Bok cure!
Hi girls!
Danas za vas imam swatcheve posljednje kupovine. Vežite se,polijećemo!
Today I have some swatches of my last purchase. Buckle up,here we go!
s-he 438
U bočici izgleda prekrasno...izvan bočice,kakvo razočaranje :-( Na slici 4 sloja (hallooooo 4 sloja) sa seche vite-om unatoč kome se ovo čudo sušilo pola sata. Prestrašno! Ali pogledajte glittere...
In the bottle it looks gorgeous...out of the bottle,what a disappointment :-( On the picture are 4 coats (hallooooo 4 coats) with seche vite,but it took half an hour for this to dry. Terrible! But take a look at glitters...
Od ovoga ništa,idemo dalje! Na redu je s-he 453
Since this is not worth mentioning,let's move on! S-he 453
N slici 'samo' 3 sloja,za punu pokrivnost trebalo bi ih 13,valjda. Šteta,u bočicama stvarno krasno izgledaju,a ja se pametnica pomamila :-) Poslužit će bar za layering ili za frankene :-P
Na kraju igrala na sigurno,na nešto za što sam bila sigurna da će biti u redu. 'Romeo' od essence, s kapicama :-)
On the photo 'only' 3 coats, for full coverage should be 13, I guess. Too bad, in the bottles they look really amazing :-( At least they'll do for layering or for franken :-P
In the end,I played for safe,for something I was sure that it'll be just fine. 'Romeo' from essence, with some caps :-)
Ovako sam malo ubila monotoniju srebrnog laka...moglo je ispasti i bolje,ali tko je radio i ovo je ok ;-)
Natrag u stvarni život!
This is how I killed monotony of silver polish might turn out better, but who worked this is quite ok ;-)
Back to real life!
Do idućeg lakiranja, uživajte...
Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...