Ovaj lak sam jednom probala, zaključila da mi se ne sviđa i spremila ga... danas ga izvlačim po drugi put. Radi se o orly-jevom 'it's up to blue', totalno ludoj nijansi. Prvo što vam upadne u oči kod orly lakova je bočica - wow, 18 ml!!! Prvi sloj laka je jako proziran ali drugi rješi stvar, lako se maže, četkica je fantastična a boja... nekako mi nije legla :-( Ok, priznajem da sam navikla na tamnije lakove na noktima, možda zato, ali ovaj je stvarno preupadljiv, ne možete ga ne gledati. Prosudite same!
I tried this polish once and concluded that I don't like it and put it away... today I'm wearing it for the second time. It's Orly's 'it's up to blue', totally crazy shade. First thing you'll notice with orly polishes is the bottle - wow, 18 ml!!! The first coat of this polish is very transparent but the other solve the problem, it's so easy to apply it, brush is just fantastic... but the colour is not my kind of colour. Ok, I admit that I'm accustomed to a darker polishes, perhaps because of that, but this is really super striking colour, you can't not watch it. Judge for yourself!
Malo bolje izgleda u sjeni nego na suncu, zar ne!? Mislila sam ga malo sakriti pečatiranjem, ali na kraju sam odlučila probati nešto drugo - matirala sam ga... i sad ga već mogu podnijeti ;-)
It looks better in the shadow than on the sun, isn't it !? I thought to hide some of it wiht stamping, but in the end I decided to try something else - I put matt topcoat on it... and now it looks acceptable to me :-)
Bez obzira na činjenicu što je matiran, on se i dalje sjaji, možda zato što ima metalik finiš... ali ovako ga bar mogu gledati. Tko zna možda mi se do kraja dana i svidi pa ga počnem nositi malo češće ;-)Šta vi mislite o ovoj boji, biste li je matirale ili ostavile da bode oči?
Matt or not it still shines, perhaps because of this metallic look... but now I can watch it without hurting my eyes. Who knows, maybe till the end of the day I'll like it and start to wear it a bit more often ;-)
What to you think about this colour, would you wear matt over it or just left it alone?
p.s. ovaj lak sam dobila s osvojenim prvim mjestom na natječaju za ljetnu manikuru, evo je :-D
p.s. this polish was the first prize at the contest for summer's manikure, this is the mani :-D
Till we meet again, love yourself...