Sunday, May 31, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Kiko 466 French Charcoal
Hi there!
Već skoro tjedan dana ne lakiram nokte, i moram priznati da mi sva ta kemija i moje slatke bočice počinju nedostajati. Srećom, imam tonu neobjavljenih fotki koje je šteta zadržati za sebe.
It's been almost a week since I haven't painted my nails. Maybe it's just chemical, but I miss my sweet bottles. Luckily for you, I have some photos that needs to be shown.
denim collection,
satin finish,
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Matching Manicure Sunday - Waterfall Manicure
Hi there!
Žurim, žurim, nastojim da post iziđe u nedjelju
. Tema je takva kakva je, meni se ovaj tip manikure sviđa, zgodno izgleda, a super jednostavna za napraviti. U prilog joj ide i činjenica da je broj kombinacija beskonačan.
I'm in a hurry, this post has to be out on Sunday
. I love the waterfall theme, it looks great and it's pretty easy to recreate. And the possibility of different color combo are endless.
matching manicure sunday,
nail art,
waterfall manicure
Friday, May 22, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
essence Swatcharama
Hi there!
Kako zbilja rijetko objavljujem, odlučila sam ubaciti hrpu essence lakova u jedan post. Post je obilat fotografijama, pa Vas neću gnjaviti s komentarima istih. Prosudite ih sami.
Uživajte u fotkama!
Since lately I post so rarely, I decide to throw in bunch of essence swatches in one post. This post is loaded with photos, so I won't bother you with any comments. Judge it yourself.
Enjoy the photos!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
essence Cinderella
Hi there!
Na mojoj fb stranici mogli ste vidjeti kako me hrvatski essence team ugodno iznenadio s par stvarčica iz aktualne essence Cinderella kolekcije koju su izbacili u suradnji s Disneyjem.
Požurila sam ih isprobati i podijeliti s Vama prve dojmove.
On my fb page, you could see how essence Croatia surprised me with few items from essence Cinderella collection, which was released in association with the Disney company.
Here are my first impressions.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Matching Manicure Sunday - Skittlette Manicure
nail art,
skittlette manicure
Friday, May 8, 2015
Last April...
Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
collage picture
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Yes Love
Hi there!
Ovih se dana osjećam poput
miša nasred oceana... udobno smještena u orahovoj ljusci. Zato me u
virtualnom svijetu nema onoliko koliko bih htjela. I zato večeras
ide ultra kratki post s fotkicama jednog slatkiša, sjetila sam ga se kad
sam izišla van na vrelo sunce. Fotke su doduše nastale prošle godine u
listopadu, ali koga briga.
I don't have enough 'me' time, and that's the reason why I'm away from
this blog. But now I'm here, with a short post and eye candy which
reminded me of hot sunny day, like we had it here today. These photos
were made last year, in October, but who cares.
colour speckled,
yes love
Monday, May 4, 2015
Essence New In, Part Three
i <3 trends,
longlasting nude lipstick,
new in,
xxxl nude lipgloss
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