Thursday, March 26, 2015

Down by the seaside...

Hi there!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Essence Satin Matt and Pastel Ombré topcoats

Hi there!

Iako su mi nokti u komatoznom stanju, nisam mogla odoljeti te sam isprobala dva nova essence nadlaka, a prve dojmove rado dijelim s Vama.

Although my nails are in pretty bad shape right now, I couldn't resist to try two new essence topcoats. I'm sharing my first impressions with you.

 essence nail art satin matt top coat*

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Matching Manicure Sunday - Fan Brush Manicure

Hi there!

Evo nas u još jednom nedjeljnom izazovu, ovaj put je na redu manikura uz pomoć lepezastog kista.

Here we are, in another Matching Manicure episode, this time we're doing the fan brush manicure.  

Friday, March 20, 2015

Bahama Mama goes Over The Edge

Hi there!

Približava nam se novi Beauty Bloggers Day, a ja još nisam pokazala lakiće s prošlogodišnjeg, sramota. Evo prilike da se ovo ispravi.

As the next Beauty Bloggers Day in Croatia approaches, I realize that I haven't show you the polishes I got on last one. But, here's the chance to correct it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Born Pretty Store Stamping Image Plate BP-51 - BP-55

Hi there!

U posljednjem postu sam Vam pokazala prvih pet pločica iz Born Pretty Store seta BP-46 - BP-55. Evo i druge polovice kompleta.

In my last post you could see first five stamping image plates from set of Born Pretty Store BP-46 - BP-55. Here's the second half.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Born Pretty Store Stamping Image Plate BP-46 - BP-50

Hi there!

Nedavno sam od BornPretty Store dobila na recenziju 10 pločica za štambiljanje, one od broja BP-46 do BP-55
O popularnosti BornPretty Store pločica ne treba govoriti, možete ih vidjeti na svakom lakoholičarskom blogu, a ni kvaliteta novijih pločica se ne može usporediti s onim starima. Novije su puno bolje obrađene, dublje i preciznije ugravirane, te ispoliranih rubova.

Recently I got ten stamping image plates, BP-46 to BP-55, from BornPretty Store for a review. 
New stamping image plates from this brand are known worldwide, and you can see them on almost every polish-addicted blog. New edition is much better than the old plates, they're better and deeper engraved, their ends are polished and they have sticker on background.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Frozen Manicure

Hi there!

Tek jedan brzi post, da Vam konačno pokažem manikuru koju sam nosila nekidan.

One short and quick, just to finally show you my last manicure. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

How to make your own peel off base!?

Hi there!

Nakon brojnih upita o essence i NYC peel off bazi, i nemogućnosti nabave istih, odlučila sam konačno probati napraviti vlastitu peel off bazu.
Kako već neko vrijeme baš i ne obilazim drogerije i parfumerije ne znam kakva je situacija u istim što se tiče peel off baza. Iz essencea su mi odgovorili kako je njihova baza bila dio 'gel nails at home' kolekcije te se može naći još jedino u Kozmo drogerijama na sniženju.
No, nema mjesta očajavanju, ovaj problem možete riješiti doma u par sekundi. Trebat će Vam kakvo tekuće ljepilo tipa Drvofix, ja sam doma imala Pattex Wood, pa sam koristila njega.

Few girls asked me where to buy essence or NYC peel off base coat, which I mentioned in my previous post.
Since, for most of you, these base coats are unavailable, here's the way you can help yourself. All you need is a liquid glue, one you usually use for wood, or paper. I Had Pattex Wood at home, so I used that one.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

NYC Strip Me Off vs. essence peel off base coat

Hi there!

Nedavno me draga Tanja obradovala slatkim paketićem, dijelom kojeg je bila i NYC Strip Me Off baza. Vidjela sam da je ona koristi kao pomoć pri čišćenju zanoktica kod štambiljanja. Naravno, morala sam je i sama isprobati u istu svrhu.
Danas sam radila suptilan gradijent... na kraju je ispao i previše suptilan te jedva zamjetan, no never mind. 
Prvo sam izabrala lakiće.

Recently, I got nail-mail from my dear Tanja, in which I got NYC Strip Me Off base coat. I saw that Tanja use it as a help while stamping, so I had to try it myself.
I did very subtle gradient... well, too subtle, but never mind.
First I choose the polishes I will be using.

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