Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Catrice How I Matt Your Mother... with Little Extra on the Top
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Essence 'The Gel Nail Polish'
Hi there!
Evo mene opet malo k Vama s novim postom
. Fotke doduše nisu najfriškije, ali zato ću Vam reći par riječi o friškim essence 'The Gel Nail Polish' lakićima, te bazi i nadlaku iz iste linije.
![big grin](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif)
This time I'm bringing you photos and more than few words of essence 'The Gel Nail Polish' polishes, base coat and top coat.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Essence Keep Calm and Go to the Beach!
Hi there!
Kad se kod nas konačno pojavila essence kolekcija BEACH CRUISERS, znala sam da ovaj lak moram imati. Nakon nekog vremena potraga za njim se ipak isplatila pa sam se dočepala svoje bočice.
After seeing first photos of Essence BEACH CRUISERS collection, I knew I had to have this polish. I can't even describe my happiness when I finally found it.
Friday, April 3, 2015
How to fix broken nail?
Ho there!
Znate što je super? Kad uživate u lakiranju noktiju, a oni pucaju jedan za drugim ![tongue](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/10.gif)
Vjerojatno većina od Vas zna kako spasiti nokat, no ovo bi moglo biti korisno onima koji još ne znaju. Dakle, na fotci dolje - slomljen nokat.
You know what's great? When you love to paint your nails, but they break one after another
The majority of you probably knows how to save broken nail, but in case this is reading someone who doesn't, this can help. So, on photo down bellow - broken nail.
how to fix broken nail,
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
March on Photos
Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
collage picture
Avon Beauty Bloggers Day 2015
Hi there!
Sorry girls, this post is in Croatian only.
Ove je subotu u Zagrebu, u Hipo centru, restoran Spoon, održan treći po redu Beauty Bloggers Day, drugi s Avonom kao generalnim pokroviteljom.
Nemam namjeru prepričavati čitav dan, no moram reći kako je atmosfera bila odlična, ambijent jako ugodan, a klopa savršena. O curama neću ni govoriti, uvijek se doma vratim puna dojmova i sa žaljenjem konstantiram kako sam neke opet propustila upoznati
.Cirkulirajući uokolo desilo mi se i da sam sasvim zaboravila upotrijebiti fotić.
No, da skratim priču, evo par fotki.
beauty blog day,
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