Friday, February 28, 2014

Fusion Beauty - Ultraflesh shinebox

Hi there!

Tonight I have a review for you... but before I start I must say how upset I am, because few minutes ago, I manage to broke my camera sad. It just slip from my hands, hit the floor... and now it's history. Blogger without camera, that sounds just great tongue. So, excuse me, if I'm not quite myself tonight. 
Anyway, here's one and only 'Ultraflesh shinebox'.

Večeras za Vas imam jednu recenziju... ali prije no što počnem moram podijeliti s Vama svoju frustraciju, jer prije no što sam krenula ovo pisati uspjela sam razbiti foto-aparat sad. Jednostavno mi je iskliznuo iz ruku, rasuo se po pločicama... i otišao u povijest. Blogerica bez fotića, super zvuči tongue. Stoga mi, molim Vas, nemojte zamjeriti ako baš i ne zvučim sasvim svoja.
Nego, da mi krenemo s tom recenzijom, pred Vama je jedan i jedini 'Ultraflesh shinebox'.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Hi there!

I can't found enough good words to describe this beauty - p2 'seductive' from their 'sand style' collection. This polish is from purplish side, with bunch of gold holo glitters that can look kinda green or hot pink, depending of the light. I must say that it really wears its name for a good reason big grin. I already wear it few times, but never get to chance to get good photos... till this time. P2 polishes have great brush, awesome drying time, great price... so if you're in Austria or Germany be sure to get yourself  bottle or two winking.
I'll leave you to feast your eyes, special agent Booth is waiting for me blushing.

Ne mogu pronaći dovoljno riječi da opišem ovog ljepotana - p2 'seductive' iz njihove 'sand style' kolekcije. Lak dolazi iz palete ljubičastih, a u sebi ima tonu zlatnog glittera koji, zavisno od svjetla zna izgledati i zelenkasto i rozo. Svoje ime zbilja nosi s razlogom big grin. Već sam ga par puta šetala, ali nikad nisam bila zadovoljna s fotkama... do ovog puta. P2 lakići imaju krasnu četkicu, vrijeme sušenja je odlično, cijena je skoro pa smiješna... pa ako ste već u Austriji ili Njemačkoj, ne propustite priliku zgrabiti si bočicu ili dvije winking. Ostavljam Vam da pasete oči, specijalni agent Booth me već čeka blushing.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bunch of essence stuff

Hi girls!

While essence had changed its assortments this month, I still have some old goodies that I got from them all the way in September. Yep, maybe I'm the laziest blogger after all sad. Trust me, there's nothing I can do about it, it's not my fault that time flies in supersonic speed winking. Anyway, this is what they send me:

Premda je essence ovog mjeseca promijenio dio asortimana, nešto izbacio, nešto novo uveo... ja još uvijek imam neke od stvarčica koje su mi poslali čak u rujnu. Ok, možda sam ipak najlijenija blogerica sad. Ali vjerujte mi kad kažem, ništa ja tu ne mogu promijeniti, nisam ja kriva što vrijeme leti supersoničnom brzinom (ili mi ga netko krade) winking. Da ne davim, evo što su mi poslali:

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #24 - French Manicure

Hi there!

Honestly, I think that french manicure is the most boring and the least interesting manicure of them all, but since girls have voted for it, I'll obey. 

Iskreno, meni je french totalno dosadna i nezanimljiva manikura, ali kako su cure glasale za nju, poslušat ću i složiti svoju verziju. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Here's my number

Hi there!

It's been a few days since I broke one of my nails... and only today I managed to polish them, I couldn't bare to look at them, so short, poor and naked. Short nails means - back to the roots, which is sign for something dark. 

Već je par dana prošlo otkako sam slomila nokat... i tek sam ih danas uspjela nalakirati, nije mi se dalo niti gledati ih ovako jadne, kratke, golaće. Mislim da me nikad do sad slomljeni nokat nije ovako deprimirao (a možda je samo do ove proklete južine). Kratki nokti znače i povratak korjenima, što je definitivno nešto tamno.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

China Glaze Sacred Heart

Hi there!

Maybe you've got bored with red polishes, maybe not... but you're still gonna see something red, here and now.

Možda su Vam crveni lakovi već i dosadili, možda i nisu... ali ipak ćete vidjeti nešto crveno, sad i ovdje.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Scarlet Vamp

Hi there!

No nail art today, one of my ten darlings broke today sad. Luckily, I have few swatches to show you while I'm waiting for it to grow back. 

Danas bez nail arta, jedan od mojih najdražih deset se danas slomio sad. Srećom, imam koji swatch u zalihi, da Vam ga pokažem dok čekam da noktići narastu. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Matching Manicure #23 - Geometrical Shapes

Hi there!

