Hi my friends!
I had other plans but this is what you're going to get
Imala sam nešto drugo u planu ali dobit ćete ovo... tako vam je to s planovima
I had other plans but this is what you're going to get

Imala sam nešto drugo u planu ali dobit ćete ovo... tako vam je to s planovima

This is Catrice 'Miss Piggy Reloaded', dusty pink color with tiny multicolor shimmer, unfortunately there was no sun so the shimmer is not too visible. On pics I wear four coats of it, it's too sheer if you ask me, but it dries so fast that I didn't put a topcoat over it. Don't you just love the polishes that dries so fast, I do 

Now take a look at this gorgeousness!
Ovo je Catrice 'Miss Piggy Reloaded', prašnjava roza s višebojnim shimmerom, na žalost nije bilo sunca pa shimmer nije previše vidljiv. Na fotkama imam čak četiri sloja, preproziran je ako mene pitate, ali se suši tako brzo da uopće nisam stavila nadlak. Obožavam lakove koji se ovako brzo suše

A pogledajte sad ovog ljepotana!
It's Lancome #11, online it sais 'Piha Black' but on the bottle is just number. These are two coats with no topcoat. It's black polish with silver glass fleck. It really looks awesome, but it was too hard to capture it with camera. It stole my heart 

Which of these two polishes would you rather wear?
Ovo je Lancome #11, na netu sam našla i naziv 'Piha Black' ali na boci je samo broj. Na fotkama su dva sloja bez nadlaka. Lak je crni sa srebrnim glass fleck dodatkom. Stvarno predobro izgleda, samo ga je teško uhvatiti kamerom. Ukrao mi je srce 

Koji od ova dva laka bi vi radije nosile?
Till we meet again... love, Žana