Friday, May 31, 2013

May in pictures

Hi there!

It's that time of the month winking

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

Summer on tropical island

Hi there!

Although I'm not the biggest fan of summer and heat, I would really love to visit Hawaii or Seychelles... or Bahamas. Maybe I will someday, maybe not... but girl can always dream winking.
Premda baš i nisam najveći fan ljeta i vrućina koje stižu s njim, voljela bih posjetiti Hawaii ili Seychelle... ili Bahame. Možda jednom i budem, vjerojatnije ne... ali cura ima pravo sanjati winking.

The biggest surprise, once again, is that the manicure looks so much better on my dominant and non-photogenic hand. Really??
Najveće iznenađenje i ovaj put je činjenica da manikura bolja izgleda na mojoj dominantnoj i nefotogeničnoj ruci. Ma zbilja??

Here are my little helpers, this time not such a big bunch.
Tu su i moji vjerni pomagači, ovaj put ne prevelika hrpa.

What do you think of my tropical dream?
Što mislite o mom tropskom snu? Manikura ide na Dunjin natječaj, imate još obilato vremena da pošaljete svoju prijavu. 

Thanks for stopping by, Žana  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What's new!?

Hi there!

Do you ever feel like spending too much money on your cosmetics? I do batting eyelashes. So, at the beginning of this month, I decided to put all that I bought in one box, just to see where I'm going. Now that box looks like like this:
Čini li vam se ikad da previše novca ode na vašu kozmetiku? Meni da batting eyelashes. Početkom ovog mjeseca odlučila sam sve stvarčice takve namjene staviti u kutiju, čisto da vidim u kojem pravcu idem. Sad ta kutija izgleda ovako:

I thought it'll be even fuller whew!. Here are the places where I did my shopping and things I bought:
Mislila sam da će biti i punija whew!. Evo mjesta na kojima sam ostavljala svoju lovu i stvarčice koje sam doteglila doma (ne odjednom, naravno):

In 'Bipa' I behaved. Bought only body peeling (and it's awesome, love it).
U 'Bipi' sam bila sasvim pristojna, kupila samo piling za tijelo (koji je btw baš super).

In 'China Shop' in beautiful town of Trogir, I couldn't resist these Gabrini polishes, I even bought one big eye pencil (how stupid, I should take more colors - both, of polishes and eye pencils).
U prekrasnom Trogiru i jednom 'China Shop'-u nisam mogla odoljeti Gabrini lakićima, kupila i debelu olovku za oči (baš glupo, trebala sam uzeti još boja - i lakova i olovaka).

'dm' is one of those places you just can't miss. Took babylove shower gel, sun dance spf creme, ebelin nail polish remover (without acetone, I have to take care of my tools), Balea hand lotion and Balea 2 minute hair treatment (which I really really love). Almost forgot about two polishes I took - essence 'that's what i mint!' and S-he 115 (Nina recommended it, I trust her).   
'dm' je jedno od zbilja nezaobilaznih mjesta. Uzela sam babylove kupalicu, sun dance spf kremicu, ebelin odstranjivač laka za nokte (bez acetona, treba paziti na alatke), Balein losion za ruke i dvominutni tretman za kosu (kojeg obožavam). Umalo zaboravila lakiće pa sam ih naknadno dodala - essence 'that's what i mint!' i S-he 115 (Nina preporučila, vjerujem joj).

In 'Lidl' I missed their decorative cosmetics, everything was sold out by the time I get there, so I bought only Cien antiperspirant with aloe vera, in both version: roll-on and spray with some cotton pads. 
U 'Lidlu' sam propustila njihovu dekorativu, sve se rasprodalo dok sam se ja pojavila, pa sam kupila Cien antiperspirant u obje verzije - roll on i sprej te pamučne blazinice. 

'Müller' offered 20% off for natural products, I choose Zoya Alix and one of  Terra Naturi's lip balm.
U 'Müller'-a sam naletila na 20% popusta na svu prirodnu kozmetiku pa sam se počastila Zoya Alix lakićem i jednim od Terra Naturi balzama za usne.

Online shopping devil! Soap, shea butter, lip balm and coconut oil (I'll eat half of it, the other half will end up somewhere on my body) came from I'm not pushing you, but there you can found really really great stuff. I'll leave discount code on the right side of my blog if you're interested. China Glaze polishes and nail art brushes are from ebay
Online kupovina devil! Zbilja je pravi vrag! Sapun, karite maslac, balzam za usne i kokosovo ulje (pola pojedem a ostatak će završiti negdje na mom tijelu) su stigli s iHerb-a. Neću vas nagovarati, ali ako volite ovaj tip kupovine ovu stranicu definitivno preporučam, imaju genijalne stvarčice. Za sve vas koje ćete eventualno obaviti svoju prvu kupnju na njihovoj stranici, ostavit ću kod za popust s desne strane bloga. China Glaze lakići i novi kistovi za nail art stigli su s ebay-a.

'Kozmo' is in my neighborhood now, and I'm still not sure if that's good or bad news. Anyway, I needed some new tools so I bought mirror, tweezers and nail clipper. Here is new color for my hair,  Nivea body milk, essence bb cream (I think I got it last month, don't know how it ended up here), matt fixing compact powder and bronzing powder. From Catrice I pick up mattifying oil control paper, nude eye-shadow palette and camouflage cream. 
'Kozmo' mi je odnedavna u susjedstvu i još uvijek nisam sigurna je li to dobra ili loša vijest. Nego, trebale su mi neke nove alatke pa sam si uzela ogledalo, pincetu i grickalicu za nokte. Tu je i nova boja za moju kosu, Nivea mlijeko za tijelo, esscnce bb kremica (čini mi se da sam je uzela prošli mjesec, ne znam kako je završila u ovoj hrpi), matt fixing kompaktni puder i bronzer. Iz novog Catrice asortimana izabrala sam papiriće za matiranje, nude paletu sjenila i kamuflažnu kremicu.

