I know, I know, I've been neglected you... I've been busy
, but I'm sure you'll forgive me
. Anyway, I still have a tons of work to do, so this one is going to be short to... just wanted to show you my manicures. This one is for tonight...
Ma znam, znam, totalno sam vas zanemarila... bila sam u poslu preko glave
ali sam sigurna da ćete mi oprostiti
. Imam tu još neke stvari za obaviti, pa ću i ovo skratiti... samo sam htjela s vama podijeliti svoje manikurice. Ova je za večeras...
And this is the ring that matches both of my manicures
A evo i prstena koji savršeno paše uz obje manikure
Ma znam, znam, totalno sam vas zanemarila... bila sam u poslu preko glave
First picture taken inside, under artificial light, the second one outside, no sun.
Prva fotka unutra, pod lampom, druga vani, nema sunca, na žalost.
...and this was my Christmas mani... I didn't have the time to do something complicated so I just did a simple mani... with the most Christmas polish of them all - China Glaze 'emerald sparkle'
... a ovo je bila božićna manikura... Nisam imala vremena za nešto komplicira-
no, pa je i manikura bila jednostavna... ali s najbožićnijim lakom - China Glaze 'emerald sparkle'
And this is the ring that matches both of my manicures
A evo i prstena koji savršeno paše uz obje manikure
Ok girls, enjoy yourself and have fun tonight... no matter where or with whom you are... I wish you all the best in a year to come, and tonight... let's party, I
already started
To je to cure, uživajte i zabavite se večeras... bez obzira gdje ili s kim bile...
želim vam svako dobro kroz čitavu iduću godinu, a večeras... 'ajmo partijat, ja
sam već počela
Till next year, love you all, Žana