Monday, January 30, 2012

Hard choices, tough decisions...

Hi my friends!

Someone asked me what's my favorite manicure from the last year... so I went to see what have I done... and realized that there's no way I can answer that question . I've found so many interesting manicures that I was happy to wear,  I'd even like to recreate them one day... but to choose just one of them... mission impossible .
Here is my 'best of 2011' choice!
Netko me pitao koja mi je bila najdraža manikura prošle godine... pa sam prolistala blog da vidim što sam sve radila... i shvatila da nema teorije da odgovorim na to pitanje . Našla sam toliko manikura koje sam rado nosila, koje bih čak ponovo stavila na nokte... ali da izaberem među njima... nemoguća misija .
Evo mog izbora 'najboljih iz 2011'!  
Please click on the picture to see it better... if you like 
I'd like to see yours, please!
Slobodno kliknite na fotku da ih bolje vidite... ako baš želite 
Voljela bih vidjeti vaše!

But I had no problem with choosing the best polish from the last year. I know there's been so many of it, such a great colors, finishes... but one is the best, to me China Glaze 'It's alive' is an absolute winner in this category .
Zato nisam ni malo dvojila kad se radilo o najboljem laku iz prošle godine. Znam da ih je bilo brdo fantastičnih, super boja, finiša... ali jedan je najbolji, meni China Glaze 'It's alive' nema premca u ovoj kategoriji 

Would you agree with me or rather tell me which one is yours?
Hoćete li se složiti sa mnom ili mi reći koji bi bio vaš izbor?

Till we meet again... love, Žana

Sunday, January 29, 2012

As time passes by

Hi my friends!

Sweet Ivana, well known girl in love with pink, tagged me with this one... 
Draga Ivanasvima nam znana cura zaljubljena u pink boje, proslijedila mi je ovo...
...quite some times ago... but what's the hurry . All you, or in this case me, have to do is compare your first mani with the last one. 
Here is mine very first...
...prije prilično vremena... ali gdje nam se žuri . Sve što trebate, ili ja u ovom slučaju, napraviti je usporediti prvu i posljednju manikuru.
Evo moje prve...  

and the last one...
i posljednje...

My first manicure was with 'Sleep-walker' from Wet'n'Wild (on the 09th of the october 2010.) , the last one is 'Knight's Armor' by Nubar, on this pictures with mat top coat (without it it looks like this). 
Have I made any progress? I don't know... it's up to you to judge.
Moja prva manikura bila je sa 'Sleep-walker'om od Wet'n'Wild (još tamo 09. listopada 2010.), posljednja je 'Knight's Armor' od Nubara, ovdje s mat nadlakom (a bez njega izgleda ovako). 
Jesam li napredovala? Ne znam... na vama je da procijenite.

I won't tagg anyone, but I'll invite all of you with blogs older than one year to do it anyway... I'd like to see your old manicures, and the new one, of course.
Ne šaljem ovo nikom posebno, ali pozivam sve vas koje imate blog stariji od godine dana da preuzmete tag... voljela bih vidjeti vaše stare manikure, i nove, naravno 

Till the next polishing, love, Žana

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My most worn polishes

Hi my friends!

Dear and sweet Ulmiel and Ena tagged me whit this one... and it sound like a fun, I have to dig up for my most worn polishes. I was kinda surprised with the result... let's take a look what we have here.
Drage i slatke Ulmiel i Ena proslijedile su mi ovu zarazu... zvučalo je baš zabavno, morala sam prekopati svoju zalihu i pronaći najistrošenije lakove. Donekle sam bila i iznenađena onim što sam pronašla... idemo pogledati zajedno.
Essence white tip painter and Konad whit stamping polish
obviously I used these a lot...
za ove znam da sam ih prilično koristila...  

