
Monday, January 31, 2011

Berlin story... fail manicure

Hi girls!

Juhu, dočepala sam se čak 2 laka iz essence 'i love berlin' kolekcije! Jedan od njih je 'berlin story', crni lak fantastične formule, pokrivan u jednom sloju (zamislite) i ... uf, opet sam se zaljubila :-) I tako ja lakiram nokte s tim krasotanom... joj, nisam ga slikala samog... kako mi se žurilo, uspjela sam i pokvariti manikuru
Yey, I got hold of the 2 polishes from essence 'i love berlin' collection! One of them is 'berlin story', perfect black polish with stunning formula, perfect coverage in one layer and... ugh, I'm in love :-) And so I painted my nails with this black beauty... ups, I didn't take a picture of it on its own... as I was in a hurry, I've managed to ruin a manicure :-(

Vidite, nije baš savršena :-/ Htjela sam napraviti french s matt lakom, a nokat na prstenjaku matirati cijeli sa sjajnim frenchom... to sam i napravila ali baš nisam bila precizna. Scotch traka me nešto nije slušala, a kad sam na zanoktice nanijela malo ulja zasjajio se matt lak :-( No, što je tu je, nadam se da bar razumjete ideju :-) Trčim dalje!
You see, it's not perfect :-/ I wanted to do french with matt top coat and nail on ring finger to do entire matte with shining french... that's what I did but I wasn't quite accurate. Scotch tape didn't listen me, and cuticles oil made my matt shining :-( Well, what is done is done, I hope you at least understand the idea :-) Gotta go already!

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Back to black

Hi girls!

Neću vas uopće gnjaviti nepotrebnim uvodom i objašnjavanjem... evo današnje manikure!
I will not bother you with unnecessary introduction and explaining... here's today's manicure!
Na žalost, sunce mi je pobjeglo, no snašla sam se s lampom :-)
Unfortunately, the sun has escaped, but I've come upon a lamp :-)

Super, jel' da!? Koristila sam color club 'revvvolution' i 'worth the risque' te konad ploču m63.
Još jednom se ispričavam što vrijeđam vaše okice pogledom na ove strašne zanoktice :-/
Yeah, don't you think!? I used color club 'revvvolution' and 'worth the risque' and konad image plate m63.
Once again, sorry for insulting your eyes by looking at these terrible cuticles :-/
Odoh se prepustiti 'ledenom dobu' :-) Nije valjda da ne volite taj crtać!?
I'm going to let the 'ice age' in :-) Don't you love that cartoon!?

Until next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Iron goddess

Hi girls!

Za početak, častim vas s malo golotinje :-) Opet sam ostala bez jednog nokta a onda su i ostali morali otići... a ja još tugujem za njima. Ovako sada izgledaju... goli i jadni... i suhi, jer ih nisam niti kremicom počastila :-)
Let's start with some nudity :-) One of my nails broke so the others had to go too... I still grieves for them. Now they look like this... naked and poor... and dry, because they didn't get no cream :-)
A onda sam ih ipak malo upristojila... pa nisu sve ni oni sami krivi!
Još jedan lakić iz essence metallics kolekcije - 'iron goddess'. Lak je savršen već nakon jednog sloja, nakon kojeg slijedi igranje s magnetićem :-) S essence magnetićem stvarno nisam imala problema... ako ne računate onih 30 sekundi koliko ga treba držati da bi postigli efekt kakav želite... vrijeme mi je stvarno predugo a kako meni strpljenje nije vrlina možete pretpostaviti kako to ide... pušem, kukam, jaučem, brojim... :-) 
But they had to look decent... it's not all their fault!
Another polish from essence 'metallics collection' - 'iron goddess'. Polish is perfect after just one coat, followed by playing with magnet :-) I didn't had any problem with essence magnet... except those 30 seconds as it should be followed to achieve the effect you desire... time is too long and patience is not one of my virtue so you can guess how it goes... I was blowing out, groaning, counting... :-)

