Hi my friends!
Prvi put kad sam nosila ovaj lak nisam dobila ono što sam očekivala... nije promijenio boju na suncu... pa sam odlučila pružiti mu drugu šansu. I drago mi je da jesam
. To je Del Sol 'Rock Star' lakić, prekrasna plava boja sa sitnim glitterom.
The first time I wear this polish I didn't get what I expected... it didn't change the color on the sun... so I decided to give it a second chance. And I'm glad because of it
. It's Del Sol nail polish 'Rock Star', lovely blue color with tiny glitters.
u hladu...in shade...
i na suncu... on the sun...
Jedva da se vidi promjena boje, i s te strane, bio je razočaranje. Druga stvar koja me smeta je činjenica da trebate barem četiri sloja a on je ipak još proziran. Ali, volim ga zato jer se super brzo suši, četiri sloja bez brzosušećeg nadlaka bila su suha brže nego što bi neki lakovi u dva sloja. A to mu je veeeeeeliki plus. A ni boja uopće nije loša
. Onda sam krenula u istraživanje problema s mjenjanjem boje... evo i mog ekperimenta. You can hardly see change of color, and from that point of view, It was disappointing. Another thing that bothers me it's the fact that this polish needs four coats and it's still a bit sheer. But, I love it because it dries super fast, four coats with no top coat were dried before some nail polishes with two coats. That's super big plus in my book. And color itself it's not bad at all
. I tried to investigate what's the problem with this polish... and this is my experiment.
Prva fotka u sjeni, druga na suncu. Brojevi ispod označavaju broj slojeva laka. Vidite, nema problema s mjenjanjem boje kad je lak nanešen u jednom ili dva sloja, ali tri sloja i preko, jednostavno je previše. Dakle, lak ipak radi ono što bi trebao ali ne baš onako kako bih ja to željela. Na kraju sam dodala i mali uzrorak, s Born preatty pločice M71.
First picture in the shade, second in the sun. The numbers bellow polish are the numbers of coats. See, no problems with coat or two, but three coat and up it can't change the color, it's just too much. So, the polish works but not the way that would make me happy. For the end, I added some stamping from Born preatty image plate M71.
Uzorak je slabo vidljiv zbog glittera, ali meni se isto sviđa.
I sestra mi je bila u posjeti pa smo se malo zaigrale s lakovima... zaželjela je baš ovakvu manikuru.
The stamping is hardly visible because of the glitter, but I like it anyway.
My sister was here, we enjoy ourself with polishes... she wanted mani just like this.
Mrzim je, pogledajte samo njene nokte - prirodni i tako dugi
, ali ja imam puno više lakova od nje
Koja se vama manikura više sviđa?
I hate her, look at her nails, natural and so long
. But, I have much more polishes than her
Which mani do you prefer?
Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!