 Essence - rock it, baby!, check me out!, berlin story (i love berlin), in the jungle (show your feet), watch out! and replay... 
it was a surprise to see the orange in this bunch (it looks terrible on my nails)
iznenadio me narančasti lak u ovoj gomili (užasno mi stoji)

 Catrice - it blue my mind! and london's weather forecast... 
these are among my most beloved polishes, but I spend them carefully (only don't know why)
ova dva spadaju u moje omiljene lakova, i zato ih čuvam (samo ne znam zbog čega)

 Gabrini Elegant 375, Elf mint, Gabrini Multivitamin 326 and Woo 619

 Nubar Knight's armor and Color Club Worth the risque (again among my favorites) (ova dva su opet među mojim favoritima) with Wet'n'Wild Sleep-walker and Del Sol Rock star 

 S-he 466 (I love this one) (ovaj baš volim) and China glaze Snow

 Essence Rock rebell and Circus confetti 
 absolutely empty bottles - Circus confetti I used for frankens, but Rock rebell was too often on my nails, this was my first polish 'in color' 
totalno prazne bočice - Circus confetti sam potrošila na frankene, ali Rock rebell sam stvarno iznosala, ovo mi je bio prvi obojeni lak 

if you didn't see it on the first picture, you can see here - empty bottle of nail polish, I know that is extremely rare among nail polish addicts, but sometimes the wonders do happens .
Ako niste dobro vidjeli na prvoj fotki, evo je i ovdje - prazna bočica laka za nokte, znam da je ovo izuzetna rjetkost među lakoholičarkama, ali ponekad se i čuda znaju desiti .

This was it, it was fun and educational, hope I'll see the same post on your blogs. I dare you!
To bi bilo to, bilo je zabavno i poučno... nadam se da ću isti post naći i na vašem blogu. Izazivam vas!

Till the next polishing... love, Žana

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Good feeling

Hi my friends!

It's a beautiful day outside, at least in my corner of the world... but it's not any worst inside . I've got my music, my nails are polished, lunch is almost done, I'm almost healthy ... On the nails now...
Vani je prekrasan dan, barem u mom kutku svijeta... ali nije ništa lošije ni unutra . Imam super muziku, noktići su nalakirani, ručak se krčka, skoro pa sam i zdrava ... 'Ajmo mi na nokte...  

I had a hart time to get rid of Snoopy... but yesterday came a surprise from dearest Nina, she send me this gorgeous polish - Golden Rose Graffiti 12. I thought it will be a good combo with Essence 'replay'... and I was right! This crackle is gorgeous brass-rust color, with a tons of glitters in it, it looks divine. Thank you Nina, you really made my day !   
What do you think of this combo?
Bilo mi je teško skinuti Snoopy-ja s noktiju... ali jučer je stiglo iznenađenje od moje drage Ninočke, poslala mi je ovaj krasan lakić - Golden Rose Graffiti 12. Činilo mi se da bi s Essenceovim 'replay'om činio sasvim dobru kombinaciju... i bila sam u pravu! Ovaj crackle je fantastične brončano-zarđale boje, s tonom glittera u sebi, baš mi izgleda božanstveno. Hvala Nina, baš si mi začinila dan

Till the next manicure... love, Žana

p.s. here's some good feeling for you to , play it loud and enjoy!  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Some of my blog awards...

Hi my friends!

Well, to tell you the truth, it's been a long time since I've received some of these awards... but, I promise you, I'll show you all of them... just be patient  with me, since I'm such a delicate flower .
The first one is the... 
Iskreno, prošlo je prilično vremena otkako sam dobila neke od ovih nagrada... ali, obećavam, sve ću vam ih pokazati... samo morate biti strpljivi sa mnom, jer sam tako osjetljiv cvjetak .
Prva je... 
Thank you so much, MariaMinnie and zebra-nails, you're all great girls with fabulous blogs, which I gladly recommend 
Hvala puno, MariaMinnie i zebra-nails, sve ste super cure s krasnim blogovima, koje od srca preporučujem 

