Hi there!
Since I had no time to do a proper Halloween manicure, which is a shame, I did kinda Halloween manicure
. The right colors are here, and that's about it.
Budući da nisam imala ni vremena ni snage napraviti pravu Halloween manikuru, što je prava sramota, napravila sam nešto kao Halloween manikuru
. Prave boje su tu... i to je to.
I used all essence polishes - 'sunny side up' from 'sun club' le, 'watch out!' and black tip painter. I love the color combo, my nails looks quite merry, instead of scary. If you're going to party, wish you a scary night
. No party for me tonight, I can hardly keep my eyes open, I hear the bed is calling my name.
Koristila sam sve essence lakove - 'sunny side up' iz 'sun club' kolekcije, 'watch out!' i crni tip painter. Boje mi baš super izgledaju zajedno, nimalo strašno već veselo. Idete li na kakvu tematsku zabavu večeras, želim Vam strašnu noć
. Za mene nema zabave, jedva držim oči otvorene, a i krevet me već doziva.
Thanks for stopping by, Žana