
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It must be my lucky day!!!

Hi girls!

O kako je ovaj dan dobro počeo... za razliku od jučerašnjeg koji je strašno završio. Saznala sam za smrt jedne drage forumašice koja me jako potresla... stradala u saobraćajnoj u 7-om mjesecu trudnoće... prestrašno...
Čudno kako te neki ljudi dirnu, iako ih nikad nisi upoznao u stvarnom svijetu, kako ova kutija od kompjutora spoji i nespojive... uf... Sanja sanja s anđelima, nadam se da je našla svoj mir.
Život, kakav bio da bio uvijek ide dalje... i tako to treba biti...
Idemo sad na ljepše stvari! Jutros me na povratku iz trgovine dočekao paket, znam da vas sad sve pere radoznalost šta je bilo u njemu i od koga je :-) Evo sličica da skratimo neizvjesnost.
Oh, how this day started off well... unlike yesterday, which had a horrible ending. I learned of the death of a dear forum girl that really shocked me... she died in a car crash in the 7th month of pregnancy... horrifying...
Strange how some people touched you, although you'll never met them in the real world, so this computer connected even incompatible... ugh... Sanja dreams with angels, I hope she found her peace.
Life, as it is, is still going on... and so it should be...
We're leaving for better things! This morning on my return from the store the package was waiting for me! I know that you all are curious what was in it and who send it :-) Here are the pictures to cut the uncertainty
Moram se još jednom zahvaliti curama iz essence teama, stvarno su me razveselile ovim poklonom, ma šta razveselile - skakala sam jutros po kući k'o malo dite! Znam da me razumijete, kao prave ovisnice znate kako je to kad vam netko pokloni lak za nokte :-) Ma znala sam da je jutros sunce izašlo zbog nekog dobrog razloga! Joj, jesam sad i službeno postala 'sponzoruša'? :-D
Naravno, doći će ovi lakići na red i za swatch-anje a ako budete dobre neke od njih dobijete u nekom budućem darivanju :-)
To je to, sad već brišem dalje...ali ćut ćemo se još :-)
Once more I have to thanks the girls from essence team, they really cheered me with this gift, this morning I jumped around the house like a little child! I know you understand me, as true addicts you know how it is when someone's give you nail polish :-)
Oh I knew that this morning the sun came out for a good reason! Oh, am I now officially become the 'dolls'? :-D
Of course, these will come to order for swatch and if you behave you'll get some of them in some future giveaway :-)
That's it, I'm running alredy... but we'll stay in touch :-)

Untill the next polishing, enjoy yourself...


  1. Lovely stuff :-)
    This is my new site btw :-)

  2. Super paketić! :) Vidim, da je danas dan za lak paketiće. :D

  3. Joj, pocela citat i prestala, jer me take stvari pretresu mnogo. :/

    Ali super paketic!

  4. shirley's nail art... thanks,i know for your new site, i'll come to visit :-)

    ulmie... jučer je bio takav dan, šta i kod tebe :-)

    ivana... uf,stresno je i mene... ali i to je dio života, a paketić je suuuuuuper :-)


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