Avene thermal water for my purse came from a pharmacy.
Avene termalna voda u spreju za torbicu iz ljekarne.

Finally, some freebies! We all love those winking. My planner is from 'Kozmo', two nail polish in cutest bottles and nail art pen from Born Pretty Store, and Misslyn nail polish strips and blue polish from ItGirl
Much too much, or not that much!? Tell me how many products did you buy this month.
Konačno i nešto free stvarčica! Svi ih volimo winking. Planer je iz 'Kozma', lakići u preslatkim bočicama i olovka za nail art s Born Pretty Store stranice, Misslyn lak i naljepnice od ItGirl
Puno previše ili ne tako strašno!? Koliko ste vi stvari sebi poklonile ovaj mjesec?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Beautycycle Nail Wraps

Hi there!

Few months ago, I won some nail wraps on ItGirl web site. As usual, there was always something more important or interesting so they waited and waited... till last saturday. What better can you do on a rainy day than play with your nails batting eyelashes!?
Još pred par mjeseci, osvojila sam naljepnice za nokte na ItGirl portalu. Kao i obićno, uvijek bi uletilo nešto važnije ili zanimljivije pa su čekale i čekale... sve do ove subote. Što bolje možete raditi na kišni dan do igrati se noktićima batting eyelashes!?

These are 'beutycycle' nail wraps, cool design, and very first time I'll be trying some of these.
Ovo su 'beutycycle' naljepnice za nokte, zanimljiv dizajn, i prvi put da probam nešto ovako.

Inside you'll find nail wraps, directions and nail file.
U pakiranju ćete naći naljepnice, upute i turpiju za nokte.

First thing you'll have to do is buff your nails, and clean them with alcohol to get rid of any grease.
Prvo bi trebalo ispolirati nokte kako bi površina bila što ravnija, a onda ih očistiti alkoholom da se rješimo svih masnoća.

My fist nail wrap winking. It's too long, but here comes that file, just file the excess with it.
Moja prva naljepnica winking. Preduga je, sad nam treba ona turpija da njome skinemo višak.

All of them on my nails...
Svi nokti su obučeni...

The thumb is definitely best looking nail of them all! These wraps look great, love the design, but if you ask me this is total waste of time. My nails are pretty curved so these wraps just don't fit them, they're too wrinkled and that looks messy and ugly. So, after taking picture of it, I just pull it of my nails. They look better naked! Would I recommend this to anyone? Hell, no! This is total disaster! If you see this product anywhere... just bypass it! You'll be safer that way big grin.
Nokat na palcu jedini izgleda pristojno! Naljepnice super izgledaju, sviđa mi se dizajn, ali sve je to čisti gubitak vremena. Nokti su mi prilično zakrivljeni pa im ova čuda ne pašu, previše se zgužvaju pokušavajući pratiti liniju nokta i sve to u konačnici izgleda neuredno i ružno. Tako da, nakon što sam ovo pofotkala, sve sam i pogulila s noktiju. Ma bolje izgledaju goli! Bih li ovo čudo kome preporučila? Kako da ne, obavezno tongue! Ovo je totalna katastrofa! Ako i vidite gdje ovaj proizvod, samo ga zaobiđite, sigurnije ste tako big grin.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Adventures of little Chicka-Plum-Plum

Hi there!

Have you ever heard of little Chicka-Plum-Plum!? She's one of those green girls from the galaxy far far away . Unfortunately, she's shy, so I saw just a tip of her head and fingers as she was peeping through the window.  But I had a chance to see her vehicle, you may know it as UFO.
Jeste ikad čule za Chicka-Plum-Plum!? Ona je jedna od zelenih curki iz daleke, daleke galaksije . Na nesreću, baš je sramežljiva, pa sam vidjela samo vrh njene glave i prste dok je virila kroz prozor. Ali sam uspjela vidjeli i njenu letjelicu, možda vam je poznata kao NLO.

Can you believe that the manicure on my right hand looks better then one on the left hand!? Never the less, I'm pretty happy the way that this turned out... it even glows in the dark!
Možete li vjerovati da bolje izgleda crtež kojeg sam nacrtala s lijevom rukom nego onaj s desnom!? Nema veze, u biti sam prilično zadovoljna kako je ovo ispalo... čak i svijetili u mraku!

Let me introduce you to my little helpers, nothing would be the same without them. 
Evo i mojih pomagaća, bez njih ništa ne bi bilo isto.

I'm sending this manicure to SuperNova giveaway, please join me there. 
Btw, this manicure started with Catrice 'George Blueney', gorgeous shimmery blue. 
Manikura ide na darivanje kod SuperNove, slobodno se pridružite.
Nego, manikura je započela s Catrice 'George Blueney', prekrasnom shimmerastom modrom.

Yesterday was a gloomy and cold day, so no pics from the sunny side of the street. On my nails I wear two coats of this gorgeousness, no topcoat. Great (old) Catrice brush works almost alone, drying time could be better for this shade but I can live with that. Definitelly my tipe of color . Lately I was wearing brighter and lighter colors, so this one feels like coming home.
Jučer je bio mračan i hladan dan, pa nema fotki sa sunčane strane ulice. Na noktima imam dva sloja ovog krasotana, bez nadlaka. Super (stara) četkica Catrice lakića odradi posao skoro sama, ova nijansa bi se možda mogla i malo brže sušiti ali mogu živjeti s tim. Definitivno moj tip laka . U zadnje vrijeme sam nosila vedrije i svjetlije boje pa mi ova izgleda kao povratak doma.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

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