Sad vidim da je dio laka sa srednjeg prsta preselio na magnet :-) Ako se njemu tako više sviđa...
Super su mi lakovi iz ove kolekcije - dobro su pigmentirani, odlično izgledaju već nakon jednog sloja, moram ih još probati kako izgledaju bez uzorka i suhi su nakon ovih 30 sekundi za kojih ste ih dražili magnetom :-) No, ako ih do sad niste nabavili niti nećete... da mi je samo znati što essence radi s ostatkom povučenih kolekcija :-) Možete li zamisliti kako izgleda groblje ostavljenih i napuštenih lakova :-/ Jadničci mali! Ja bih ih sve skupila i udomila! Ne bih dala da se boje sami u mraku!
Now I see that part of polish from the middle finger has moved to the magnet :-) If that pleased him...
I love polishes from this collection - they're well pigmented, look great after just one coat, I have yet to try how they look lik without the sample, and dry after 30 seconds for which they were irritated with magnet :-) If you don't have them yet, you will not be able to get them now... if I only knew what the essence does with the rest of collections? Can't you imagine how the graveyard of deserted and abandoned polishes look like  :-/ Poor little things! I'd give them a good home! I wouldn't left them alone in the dark!Ako se reinkarniram, nadam se da budem mačka... još ako dođem kod neke dobre tete (kao što sam ja) gdje bi mi bio kraj!? Pogledajte kako moji muceki uživaju.
If I reincarnate, I hope to be a cat... have a good home with fine women (like me) where would be the end!? See how my cats enjoy themselfs.

Until we meet again, enjoy yourself...

p.s. these products were sent to me for review

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Must know this!!!

Hi girls!

Just a quick one to tell you about awesome giveaway from Konad-licious! 


Go on her site and check it out! What are you waiting for? Run!!!

Until the next polisihing, enjoy yourself...

Monday, January 24, 2011

More cyclamen

Hi girls!

Sve ste već ubrale kako me catrice lak 'hot or not' osvojio... i zamislite, danas opet imam manikuru s njim u glavnoj ulozi :-) U stvari, glavnu ulogu u uvoj manikuru ima Chloe  koja me inspirirala i čije su manikure apsolutno genijalne i činjenica da sam se konačno dočepala scotch trake :-) Spojila sam catrice 'hot or not' i 'london's weather forecast'. Htjela sam nešto drugačije i evo do čega sam došla...
All of you already know how I like catrice 'hot or not'... imagine, today again I have a manicure with it in the lead role :-). Actualy, the main star of this mani is Chloe who inspired me and whose manicure are absolutely brilliant and the fact that I finally got hold of scotch tape :-) I combined catrice 'hot or not' with 'london's weather forecast'. I wanted something different and here's what I came up...

Ni slučajno ne gledajte zanoktice, opet je vrijeme da ih sredim, ni to što sam već pokvarila manikuru... to mi je ovdje apsolutno sporedno... bitne su mi ove dvije boje i ovaj fantastičan cik-cak uzorak. Pokušavala sam ovo izvesti i s aero selotejpom i papirnatom trakom, ali ne, rezultat nije bio ni približno ovakav. Živjela scotch traka! E sad, mogla sam ja nju zalijepiti i ravno... no ja bih radije ovako :-) Oduševljena sam svojom domišljatošću i spretnošću lol. Dobija li po vama ovakva manikura prolaznu ocjenu?
Don't you dare to look at my cuticles, it's time to fix them, or tipwear... That is absolutely beside the point here... what's important to me is to show you this two colors, and this fantastic zig-zag pattern. I've tried to do this with aero tape and paper tape, but the result was not even close to this. Long live the scotch tape! Now, I could stick it straight but I like it like this much better :-) I'm thrilled with my ingenuity and skill lol. Would you give a passing grade to this mani?

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Don't feed the birds...

Hi girls!

Nadam se da vam vikend prolazi u ugodnom društvu, da se ne umarate previše, da vas ukućani slušaju, da je u školi ili na poslu sve ok (ako imate sreće da imate posao), da vam novčanik nije prazan i da vas zdravlje služi!
Meni neki hoće zabraniti da hranim ptice, možete li to zamisliti!? Evo o čemu se radi...
Hope your weekend is passing by in a good company, you're not tiring to much, the folks is listen to you, that in school or at work all is ok (if you're lucky to have a job), your wallet is not empty and your healt serves you good!
Some want me ban to feed the birds, can you imagine that? Here's what is that all about...

