Hi there!
Welcome to the very last post... in this year, who knows what the next one will bring
Dobrodošle u posljednji post... ove godine, tko zna što će nam iduća donijeti
Welcome to the very last post... in this year, who knows what the next one will bring
Dobrodošle u posljednji post... ove godine, tko zna što će nam iduća donijeti
This gorgeous butterfly I won on the Art on my way blog. In the package were three of them and they all landed on my Christmas tree. Thanks Emina
Ovog prekrasnog leptira osvojila sam na Art on my way blogu. U paketiću su bila tri, i sva tri su uspješno sletjela na naše Božićno drvce, naravno, raspakirala ih prije no što sam se sjetila poslikati ih. Hvala Emina
Santa finally crawled out of chimney and found his place, where else but on my Christmas tree.
Djedica je konačno ispuzao iz dimnjaka i svoje mjesto pronašao, gdje li drugdje, do na Božićnom drvcu obitelji Ž.
As for this manicure, it was my hubby's choice. He decided for essence 'fame fatal', gorgeous pure red creme, and snowflake topper 'let it snow!' from happy holidays collection, also by essence. Although this topper looks awesome in the bottle, I must say that it turned out in great disappointment, it's mission impossible to catch the white glitter, I had to fish them out... even the little iridescent particles are not that visible and I have two coats on my nails
. Too bad. But this awesome red definitely saved the manicure
![big grin](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif)
Have a super awesome night, wherever you are tonight! May the New Year be better to all of us!
Till the next year, love ya all, Žana ![big hug](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/6.gif)
![big hug](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/6.gif)
Što se tiče manikure, ona je bila supružnikov izbor. Odlučio se za essence 'fame fatal', prekrasan čisti crveni krem lak, i nadlak s pahuljicama 'let it snow!' iz happy holidays kolekcije, također essence. Premda nadlak ludo izgleda u bočici, moram priznati da je na kraju ispao totalno razočaranje, sasvim je nemoguće uhvatiti bijeli glitter, doslovno sam ga morala pecati... čak ni sitnije čestice koje se prelijevaju u svim bojama nisu tako vidljive a na noktima imam dva sloja
. Šteta. Ali je zato crvendać spasio manikuru
![big grin](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif)
Želim Vam super ludu noć, bez obzira gdje ste večeras! A Nova neka bude bolja prema svima nama!
Do iduće godine, volim Vas sve, Žana ![big hug](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/6.gif)
![big hug](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/6.gif)