
Thursday, January 13, 2011

News from Color Club

Hi girls!

Dobila sam na uvid slike nove kolekcije Color Cluba i cure... opet nam dolaze fantastični lakovi!
Nova proljetna kolekcija za 2011 godinu zove se 'Alter ego' i sastoji se od 12 nijansi.
I got to see pictures of new collection of Color Club and girls... again we'll get some fantastic nail polishes!
The new spring collection for 2011 years is called 'Alter Ego' and consists of 12 shades.

Lakovi će se osim pojedinačnih moći nabaviti i u dvije mini kolekcije - 'Reveal Your Mystery Collection' u kojoj će se naći nijanse: Get a Clue, Revealed, Incognito, Secret Rendezvous, Sheer Disguise i Give Me a Hint sa Milky White Base Coat-om...
Polishes will also be available in two mini-collection - 'Reveal Your Mystery Collection' in which you'll find shades: Get a Clue, Revealed, Incognito, Secret Rendezvous, Sheer Disguise i Give Me a Hint sa Milky White Base Coat...
Druga mini kolekcija je 'Keep It Undercover Collection' koju također čini 7 nijansi: Alter Ego, Secret Agent, Total Mystery, Alias, Ulterior Motive i Masquerading sa Vivid Top Coat-om.
The second mini-collection is 'Keep It Undercover Collection' which is also makes from 7 shades: Alter Ego, Secret Agent, Total Mystery, Alias, Ulterior Motive and Masquerading with Vivid Top Coat.

Vidite nešto interesantno? Zadnje tri mliječne nijanse i sve tamnije mi se jaaaaaaako sviđaju. Jedva čekam swatcheve jer me živo zanima hoće li i na noktima izgledati ovako dobro. Što se tiče kvalitete lakova Color Cluba - o njoj nema smisla niti govoriti, ja imam par primjeraka i oduševljena sam ... A vi cure, najbolje da nabacite koji lak i prosudite same :-)
See something interesting? Last three of bright and all darker shades looks just fine to me. I can hardly wait for swatch because I'm very interested how these will look on nails. As far as quality of Color Club polishes - it makes no sense to speak about it, I have a few of them and I'm thrilled... And you guys, it's best to grab some of these and judge for yourself :-)

Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...

p.s. be sure to click on the pictures to see polishes in all its beauty :-)


  1. Prva kolekcija me ne pritegne, a drugo bi imela celo.

  2. meni se čine ok color club lakovi...
    ovi tamniji mi se čine dobri

  3. Undercover mi izgleda odlično... svi lakovi mi izgledaju primamljivo dok me ovi mliječni baš i ne vuku.. Samo mi nije jasno kakvi su to top coatovi.. imaju neki specijalni efekt ili.. ?

  4. I don't like CC...but there are a lot pretty colors in this collection!

  5. I really like color club!
    I want this colors :-)
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hi, I've tagged you for the Stylish Blogger Award.

  7. Ova prva kolekcija ce bit super za proljece,pastelne,nude nijanse.Od druge kolekcije najvise mi se svidio ovaj treci - plavo-ljubicasti bas bi voljela vidjet kako na nokticima izgleda:)

  8. ja sam cure slaba na color club, imaju neke prelude boje a kvaliteta je sasvim ok :-) šta se tiče top coata,nisam ni sama sigurna šta i kako rade...valjda ćemo imati priliku vidjeti

    renate... i love color club,they have great colors :-)

    shirley's nail art... i want them too :-)

    warnish vixen... thanks dear :-)

    mimi... ne znam šta se sa mnom dešava, počinju mi se sviđati skoro sve boje lakova a ne samo tamni kao prije :-)


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