Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Bat My Eyes in The Nightmare Before Christmas
Hi there!
Finally, I found some 'me' time to paint my nails . My nails are in bad shape, but what can I say, I love to see them painted .
Konačno sam ulovila nešto vremena za sebe, odnosno za oslikavanje noktića . Nokti mi baš i nisu u reprezentativnom stanju, no što da kažem, volim ih vidjeti obojene .
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Essence 'hello foils!'
Hi there!
I was in 'play mode' whole day long . Among other things (like sponges, vacuum cleaner, cooking, baking etc) I found some time to play with my nails. These are my new toys:
I was in 'play mode' whole day long . Among other things (like sponges, vacuum cleaner, cooking, baking etc) I found some time to play with my nails. These are my new toys:
Čitav dan sam provela u 'play modu' . Između ostalog (poput spužvi, usisivača, kuhanja, pečenja i sličnog), našlo se vremena i za igru s noktima. Evo mojih novih igračkica:
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
Matching Manicure Sunday - Yellow
Hi there!
It's been shamefully too long since I post last manicure. And it's about the time to change that . I still have enough time to catch the Matching Manicure Sunday train, this time with theme - yellow.
It's been shamefully too long since I post last manicure. And it's about the time to change that . I still have enough time to catch the Matching Manicure Sunday train, this time with theme - yellow.
Prošlo je sramotno puno vremena od posljednje objavljene manikure, i krajnje je vrijeme da to promijenim . Srećom, još uvijek imam vremena da uskočim u ovotjednu Matching Manicure turu, i to u žutom tonu.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Nail Crazy is four years old!
Hi there!
Prize #1: essence 'the bees and the birds', p2 'rebel factor', EVELINE holographic 406 and ados 551.
It's been four years since I wrote very first sentence on this blog. To tell you honestly, there is certain pride in fact that I lasted so long. I'm kinda veteran among beauty bloggers, by age and working life .
What is really important, is that I wouldn't last a day without all of you . Thank you all for your love and support .
This time I have, not one, but four prizes for four of you. And yes, this is international giveaway.
Danas se navršavaju pune četiri godine otkako sam se oglasila prvom rečenicom na ovom blogu. Iskreno, ponosna sam što sam izdržala tako dugo. Već sam veteran među beauty blogerima, kako po stažu, tako po godinama .
No, ono što je zbilja važno, je da ne bih potrajala ni dana bez svih Vas . Hvala Vam od srca na ljubavi i podršci .
Ovaj put imam za Vas, ne jednu, već četiri skromne nagradice. I da, idemo i van granica Lijepe naše.
Danas se navršavaju pune četiri godine otkako sam se oglasila prvom rečenicom na ovom blogu. Iskreno, ponosna sam što sam izdržala tako dugo. Već sam veteran među beauty blogerima, kako po stažu, tako po godinama .
No, ono što je zbilja važno, je da ne bih potrajala ni dana bez svih Vas . Hvala Vam od srca na ljubavi i podršci .
Ovaj put imam za Vas, ne jednu, već četiri skromne nagradice. I da, idemo i van granica Lijepe naše.
Prize #1: essence 'the bees and the birds', p2 'rebel factor', EVELINE holographic 406 and ados 551.