Catrice 'don't feed the birds'! Ime je jako dojmljivo, moram priznati. Lak se maže kao maslac, predivan je, catrice ima krasnu široku četkicu, dosta se brzo suši, pogledajte samo taj krasan shimmer... ali je preproziran za moj ukus, na slici su tri sloja a boja... nemam ja ništa protiv žute boja ali s ovim na noktima izgledam totalno bolesno :-/  Ne znam, možda posluži za layering... jednostavno nije moj broj.
Ali ovo...
Catrice 'don't feed the birds'! The name is very impressive, I must admit. It applies like a butter, it's wonderful, catrice has a great vide brush, it dries quickly enough, just look at that beautiful shimmer... to sheer for my taste, in the picture are three layers and color... I don't have anything against the yellow color, but with this on my nails I look totally sick :-/ I don't know, maybe for some layering... it's just not my cup of tea.
But this...

Catrice 'hot or not?'! Definitivno hot! Ne znam, ovakvu boju sebi nikad ne bih kupila... ali znate šta, drago mi je da još uvijek mogu samu sebe iznenaditi :-) Nakon što sam nalakirala prvi nokat otelo mi se wow... mislim, nisam mogla vjerovat' kako dobro izgleda! Nisam uspjela uhvatiti točnu boju, opet, lak na noktu ima boju identičnu ciklami, malo je tamniji nego u bočici. Aplikacija savršena, na slici su dva sloja, sušenje brzo, nisam htjela staviti top coat jer se lak super sjaji (što se na slici opet ne vidi)... savršena girly boja i stvarno me iznenadio jer mi se sviđa :-) Ipak, mislim da bi mu jedan konad sasvim dobro legao :-)
Catrice 'hot or not?'! Definitely hot! I don't know, this is a color I would never buy for myself... but you know what, I'm glad I can still surprise myself :-) After applied it on first nail I just go wow... I mean, I could not believe it's so good looking! I haven't managed to capture the exact color, again (what else is new), on my nail the polish has a color identical to cyclamen, a little darker than in the bottle. The application is perfect, on the picture are two layers, drying quickly, I didn't want to put a top coat because it's super shining (on the picture you can't see that)... perfect girlish color and really surprise for me because I like it :-) However, I think it'll look much better with some konad on :-)
Imam još nešto... essence 'rosewood stikcs' ili štapići od ružinog drveta. Njih koristim za pogurivanje zanoktica i moram priznati da su puno praktičnije od metalnih alatki jer se nećete ozlijediti s njima. Solidan proizvod za pristojnu cijenu!
Idem sad malo mozgat o idućoj manikuri :-) I usput gledati svoje ciklama noktiće :-)
I have one more thing to show to you... essence 'rosewood sticks'. I use them to push back my cuticles and I must admit that it's a lot more practical than metal tools because it will not hurt you. A solid product for a decent price!
I'm leaving you, I'll think about the next manicure :-) And watch mine cyclamen nails :-)

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

p.s. these products were sent to me for review

Friday, January 21, 2011

Evening seduction

Hi girls!

