
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Colorama Pitadinha

Hi there!

Well, instead of showing you my Dots manicure for this Matching Manicure Sunday, I'll show you the polish I was wearing previously. Why? Because the dotted manicure turned out to be absolutely disaster and I had no time to do it again, at least not today tongue.

No, umjesto da Vam pokažem točkastu manikuru koja bi išla uz ovotjednu temu balkanskih blogerica, pokazat ću Vam  lak koji sam prethodno nosila. Zašto? E pa zato jer je istočkana manikura ispala prava katastrofa, a nisam je imala vremena nanovo raditi, barem ne danas tongue.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cats on a Perfect Day

Hi there!

NYC Perfect Day, two coats, no topcoat, outside / dva sloja, bez nadlaka, vani

What you see is NYC 'Perfect Day', lovely pastel blue creme. The formula of this polish is pretty much the same as the rest of pastel colors - bit on a thicker side, and it misses that self-leveling quality you'll found in most creme nail polishes. If that really bothers you - this problem can be solved with topcoat, so in my book, this is not a problem at all, especially when it comes to such a beautiful color. What can I say, Tanja knows my taste too well kiss. This is my first NYC polish, the bottle holds 9,7 ml, the brush is medium wide, and drying time nice. And as you can probably guessed, I love the color love struck.

Ovo što vidite na fotkama se odaziva na ime NYC 'Perfect Day', krasan pastelno-plavi krem lak. Formula mu je ista kao i kod većine pastelnih bojica - nešto gušći, i nedostaju mu onaj samoravnajući finiš koji ćete naći kod većine krem lakova. Ukoliko Vam to baš smeta, problem se riješi uz pomoć nadlaka, pa, što se mene tiče, to i nije baš neki problem, naročito ako je u pitanju ovako krasna bojica. Što da kažem,  Tanja predobro poznaje moj ukus kiss. Ovo je moj prvi NYC lak, u bočici je 9,7 ml tekućine, četkica je srednje široka, a vrijeme sušenja baš ugodno. I kao što vjerojatno pogađate, krasna mi je boja love struck.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday - Gradient Manicure

Hi there!

Can you guess this week's them just by the photo? I bet you can, my readers are smart big grin.

Možete li pogoditi ovotjednu temu samo uz pomoć fotografije? Pa naravno, moji su čitatelji pametni big grin.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Catrice Dirty Berry

Hi there!

I decided to take one of my holo polishes on a walk, since the sunny weather is the right time to show this kind of polishes. 

Odlučih se izvesti jedan od holo lakića u šetnju, jer je sunčano vrijeme pravo vrijeme da pokažete ovakvu vrstu lakova.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Celtic Sun

Hi there!

Before the summer is over, I have some summer polishes to show you, and believe me when I say - there's lots of them big grin.

Prije no što ljeto završi, potrudit ću se pokazati Vam neke od ljetnih lakića. Vjerujte mi kad Vam velim - ima ih poprilično big grin.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday - Splatter Manicure

Hi there!

Yep, today we were playing splashing and splattering winking.

O da, danas smo se zabavljale bućkanjem i prskanjem winking.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Clouds on Mint Milk

Hi there!

I remember seeing this kind of manicure, and it was quite popular some time... but I don't know who started this trend, if you know, please tell me in comments. 

Sjećam se da sam vidjela ovakve manikure, čak su neko vrijeme bile jako popularne... ali ne znam tko je započeo ovaj trend, ukoliko Vi znate, molim Vas, recite mi u komentaru. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Kiko Cupcake with Kiko Multi-Effect

Hi there!

Recently my dear Tanja send me some happy mail, containing nail polishes, of course big grin. This is the cutest of them all!

Nedavno me, draga mi Tanja, obradovala sretnim paketićem, s lakovima za nokte, narafski big grin. Evo najzgodnijeg od njih!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday - Glitter Manicure

Hi there!

In case you have any doubts, today is all about blinding nails big grin.

U slučaju da još uvijek sumnjate, danas gledate bling-bling noktiće  big grin.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Highlight of my Summer is wearing Mustache

Hi there!

Is this highlight of my summer or what!?

Možda je ovo zbilja vrhunac mog ljeta !?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Too Yacht To Handle

Hi there!

Finally, one of the most beautiful polishes in my stash - China Glaze 'too yacht to handle'.

Konačno, evo jednog od najljepših lakova u mojoj kolekciji - China Glaze 'too yacht to handle'.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday - Inspired by Cartoon

Hi there!

Does anyone remembers this guy!? It's Gustav or Gusztáv , famous Hungarian cartoon for adults. The older East Europeans will probably know who he is winking.

Sjeća li se tko ovog lika!? To bi trebao biti Gustav, ili Gusztáv, ako hoćemo biti vjerni originalu - slavni mađarski crtić za odrasle. Stariji Istočnoeuropljani će zasigurno znati tko je  winking.