Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
On a quest for a healthy deodorant
Hi there!
For some time I've been searching for a healthier version of deodorant fromthe ones we can usually found in our drugstores.
You've probably all heard how aluminium chlorohydrate can be related with breast cancer. The truth is that there are no specific studies that can proof this, but there are some studies that are showing how aluminium can mimic estrogen in human body, and elevated estrogen levels are tied to a risk of breast cancer.
So, maybe we can at least try to found something safer. Here's what I've found. But, I must tell you that I'm not an expert on this field, I can just tell you what I've observed and what worked for me.
Već neko vrijeme tražim si zdraviju verziju dezodoransa od onih kakvih obično možemo kupiti u našim drogerijama.
Vjerojatno ste čule da aluminijev klorohidrat može biti povezan s rakom dojke. Istina je da baš i nema studija koje to mogu dokazati, ali postoje studije koje nam pokazuju da aluminij može oponašati estrogen u ljudskom tijelu, a povećana razina estrogena je povezana s rizikom pojave raka dojke.
Možda bi i mogle barem pogledati može li se naći nešto sigurnije. Evo što sam ja pronašla. Ali, moram Vam reći da na ovom polju nisam stručnjak, tek govorim ono što sam sama zapazila i što je meni odgovaralo.
diy deodorant,
natural cosmetic,
natural deodorant
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Autumnal polishes... can be wear in any season
nail art,
polka dots,
ruffian manicure,
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Matching Manicure Sunday #28 - Distressed Manicure
distressed manicure,
matching manicure sunday,
nail art
Friday, March 21, 2014
minions nail art,
nail art
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Beauty Blog Day Manicure
Hi there!
After showing you how great time I had at Beauty Blog Day Croatia this Saturday, I might as well show you the manicure I wore.
Nakon što sam Vam pokazala kako sam se odlično provela na Beauty Blog Day Croatia, mogla bih Vam pokazati i manikuru koju sam nosila.
Nakon što sam Vam pokazala kako sam se odlično provela na Beauty Blog Day Croatia, mogla bih Vam pokazati i manikuru koju sam nosila.
china glaze,
golden rose,
textured nail polish
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
AVON Beauty Blog Day 2014
Hi there!
In Croatia, Beauty Bloggers have their day, where we all can meet, spent some time together, talk about things that are interesting to us, learn something new... it was really a great day, and I'm so glad I could be a part of it. The rest of this post will be in Croatian, but you still can take a look at photos.
Vrijeme je i za moje viđenje Avon Beauty Blog Day Croatia 2014.
Ovo je drugi po redu Beauty Blog Day, ovogodišnji generalni sponzor bio je AVON. Beauty Blog Day je dan posvećen blogericama, i to onima koje se bave kozmetikom, kako dekorativnom tako i preparativnom, ili poput moje malenkosti i meni sličnih - lakovima za nokte i nail artom.
Prije no što išta kažem, moram još jednom zahvaliti Ani Popović Kišur, i njenom Ogledalo timu, što je uopće došla na ideju organizirati nešto ovakvo. Meni osobno, bila je ogromna čast i zadovoljstvo prisustvovati ovom danu.
Na početku su nas sve pozdravile
Ana, a zatim i
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Matching Manicure Sunday #26 - Vintage Manicure
Hi there!
I thought of skipping this round, because I woke up this morning with horrifying headache
. The sunny day outside, coffee, not even the pills... nothing helped, nothing worked. But instead of giving up, I sit down at my polishing desk, start to thinking which polishes I could use, and what to do. So I just unplugged myself from the world. After maybe an hour, when my manicure was done, I realized that my headache is gone too
. Who said nail art isn't good for nothing
Mislila sam da ću preskočiti ovu rundu jer sam se jutros probudila s užasnom glavoboljom
. Krasan sunčan dan, kavica, tuširanje, čak ni tableta... ništa nije pomoglo. Ali umjesto da odustanem, ipak sam sjela za svoj stolić za lakiranje, i pokušavala smisliti što da napravim, koje lakove da upotrijebim. I tako sam se sasvim isključila od svijeta. Nakon nekih sat vremena, kad je manikura bila gotova, shvatila sam da je i glavobolja otišla
. Pa nek' mi netko kaže da nail art nije ni za što
![big grin](
Mislila sam da ću preskočiti ovu rundu jer sam se jutros probudila s užasnom glavoboljom
matching manicure sunday,
nail art,
vintage manicure
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Happy International Women's Day
emerald green,
golden rose,
nail art,
peacock's feather,
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
And the Oscar goes to...
Hi there!
I got the suggestion do recreate some of manicures that we could see on Oscars red carpet. All ladies there looked very stylish, elegant, feminine... but when it comes to manicure - they were all boring. Obviously, I'm not type of girl who wears just polish on nails, especially if that polish is inconspicuous. But, here's good news - one of the ladies had lovely, I'd say even bold manicure because she really was standing out of sea of nude and neutral manicures.
Dobila sam sugestiju da rekreiram neku od manikura koje su se šetale na ovogodišnjoj dodjeli Oscara. Sve su tete tamo bile elegantne, ženstvene, odjevene sa stilom... ali kad su manikure u pitanju - ma bile su dosadne! Očito da nisam tip žene koja na noktima ima samo lak, naročito ako je taj lak neprimjetan. Ali, nade ipak ima, jedna od teta koje su tamo šetale je imala zgodnu, rekla bih čak i hrabru manikuru jer se baš izdvajala iz mora neutralnih i diskretnih manikura.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Matching Manicure Sunday #25 - Saran Wrap Manicure
Hi there!
I was thinking should I participate in this round or not... just in case I did my manicure because I love 'saran wrap' style, I've did in several times already. Everything depended of my mobile phone's camera after all. I'll let you judge how the photos looks.
Mislila sam da li da uopće sudjelujem u ovom krugu ili ne... za svaki slučaj, manikuru sam ipak napravila, volim 'saran wrap' i već sam ga par puta nosila. Sve je ipak ovisilo o kameri s mobitela. Prepuštam Vas fotkama i slobodnoj procjeni kvaliteti istih.
matching manicure sunday,
nail art,
saran wrap manicure
February in monthly collage
Hi there!
Just a quick reminder of manicures I wore last month.
Tek kratak podsjetnik na manikure koje sam šetala prošli mjesec.
Just a quick reminder of manicures I wore last month.
Tek kratak podsjetnik na manikure koje sam šetala prošli mjesec.
Really don't know what's going on with Loupe Collage, if anyone knows how to get that page work, please, let me know.
Nemam pojma što se događa s Loupe Collage, ukoliko je neka od Vas upućenija, molim, recite i meni kako da ih natjeram da rade.
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
p.s. it works, it works ![big grin](
![big grin](
collage picture,
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