
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday - Splatter Manicure

Hi there!

Yep, today we were playing splashing and splattering winking.

O da, danas smo se zabavljale bućkanjem i prskanjem winking.

This technique is all about - mess! I'm telling you - the manicure is not that time consuming, but the cleaning after... oh, what a joy  tongue. Especially if you're using black nail polish, how clever of me crying. Trust me, if you're having dry skin, it will go everywhere, no matter how hard you tried to cover your cuticles and clean them after procedure. Anyway, I though that the combo of two grey with white and black polish will look just fine. And I must say, that this manicure looks better from distance. Not quite as I imagined, but more I look at it, more I like it batting eyelashes.
As base I used essence 'inkheart' from Love letters collection

Poanta ove tehnike je u - neredu! Kažem Vam, manikura ne zahtjeva previše vremena, no čišćenje nakon... kakve li sreće  tongue. Naročito ako koristite i crni lak, takva sam ja pametnica crying. Vjerujte mi, kad imate suhu kožu, ta će se zavući svugdje, bez obzira koliko se potrudite da zaštitite zanoktice i očistite ih nakon manikure. Nego da ne duljim, smatrala sam da bi kombinacija dvije nijanse sive s crnim i bijelim lakom mogla dobro izgledati. I moram reći, definitivno bolje izgleda s udaljenosti. Ne baš onako kako sam zamišljala, ali što je više gledam to mi se više sviđa batting eyelashes.
Kao boza poslužio mi je essence 'inkheart' iz Love letters kolekcije

  essence 'inkheart', Love letters le, two coats, no topcoat, outside / dva sloja, bez nadlaka, vani

Although I love the color, I must say that the formula is kinda tricky. Everything is O.K. while polishing, but when it's dry, you can see some brushstrokes on nails. I don't appreciate that. Drying time is nice, and finish is not that glossy, it looks like tar, at least to me winking. If you're extra careful, one coat will be enough.
That's all my dears, at least for today, please check out what the other girls have done.

Premda mi se boja i više nego sviđa, moram priznati da je formula malo zeznuta. Sve je u redu dok lakirate, ali kad se lak osuši, mogu se primjetiti potezi kistom na noktu. Nije da mi se to baš sviđa. Vrijeme sušenja je sasvim pristojno, a finiš nije presjajan, meni lak djeluje kao katran winking. Ukoliko ste baš pažljive, mogle bi proći i s jednim slojem jer je baš pigmentiran.
To je, drage moje, sve za danas, molim Vas provjerite i što su druge cure napravile.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 


  1. Looks cool! I haven't tried this kind of manicure yet :D

  2. Love the colors together. really cool splatter.

  3. What a pretty colour and I like the splatter - it's funky :-)

  4. I jao!! Ovo sam ja radila kad me lupila inspiracija, al' po namestaju :))

  5. I LOVE this splatter mani - well done Zana!!

  6. Bas mi se dopada ovaj bazni lakic. Imam iz te kolekcije "dear peach", ali sad mi je definitivno zao sto nisam uzela jos neki. A manikir izgleda super, volim sivo-crno-belu kombinaciju. :)

    1. hvala ti... imam još i got a crush on blue iz ove kolekcije, svjetlo sivi koji se tu i na noktu vidi, krasni su mi oba :D

  7. Nice job and combination of colours. I haven't tried it yet because of the mess possible.

    1. trust me, although i used duck tape to cover my fingers, the damage was still there :P
      glad you like it, thanks :D

  8. Baš si ga uradila u mojim bojama. Dopada mi se.

  9. Manikura izgleda baš efektno :D Sviđa mi se kombinacija boja :)

  10. Vrlo lepo mi izgleda i svidja mi se izbor boja :-) Znas da nikad nisam probala splatter manikir, valjda zato sto ne volim mnogo da cistim posle svog tog prskanja :-)

    1. hvala ti :D
      ovo je tek za trunku jednostavnije očistiti od water marblea, nešto sumnjam da ću tako skoro potegnuti za ovom tehnikom ;)

  11. Now this is what a splatter manicure should look like! Love!

  12. The splatter designs look fantastic but I don't have a courage to do it. I'm scared of the mess!! ;D You did a really great job!!

    1. well, the mess is mess, i'm not fan of it too, but i had to do it ;)
      thank you Minnie :D

  13. Baš ti je super ispalo. Ja te nisam stigla napraviti, ali sam ih stavila na popis, tako da će biti i na mojim noktićima.


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