Ako se pitate tko je bio zaveden... evo priznajem, zavelo me :-p Dugo sam odolijevala ali sam se napokon predala. Kako ne bih, ovaj ljepotan je baš po mom ukusu :-) I ime mu je baš prikladno... evening seduction! Doduše, već je u godinama... ovaj lak je dio china glaze kolekcije 'vision of grandeur' iz 2005. godine (ako sam pronašla pravu informaciju). U kozmetičkoj industriji to je već prapovijest :-) Da skratimo priču...
 If you're wondering who has been seduced... I admit, it was me :-p I have resisted for long time, but I finally surrendered. As I would not, this beauty has everything I want :-) Even his name is quite appropriate... evening seduction!  However, he's not the youngest one, it was part of the china glaze collection 'vision of grandeur' in 2005. (if I found the right information). In cosmetics industry it's prehistory :-) To make a long story short...
Noć, pod umjetnim svjetlom pa mi ruka baš nema prirodnu boju ali lak je onakav kakav je... prilično taman i u sjeni nećete mi posumnjati da se ne radi o crnom laku. Super tamna krvavo crvena boja... meni izgleda baš tako! Htjela sam je malo podići i činilo mi se dobrom idejom ići s nekim romantičnim dizajnom (uf, baš me puklo ovo zavođenje hihi) i ne baš prevelikim kontrastom. Odabrala sam konad pločicu m65 i essence lak 'romeo'. Pogledajte rezultat!
Night, under artificial light so my hand just doesn't have the natural color but the polish color is exactly the same... pretty dark, in the shadow you'll never suspect that it's not black. Super dark blood red color... it looks just like that to me! I wanted to fresh up a bit and it seemed like good idea to go with some romantic design (ugh, I was snapped with this seduction lol) and with not too much contrast. I chose konad plate m65 and essence 'romeo' polish. See the result!

 Za posljednje fotografije sam ipak morala čekati jutro... nemoguće je ovakav lak s ovako diskretnim stampingom poslikati po noći ako mislite imati pristojne fotografije. Meni se rezultat sviđa, a vama?
For last images I still had to wait until morning ... It's impossible to take a picture of this polish with such a discrete stamping at night if you want a decent photo. I like the result, how about you?
Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Metal battle

Hi girls!

Nekako mi se ovih dana ne miče od crnih lakova :-) Iako sam ovog već pokazala, zaslužuje još koje pojavljivanje u medijima. Ovaj put je to 'metal battle' iz essence metallics kolekcije, shimmerasti crni lak... trebam li ponavljati da sam zaljubljena u ovakvu vrstu lakova!?
Somehow, these days I can't more away from black polishes :-) Although I have already show this one, it surly deserves more media appearances. This time it's 'metal battle' of essence metallics collection, black nail polish with shimmer... should I repeat that I'm in love with this kind of polish!?

Volim ja njega i samog ali ovaj put nisam mogla odoljeti da ga malo ne ukrasim... stigli su mi jutros novi pečati :-) Ova sličica se nalazi na konadovoj ploči m7. Na žalost, na noktima je teško uhvatiti shimmere koji su u bočici lako uočljivi... možda da je bilo sunca ali mislim da ga nećemo vidjeti idućih par dana :-(  Ako se pitate zašto skrivam drugu ruku, evo je!
As much as I love it on its own this time I couldn't resist not to decorate it a little... this morning the new image plates have arrived :-) This image is from konad image plate m7. Unfortunately, shimmer is not to visible on nails, but you can see it in the bottle... maybe if ther was some sun but I think we'll not see it for a few days :-( If you're wondering why I hide the other hand, here it is!
Moja prijateljica od neki dan se još uvijek dobro drži a ja nisam imala srca skinuti je :-) Obavezno klikom povećajte koju sliku i pogledajte kako ovaj ljepotan izgleda u bočici. Meni je jako sličan vollare laku od neki dan...
My friend from the other day still holds good and I didn't have the heart to remove it :-) Be sure to click the picture to see how this beauty looks in the bottle. It's very similar to vollare polish from the other day...
Vollare je malo svjetliji dok 'metal battle' ima uočljiviji modri shimmer. Jedina mana ovom laku su tri sloja koja su mi danas trebala za potpunu pokrivnost... ali nekima ste u stanju sve oprostiti,zar ne?
Ako bacite pogled na moje 'sljedbenike' vidjet ćete da sam prešla veeeeeliku okruglu broju od 100 ljudi. To je za mene baš velika brojka... jer sam počela s blogom bez velikih očekivanja i nadanja, čisto iz svog zadovoljstva :-) Ovako puno ljudi zaslužuje da ih obradujem kakvim darivanjem, zar ne? Par stvarčica sam već spremila (među njima i ovaj essence ljepotan... pst, nemojte nikom reći) ali mi se to ne čini dovoljno pa ćete morati još malo pričekati... recimo dok se ne okrene neki idealniji broj... 111 npr. No, o tom potom!
Vollare is a little brighter and 'metal battle' has a more noticeable blue shimmer. The only downside of this polish is that today it needed three coats for complete coverage... but to some you'll forgive all, am I right?
If you look at my 'followers' you'll se that I had crossed the big round number of 100 people. To me it's a big thing... because I started to blog without great expectations and hopes, just for my own pleasure :-) This great people deserves some giveaway, right? A couple things I have already prepared (among them this beauty... hush, don't tell anyone) but that's not enough so you'll have to wait for a while... let's say untill I have 111 followers. However, there's still time for that!

Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

p.s. this polish was sent to me for review

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sweet skulls

Hi girls!

Iako imam odradit par swatcheva, nisam mogla odoljeti i vratila sam se onom što mi je najdraže od lakova - crnjaci :-) Ovaj put je to lak 'flash 77' iz asortimana 'vollare' kozmetike, fantastična boja metala sa sivoplavim shimmerom, nije sasvim crn ali je dovoljno blizu. Dovoljna su vam dva sloja, što se tiče sušenja ne znam jer sam ovisna o 'seche vite' i nesvjesno ga nanosim nakon svakog laka :-) Trajnost... dan do dva, zavisi koliko kućnih poslova obavite u to vrijeme :-)
Although I have to do a couple of swatch, I couldn't resist so I returned to my fovorite of polish - blacky :-) This time it's 'flash 77' of 'vollare cosmetics', fantastic metal gun color with gray and black shimmer, not quite black, but close enough. Good coverage in two coats, as far as drying, I don't know because of my addiction to 'seche vite' :-) Durability... day or two, depending on how much of housework you do at that time :-)
Ali, to nije sve, imam ja još nešto za pokazati! Pogledajte samo!
But that's not all, I still have something to show! Just look!

Ove preslatke naljepnice našla sam u 'china shopu' i moram priznati da je ovo, za sada, najbolja stvar u mojoj kolekcij... pala je ljubav na prvi pogled :-) Šteta što kvalitetom baš ne zadovoljavaju, ali poslužit će već. Naljepnice se toliko čvrsto drže za foliju da ih je gotovo nemoguće odlijepiti i prenijeti na nokat. Više sam naljepnica bacila nego iskoristila :-( No, za ovakav izgled spremna sam im oprostiti! Ma morate ih voljeti!
Posljednja fotografija je uslikana jutros na suncu... više zbog laka nego zbog naljepnica... i kao i obično kod ovako nedefiniranih boja teško ju je bilo uhvatiti... no, šta je - tu je.
These to sweet stickers I found in 'china shop' and I must admit that this is, for now, the sweetest thing in my collection... fell in love at first sight ;-) Too bad the quality is not very satisfactory. The stickers are so firmly held by the sheet that is almost impossible to detach it and transfer it to the nail. I threw more of them than the ones I used :-( However, for this look I'm ready to forgive them! Oh you must love them!
The last photo was taken this morning in the sun... because of the polish... but this kind of color it's to hard to capture it... and that's it, sadly.

Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Holografic shine

Hi girls!

Joj žene moje, da samo znate kako sam sretna... nekidan sam u trgovini otkrila pravo blago... radi se o laku 'holografic shine 417' iz asortimana eveline cosmetics. Ima samo jedan problem, uhvatila sam posljednji primjerak, što je šteta jer nešto ovakvo stvarno nisam očekivala u supermarketu :-( Da ne gnjavim puno...
Oh guys, I'm so happy... few days ago at the supermarket I discovered the real treasure... it's 'holografic shine 417' from eveline cosmetics. There's only one problem, I grabbed the last one, which is a shame because something like these I really didn't expect at the supermarket :-( I don't want tease you a lot...

Ovako dobar lakić treba proslaviti čašom nečeg pjenušavog, slažete se !?
 A polish as good as this should celebrate with a glass of something sparkling, you agree?

