Hi my friends!
Do you remember herbarium? We used to make them in primary school. It was so fun searching for flowers and plants, and learning about them on the way. So, this manicure is kinda trip to the past. I've got some dried flowers from
BornPretty Store, and I had my share of fun with it.
They came in a plastic wheel, the ones we used to see full of rhinestones. The flowers are in two different shape and 12 colors, so everyone can pick a favorite. You can found it
Sjećate li se herbarija? Nekad smo ih izrađivali u osnovnoj školi. Bilo je zabavno tražiti cvijeće i druge biljke, i usput nešto i naučiti o njima. Pa je ova manikura na neki način put u prošlost. Dobila sam sušeno cvijeće od BornPretty Store, i baš se zabavila s njim.
Cvijeće je u plastičnom kolu, onakvom u kakvom dođu i nail art kristalići. Cvijeća su dvije različite vrste i 12 boja, i svatko si može pronaći favorita. Možete ga naći ovdje.
I decided to go with a plain round flowers for my ring finger and more complicated shape for my middle finger. First I applied an extra coat of transparent polish and pushed flower in it, after that was dried, I applied two more coats of topcoat. The round flowers are easier to work with it, but I must admit that the ones on my middle ring looks more interesting.
Odlučila sam se za obićni okrugli cvijet za prstenjake i kompliciraniji oblik za nokte na srednjim prstima. Preko laka sam nanijela sloj prozirnog laka i cvijet gurnula u njega, a kad se to osušilo, dodala sam još dva sloja nadlaka da to sve zaštitim. Okrugli cvjetići su jednostavniji za baratanje, ali ovi na srednjim prstima mi izgledaju puno interesantnije.
That was it! I have my cute, girly manicure... after which I had to wash the dishes, I took a shower (twice), washed my hair and some laundry... oh boy, I'm such a busy little bees

. I wanted to see how long will these flowers stay on my nails. Here we are - 24 hours after...
To bi bilo to! Eto moje slatke, girly manikure... nakon koje sam morala oprati suđe, otuširati se (dva puta), oprati kosu, čak i nešto rublja... oh, što sam vrijedna
. Htjela sam testirati izdržljivost ovog na noktima. I evo nas - 24 sata kasnije...
My hubby helped with this picture 
The manicure survived all those jobs, only the green flower loosed one petal, the topcoat peeled off it, I guess I've could be more generous with it. Other than that, the flowers are looking much better than my polish, you can see some tipwear on few nails. So, this was a pleasent surprise. If you like flowers and girly manicures, just go for it! And while buying it, don't forget to use my X10X31 code for 10% off.
For base I made gradient using Avon 'blue escape' and Opi 'yoga-ta get this blue' polishes.
Mužić mi je pomogao s gornjom fotkom
. Manikura je preživjela sve te poslove, samo je jedna latica zelenog cvjetića otpala, mislim da sam mogla biti i velikodušnija s nadlakom. Sve u svemu, cvjetići izgledaju čak i bolje od laka, vidite da se na nekim noktima i izlizao. Dakle, ovo je ugodno iznenađnje. Ako volite cvijeće i girly manikure, samo navalite! I dok ga kupujete, nemojte zaboraviti iskoristiti kod X10X31 za 10% popusta.
Za bazu sam napravila gradijent s Avonovim 'blue escape' i Opi 'yoga-ta get this blue' lakovima.
It seems like a sponge has started to crumble and I haven't noticed before I put a pics on the screen 
You haven't seen this Avon polish, so here is it on its own.
Čini se da se spužva počela raspadati, a nisam primjetila prije no što sam stavila fotke gore
. Niste još vidjele ovaj Avonov lak, pa evo i njega.
Last picture taken in the sun, the rest of them in the shade, two coats with topcoat, and you can still see the nail line. I see great reviews of Avon polishes everywhere, but I must say that I'm not impressed with these polishes. Ok, I only have two of them, but they are both kinda watery and pretty sheer, the drying time is nothing special, the brush is ok, the colors are nice... but really nothing special. Not worthy of that price.
So, what say you about it? Would you wear dried flowers on your nails?
Posljednja fotka na suncu, ostatak iz hlada, na njima dva sloja s nadlakom, a još uvijek se vidi linija nokta. Vidim da su cure oduševljene Avonovim lakovima, ali moram priznati da sama baš i nisam impresionirana. Ok, imam samo dva, ali oba su vodenasta i prilično prozirna, vrijeme sušnje nije ništa posebno, četkica je ok, boje su lijepe... ali ništa posebno. Ne vrijede mi te cijene.
A što vi kažete? Biste nosile cvijeće na noktima?
Till we meet again... Žana
p.s. this product (dried flower) was sent to me for review
p.s. proizvod (suho cvijeće) dobiven na recenziju