Here are the rules:
1. Link back person who awarded you
2. Answer award questions
3. Tell us something about yourself you haven't told us in your blog yet?
4. Award as many blogs you think are worthy of this award 
5. Make sure to let those you give this award know you awarded them!
Evo i pravila:
1. linkajte osobu od koje ste dobili nagradu
2. odgovorite na pitanja
3. recite nešto o sebi što nam još niste rekli na blogu
4. nagradite onoliko blogera koliko mislite da zaslužuju ovu nagradu
5. i svakako ih obavijestite da su dobile nagradu

1. What is your go to makeup product / makeup proizvod broj 1
mascara / maskara
2. What was your favorite fashion trend of 2011 / naj trend 2011-e
neon polishes / neonciiiii
3. What is your favorite dessert / omiljeni desert
ice cream / slaaaaaadoled, ali samo voćni
4. Favorite color / najdraža boja
grey / siva
5. What is your middle name / srednje ime   
I don't have it / nemam ja to
6. What was the last song you listened to / posljednja pjesma koju ste slušali
lmfao party rock anthem
7. cats or dogs / mačke ili psi
mmmm... love them both / preteško, obje vrste

Something about myself that you don't know / nešto o tebi što ne znamo 

sometimes I think I'm the most stubborn woman on the face of the earth 
vrlo često mislim da sam najtvrdoglavija žena na planetu 

Now the hardest part... tagging the other bloggers. This one goes to:

IvanaMatejaReaTihana, EnaManuelaLet's polish some nails and Nails from fairy tale  because the're so sweet girls and I never miss to read they's posts, to Raggio di Luna Nails because this girls deserves more attention, her nail art is so good that you'll think she's wearing stickers on her nails. 
Sad i najteži dio... prosljeđivanje nagrade. Ova neka ide:
IvaniMatejiReiTihaniEniManuelaLet's polish some nails i Nails from fairy tale jer su sve super cure i ni jedan post ne propuštam, i Raggio di Luna Nails jer ova cura definitivno zaslužuje više pažnje, njen nail art je tako precizan da ćete sigurno pomisliti da nosi naljepnice. 

This badge came from Mimi (thanks Mimi) and it's made to honor a fellow bloggers for love all  the sparkly things... to me, it's my dear Nina.
Ova je došla od Mimi (hvala Mimi) i napravljena je u počast kolegama blogerima koji love svjetlucave stvarčice... meni je to Nina

And the best award ever... for all the bloggers who don't have word verification... trust me, you don't need it, it doesn't do nothing but slowing down the commentators. This is Ena's contribution to the world, thanks Ena. Hope you'll all take this badge!
I najbolja nagrada ikad... za sve blogere koji ne koriste word verification... vjerujte mi, ne trebate to, ionako ne radi ništa drugo doli usporava komentare. Ovo je Enin doprinos svijetu, hvala ti Ena. Nadam se da ćete svi uzeti ovu značkicu!

Wow, this was exhausting... and still so many awards to do... but, next time. Thanks to all the girls which thought I'm good enough to be awarded, and to all my readers for bearing me 
Uf, ovo je baš bilo iscrpljujuće... a još toliko nagrada... ali, neki drugi put. Hvala svim curama koje su smatrale da sam zaslužila nagradu, i naravno, svim mojim dragim čitateljima što me trpe .

Till we meet again, love, Žana

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New winner

Hi my friends!

Just a quick one to tell you that I haven't heard from the winner of my last giveaway... I don't know why... what is the point of entering the giveaway if you don't like the prize? 
So, we have a new one, again choose by, this time it's #218,
Samo na brzinu, da vam kažem da se nisam čula s pobjednicom zadnjeg darivanja... nemam pojma zašto... ne znam ni zašto ulaziti u igru ako vam se ne sviđa nagrada?
I tako, imamo novu pobjednicu, opet izabranu od, ovaj put pod brojem 218, 

and under that number is... 
a pod tim brojem se krije... 

Whimsical Glam

If you like the prize, please claim it, you have 48 hours to email me. 
Ako želiš nagradu, zatraži je, imaš 48 sati da mi pošalješ poruku.

Thanks... love, Žana

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