Posljednje dvije fotografije uslikane su jutros, nadala sam se suncu ali se ono danas sakriva pa sam se morala zadovoljiti lampom (hihi da zadovoljiti lampom). Holo efekt nije  baš u klasi china glaze ali meni je dovoljan, i da je boćica malo veća bio bi savršen, boćica je naime samo 4.5 ml. Malo su mi čudni nokti jutros, nisam navikla baš na ovako diskretne boje. Ovaj slatki pečatić sam pronašla u china shopu.

The last two photo are taken this morning, I was hoping for the sun bit it still hides so I had to satisfied myself with a lamp (to satisfied myself with a lamp lol). Holo effect is not quite in the class of china glaze but it's ok, and if the bottle was a little bigger it would be perfect, the bottle is in fact only 4.5 ml. Nails like this is a bit odd to me because I'm not accustomed to this subtle color. This sweet image plate I found in a china shop.

I da znate, opet sam dobila nagradu! Ova je stigla od tete Ulmiel koja ima krasan blog, ako niste, obavezno provjerite. Ne znam šta mi se više sviđa - njeni nokti, lakovi ili pisanje. Nagrada nema ime, ali cilj joj je promovirati nove blogove.
Pravila bi bila sljedeća: postaj o nagradi i kopiraj pravila, linkaj osobu koja ti je proslijedila nagradu, izaberi 3 do 5 blogova, linkaj i komentiraj zašto baš oni, ostavi komentar na njihovom blogu o nagradi  i najvažnije: ovo je nagrada za nove i nepoznate blogove zato nemojte tagati nekog tko ima 300 ili više sljedbenika!

And you know, I got an award, again! This came from dear Ulmiel which has a lovely blog, if you're not, be sure to check it out. I don't know what I like better - her nails, polishes or writing. The award has no name , but her goal is to promote the new blogs.
Rouls would be as follows: Post about this award and copy the rules. Link the person that had tagged you. Choose 3 - 5 Blogs you would like to tag and link them too. Leave them a comment on their blog that you've linked them. Important: This award is for unknown blogs, so don't tag some 3000-Reader-Blogs!

Evo mog izbora...
- Nail for fun... fantastične fotke krasnih noktiju i super lakova!
Nails, wanted!... sasvim friški blog, zanimljivi radovi i dobre fotke.
- Lendoxia ... još jedna ovisnica o lakovima :-)
- Moji lakici ... dobri lakovi, dobre fotke, slatki nokti.
- Girl stuff ... kako krasne lakove možete naći na ovom blogu...
Joj, ja bih najradije dodala još koji... ali za početak, pratite ove cure, provjerite što rade, vjerujte mi, vrijedi! Nisam htjela otići predaleko već sam ostala 'doma'.
Varnish vixen mi je proslijedala nagradu 'Stylish Blogger Award' 

ali tu sam već odradila, a sad gornje blogove tagam i za nju. Ipak, hvala draga!
Evo i pravila ove nagrade:
1. Zahvali i linkaj osobu koja ti je nagradu poslala
2. Podijeli 7 stvari o sebi
3. Nagradi 15 novootkrivenih blogova
4. Kontaktiraj blogere i reci im o nagradi!
Baš sam danas darežljiva :-)

Here are my choices:
Nails for fun... stunning photos and lovely nail polishes!
Nails, wanted!... quite fresh blog, interesting work and good photos.
Lendoxia... another polish addict :-)
Moji lakici... good polishes, good photos, sweet nails.
Girl stuff... how great polishes can be found on this blog...
Oh, I'd love to add more blogs... but for start, follow these girl, check out what they do, believe me it's worth! I didn't want to go too far so I stayed 'at home'.
Varnish Vixen tagged me with 'Stylish Blogger 

but since I already did it, now I want to tag the upper blogs for it. Still, thanks dear! 
So, these are the rules to the award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
I'm in mood for giving today :-)

Sorry, this is just for croatian girls :-(

Ali, to nije sve! Samo danas, samo za vas (ovo se odnosi samo na cure iz Hrvatske) poklanjam vam ovu fantastičnu ponudu... Studio Di je snizio konad pločice sa 33,15 na 13,65 kn. Ako ste ovisnica o pečatiranju, trk na narudžbe! Ovo je tako dobro da sam morala podijeliti s vama... nadam se da mi ekipa iz Studia Di neće zamjeriti na besplatnoj reklami :-p

Until the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

News from Color Club

Hi girls!