I'm wondering what kind of shapes we'll today in Balkan's blogosphere. Here are mine.

Baš me zanima na kakve ćemo oblike danas naići u balkanskoj blogosferi. Evo mojih. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Devil Wears Red... so do I

Hi there!

I tried to do my Valentine's manicure yesterday, but I failed. When I was finished, I bump at the table with my nail... luckily it didn't broke but I destroyed the design sad. Boy, was I mad angry. So, I just painted my nails all over again, this time with devil's red big grin.

Jučer sam pokušala odraditi Valentinovsku manikuru, ali nije išlo. Taman kad sam ju završila, rukom sam udarila u stol... srećom nijedan nokat nije pukao ali je manikura bila svježa pa sam ju uništila sad. Uf, kako sam samo bila ljuta angry. Umjesto da ponovno crtam, samo sam nalakirala nokte, ovaj put s 'vražjom' crvenom big grin.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fame Fatal

Hi there!

Men are simple, you ask them with what color you'll paint your nails, the answer will almost certainly be - red. Same goes for lipstick. My hubby is not exception either, that's why he usually picks something red for me batting eyelashes. This time it was essence 'fame fatal'. 

Muškarci su jednostavni, upitajte ih kojom bojom da nalakirate nokte, i odgovor će gotovo sigurno biti - crvenom. Isto važi i za ruž. Ni moja jača polovica nije iznimka, zato mi uglavnom i kupi crveni lak batting eyelashes. Ovaj put je to essence 'fame fatal'.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #22 - Valentine's Day

Hi there!

It's really awful weather outside, it's pouring whole day... but I cheered up myself with new manicure happy.
Vani je zbilja strava, kiše lije čitav dan... ali donekle sam se razvedrila novom manikurom happy.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Love is in the air...

Hi there!

As I said, these few days I'll be finally showing some of my red untrieds. Check this one:

Kao što rekoh, ovih par dana su idealno vrijeme da izvučem svoje neisprobane crvendaće. Pogledajte ovog:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Love birds with Wine shimmer

Hi there!

I've noticed by the manicures in blogosphere that the Valentine's day is approaching. It occurred me that it's time to show some of my untried red polishes. 

Po manikurama u blogosferi se da primjetiti da nam se Valentinovo približava. Palo mi je na pamet da iskoristim ovu priliku i pokažem koji od svojih neisprobanih lakova iz crvenog spektra. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

January's box of goodies

Hi there!

Only last week I removed our Christmas tree, it was time to get rid of it. I have never enjoyed in it so long, it was so cool to light up all those lights, just sit and enjoy in view, which I did every evening. Now it's time to move on... can you believe it's February already?
Anyway, there was something in the air this January, I was shopping a lot. Only thing I can say in my defence that the majority of these things was bought on discounts.

Tek sam prošli tjedan raskitila naše Božićno drvce, bilo je krajnje vrijeme da ga se rješim. Nikad nisam uživala u njemu ovako dugo, bilo mi je super upaliti svjećice, sjesti i uživati u pogledu, što sam i radila redovito svaku većer. No, vrijeme je da se krene dalje... možete li uopće vjerovati da smo već u veljači???
Nego, prošli je mjesec izgleda bilo nešto divlje u zraku, pa sam uživala u shoppingu. Jedino što mogu reći u svoju obranu je da je većina stvari ipak kupljena na akcijama. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Off you go, January

Hi there!

Don't know what's going on with Loupe Collage, but my monthly collage is not like the usual one, but nonetheless, here is it. To keep the tradition winking.

Ne znam što se dešava s Loupe Collage stranicom, ali moj kolaž baš i nije onakav kakav inaće bude, no svejedno, evo ga. Čisto da se držimo tradicije winking

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #21 - Waterfall

Hi there!

Another sunday, another mission winking. Today's mission - waterfall manicure. Although you could see this kind of manicure earlier, Sammy from The Nailasaurus blog came to idea to give it a name, and now we all know this manicure as - waterfall. 

Nova nedjelja, nova misija winking. Današnja je - waterfall (ili vodopad, kako Vam draže) manikura. Premda se ovakva manikura mogla i prije vidjeti, Sammy s The Nailasaurus bloga sjetila se da joj da ime, pa je danas svi znamo kao - waterfall manikura. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

essence paper print manicure

Hi there!

Quite some time ago, I got some of essence stuff for a review. I finally took the time to do it. This time I decided to show you how essence paper print manicure works. 

Ima tome i prilično vremena (sramota), dobila sam nešto essence stvarčica na recenziju. Konačno sam uhvatila vremena da i to odradim. Ovaj put pokazat ću Vam kako radi essence paper print manikura

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