Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Award... and some more awards

Hi my darlings!

Uvijek se osjećam počašćeno kad dobijem neku nagradu... to je način da mi netko kaže da ono što radim, radim dobro
Ovaj put, Diana mi je poslala čak 3, hvala Diana, evo ih...
I'm always honored by the awards I get... it's like someone tells me 'what you're doing, you're doing well'
This time, lovely Diana send me 3 of them, thanks Diana, here they are...
Čini se da sve imaju ista pravila, koja glase: 
- Linkaj do osobe koja ti je poslala nagradu
- Ispuni upitnik
- Podijeli 7 nasumičnih stvari o sebi
- Nagradi 15 blogova
- Posloži ih i obavijesti
It seems like all of these awards have the same rules, so here are the rules:
- Link back to the person who passed you the award
- Complete the form below
- Share 7 random things about yourself
- Award 15 blogs
- Drop them a line and tell them about it
Evo i obrasca:
Omiljena boja. neboja - crna
Omiljena pjesma: trenutno... resistance by muse
Omiljeni desert: sladoled... uvijek mogu
Što te ljuti: lažljivci
Kad si nervozna ti... raspalim muziku do daske
Najdraži ljubimac: imala sam škotsku ovčarku, Lira joj je ime bilo
Crna ili bijela: crna
Najveći strah? hoću li uspjeti od dječaka napraviti pristojno ljudsko biće?
Najbolja osobina: brzo i lako učim
Svakodnevni stav: novi dan - nova pobjeda
Što je po tebi savršenstvo? priroda, divlja životinja, nebo iznad nas, dobra pjesma...
Grešno zadovoljstvo: novi lak za nokte

This is the form to be completed:
Name your favorite color: black 
Name your favorite song: this very moment... resistance by muse
Name your favorite dessert: ice cream
What makes you mad: liars
When you’re upset you... pump up the volume on my radio
Your favorite pet? ... I used to have Scottish Shepard, girl named Lira
Black or white? black
 Your biggest fear is? will I'll be able to make a good human being out of my son?
Your best feature is? my ability to learn easy and fast
Everyday attitude: new day, new victory 
What is perfection? nature, free animal, clear sky, good song
Guilty Pleasure: spending money on polishes 

I 7 nasumičnih stvari o meni maloj...
1. Stvarno prezirem pravila, mislim da bi ih trebalo zabraniti
2. Kad bih se trebala opisati jednom rječju, bila bi to - lijena, naročito kad su u pitanju kućni poslovi
3. Jednom bih se voljela okušati u paraglidingu
4. Mislim da sam spremna za novog psećeg prijatelja
5. Divim se ljudima s vještim rukama, stvarno im se divim
6. Radije bih bila u Švedskoj ili na Aljasci nego tu... ljeti me sjever zove
7. Kad me pitaju da kažem nešto o sebi... ja zanijemim

The 7 random things about myself:
1. I really detest rules, they should be forbidden  
2. If I need to choose just one word that describes me, it'll be - lazy, especially when it comes to house jobs 
3. I'd like to learn paragliding one day
4. I think I'm ready for new dog in the house
5. I admire people who have skillful hands, they really amazed me 
6. I'd rather be in Sweden or Alaska right now than here... when it's summer, the north calls me  
7. When I need to say something about myself... I don't know what to say  

Ali to nije sve... ove tri nagrade, kao i nagrada 
But that's not all... these 3 awards, with this one
došle su i od preslatke Minnie, najtoplije hvala i njoj. Sunshine Award sam već odradila, ako ne vjerujete, pogledajte ovdje.
came from sweet Minnie, I'd like to thank her too. Sunshine Award I already did, check here.

Od Kellyta-e sam dobila i Stylish award, također već odrađenu, ali moram joj zahvaliti.
Dear Kellyta send me the Stylish award, which I already have, but I need to thank her.

Od UlmielPink_DiamondEmmaIrena , Lalica Violet Fairy kao i Just me and Hohner sam dobila i Top 10 award, hvala drage moje. 
From UlmielPink_DiamondEmmaIrena , Lalica and Violet Fairy but also from Just me and Hohner I've got Top 10 award, thanks my darlings. 
Od SandraPink_DiamondEmmaIrena, Violet FairyLalica i Just me and Hohner je stigla Best blog award, hvala od srca.
SandraPink_Diamond, EmmaIrena , Violet FairyLalica and Just me and Hohner  also gave me Best blog award, thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Uh, ovo je bio težak posao   Nadam se samo da nisam nikog zaboravila... hvala cure, stvarno ovo cijenim. Jedini problem sa mnom je... ma rekla sam vam da mi se ne sviđaju nikakva pravila... pa neću ovo nikom određenom proslijediti, ako želiti bilo koju od ovih nagrada samo ih uzmite, izazivam vas  
Wow, this was a hard job   I just hope I didn't forgot anyone... thanks girls, I really appreciated. The only problem with me is... I said I don't like any kind of rules... so I don't want tag anyone, if you want any of these awards, just grab them, go girls, I dare you  

Till we meet again, love yourself!


  1. Congratulations!! You deserve all these awards;D You're so creative and always so positive;D I love your blog<3

  2. Ja sam baš mislila da si ti ljetnji tip, možda što si s juga :)
    A vas više vuČu planine, hehe

    Strah shvatam, i meni će to danas-sutra biti najveći. Lepe su nagradice :)

  3. I od mene si dobila nagradice, a zaboravila si me, šmrc, šmrc... Šalim se, bejb, čestitke na svim nagradicama i samo nastavi tako! :)

  4. D.Sadie... thanks love :-D

    Minnie... thanks, you're so kind and too sweet ;-D

    Biberlee... jesi vidila ti to... dok sam bila mlađa ljeto je bilo ok ali sad mi stvarno ide na jetricu :-p

    Just me and Hohner... joooooooj, evo trčim odmah ispravit, sorry :-(

  5. Naravno da si zaboravila. duboko sam uvrijeđena i povrijeđena ;)

  6. Congrats, you deserve them all ;)

  7. Lalice... oprosti molim te, taman mi se upalila lampica i idem to odmah ispravit... jel dovoljna pokora da do rijeke dođem na koljenima ;-(

    SemiGlossy... thanks :-D

    Sandra... thanks, you're so kind :-)

  8. :D
    Kruže nagradice :D

    Check out this site / blog where you can win Sigma, Iphone...


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