Dobila sam na uvid slike nove kolekcije Color Cluba i cure... opet nam dolaze fantastični lakovi!
Nova proljetna kolekcija za 2011 godinu zove se 'Alter ego' i sastoji se od 12 nijansi.
I got to see pictures of new collection of Color Club and girls... again we'll get some fantastic nail polishes!
The new spring collection for 2011 years is called 'Alter Ego' and consists of 12 shades.

Lakovi će se osim pojedinačnih moći nabaviti i u dvije mini kolekcije - 'Reveal Your Mystery Collection' u kojoj će se naći nijanse: Get a Clue, Revealed, Incognito, Secret Rendezvous, Sheer Disguise i Give Me a Hint sa Milky White Base Coat-om...
Polishes will also be available in two mini-collection - 'Reveal Your Mystery Collection' in which you'll find shades: Get a Clue, Revealed, Incognito, Secret Rendezvous, Sheer Disguise i Give Me a Hint sa Milky White Base Coat...
Druga mini kolekcija je 'Keep It Undercover Collection' koju također čini 7 nijansi: Alter Ego, Secret Agent, Total Mystery, Alias, Ulterior Motive i Masquerading sa Vivid Top Coat-om.
The second mini-collection is 'Keep It Undercover Collection' which is also makes from 7 shades: Alter Ego, Secret Agent, Total Mystery, Alias, Ulterior Motive and Masquerading with Vivid Top Coat.

Vidite nešto interesantno? Zadnje tri mliječne nijanse i sve tamnije mi se jaaaaaaako sviđaju. Jedva čekam swatcheve jer me živo zanima hoće li i na noktima izgledati ovako dobro. Što se tiče kvalitete lakova Color Cluba - o njoj nema smisla niti govoriti, ja imam par primjeraka i oduševljena sam ... A vi cure, najbolje da nabacite koji lak i prosudite same :-)
See something interesting? Last three of bright and all darker shades looks just fine to me. I can hardly wait for swatch because I'm very interested how these will look on nails. As far as quality of Color Club polishes - it makes no sense to speak about it, I have a few of them and I'm thrilled... And you guys, it's best to grab some of these and judge for yourself :-)

Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

p.s. be sure to click on the pictures to see polishes in all its beauty :-)

Hypnotic poison

Hi girls!

Novi dan, nova ja... barem na noktima :-) Danas vam predstavljam 'hypnotic poison', colour & go, essence. Moram priznati da me na polici nije impresirao ali kad sam vidjela par swatcheva od cura tu na blogovima, morala sam ga i ja nabaciti. Boja je zbilja prekrasna, zagasita crvena ili bordo, kako vam drago, sa svjetlijim shimmerom. Savršena pokrivnost u dva sloja, prosječno brzo sušenje, za trajnost još ne znam, ovo mu je premijera. I kako sam jučer dobila par stvarčica, nisam mogla odoljeti da ne isprobam ove krasne zvjezdice :-) Mislila sam da su srebrne, ali one su u biti holografske i izgledaju prilično glamurozno a odazivaju se na ime 'glitter star!' i naći ćete ih u essence asortimanu. Stavila sam ih na lak i prešla nadlakom, tako jednostavno. Uživajte...
New day, new me ... at least on nails :-) Today I'm wearing 'hypnotic poison' of essence's color & go polishes. I must admit that I wasn't impressed when I saw this polish in store, but when I saw a couple swatches on blogs, I just had to have it. The colour is really beautiful, deep red or maroon, as you please, with a lighter shimmer. Perfect coverage in two layers, the average fast-drying, the durability is unknown because I wear this one for the first time. Yesterday I got a few things so I couldn't resist not to try this wonderful stars :-) I thought they are silver but they are holographic and look pretty glamorous, they respond to the name ' star glitter!' and you'll find them among essence things. I put them on semidry polish with top coat on top. Enjoy...

