula, lovely brush, covers perfectly with two coats... gotta love it love struck
I'm still obsessed with sand polishes and pastel colors. The only problem is - which one to choose next winking.
I'd like to show you few pics from today's walk in my hometown - Solin. It was a warm and pleasant day and it would be a shame to spent it inside. 
Ovo je KIKO Sugar Mat 'wisteria'. Znam da ste sve ovo već čuli, ali o ovom laku mogu govoriti samo u superlativima - fantastična bojica (glicinija, baš kao što mu i ime kaže), brzo se suši, odlična formula, ugodna četkica, prekriva savršeno s dva sloja... ma morate ga voljeti love struck.
Još uvijek me drži groznica za hrapavcima i pastelnim bojicama. Jedini problem mi je - kojeg idućeg odabrati winking.
Htjela bih Vam pokazati i par fotki s današnje šetnje po mom rodnom gradu - Solinu. Dan je bio prekrasan i šteta bi bila provesti ga unutra.

How was your day?
Kako ste Vi provele dan?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

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