Zadnje dvije slike su jutros sa sunca... izgubila sam po jednu zvjezdicu na prstenjacima obje ruke što i nije neko čudo s obzirom na sinoćnje prčkanje oko večere i suđa i jutrošnje igrarije na balkonu među cvijećem
:-) Ako ne želite izgubiti ni jedan ukras, jednostavno ih zalijepite ljepilom za nokte!
The last two photos are taken this morning in the sun... I lost one star on both ring fingers which is not a big thing considering last nights dinner and dishes and this mornings work on the balcony among the flowers :-)
If you don't want to lose a single decoration, simply paste it with glue nail glue!

Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

p.s. this 'glitter star!' were sent to me for review

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It must be my lucky day!!! part 2

Hi girls!

Vjerovale ili ne, pred koju minutu dobila sam i drugi paketić! Ovaj je od naše Bibe na čijem sam blogu osvojila dva catrice laka... ali to nije sve... ona me razveselila i ovim krasnim naušnicama koje je sama izradila :-) Jedan par već danas ide u šetnju! Hvala draga Biba, oduševljena sam svojom nagradom!
Believe it or not, a few minutes ago I got the second package! This is from our Biba on whose blog I've won two catrice nail polish... but that's not all... she cheered me with this wonderful earrings that she made herself :-) One pair will go for a walk today! Thanks dear Biba, I'm thrilled with my prize!

Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

It must be my lucky day!!!

Hi girls!

O kako je ovaj dan dobro počeo... za razliku od jučerašnjeg koji je strašno završio. Saznala sam za smrt jedne drage forumašice koja me jako potresla... stradala u saobraćajnoj u 7-om mjesecu trudnoće... prestrašno...
Čudno kako te neki ljudi dirnu, iako ih nikad nisi upoznao u stvarnom svijetu, kako ova kutija od kompjutora spoji i nespojive... uf... Sanja sanja s anđelima, nadam se da je našla svoj mir.
Život, kakav bio da bio uvijek ide dalje... i tako to treba biti...
Idemo sad na ljepše stvari! Jutros me na povratku iz trgovine dočekao paket, znam da vas sad sve pere radoznalost šta je bilo u njemu i od koga je :-) Evo sličica da skratimo neizvjesnost.
Oh, how this day started off well... unlike yesterday, which had a horrible ending. I learned of the death of a dear forum girl that really shocked me... she died in a car crash in the 7th month of pregnancy... horrifying...
Strange how some people touched you, although you'll never met them in the real world, so this computer connected even incompatible... ugh... Sanja dreams with angels, I hope she found her peace.
Life, as it is, is still going on... and so it should be...
We're leaving for better things! This morning on my return from the store the package was waiting for me! I know that you all are curious what was in it and who send it :-) Here are the pictures to cut the uncertainty
Moram se još jednom zahvaliti curama iz essence teama, stvarno su me razveselile ovim poklonom, ma šta razveselile - skakala sam jutros po kući k'o malo dite! Znam da me razumijete, kao prave ovisnice znate kako je to kad vam netko pokloni lak za nokte :-) Ma znala sam da je jutros sunce izašlo zbog nekog dobrog razloga! Joj, jesam sad i službeno postala 'sponzoruša'? :-D
Naravno, doći će ovi lakići na red i za swatch-anje a ako budete dobre neke od njih dobijete u nekom budućem darivanju :-)
To je to, sad već brišem dalje...ali ćut ćemo se još :-)
Once more I have to thanks the girls from essence team, they really cheered me with this gift, this morning I jumped around the house like a little child! I know you understand me, as true addicts you know how it is when someone's give you nail polish :-)
Oh I knew that this morning the sun came out for a good reason! Oh, am I now officially become the 'dolls'? :-D
Of course, these will come to order for swatch and if you behave you'll get some of them in some future giveaway :-)
That's it, I'm running alredy... but we'll stay in touch :-)

Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...