
Thursday, January 30, 2014

essence 'love letters' TE

Hi there!

From next week, in Croatian Kozmo drugstores new essence TE will be available - 'love letters', just in time for Valentine's day. What you'll found in it, check it out here.

Od idućeg tjedna, u hrvatskim Kozmo drogerijama moći ćete naći novu essence kolekciju - 'love letters', taman na vrijeme za Valentinovo. A što je u njoj, provjerite ovdje. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Lipsticks... and more lipsticks

Hi there!

And now... something completely different - instead of polishes, you're about to see some lipsticks big grin. For years I haven't wear lipsticks at all, I used only lipglosses, but it seems like time for change is finally here.

A sad... nešto sasvim drugačije - umjesto lakova, danas ćete vidjeti ruževe za usne big grin. Godinama nisam nosila ruževe već se držala isključivo sjajila, ali izgleda da je vrijeme za promjene konačno stiglo. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #20 - Snowflakes

Hi there!

I'm always looking forward to sundays, sunday is a day with a mission big grin. Today's mission - snowflakes!

Nedjelje me sad već raduju, jer nedjelja je dan s misijom big grin. Današnja misija - pahuljice!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

So Classy meets Debby

Hi there!

I stopped by just to show you the polishes that I wear as base colors in two last manicures. 

Evo mene tek da Vam pokažem lakiće koje sam iskoristila kao osnovne boje u dvije posljednje manikure. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Teddy Bear

Hi there!

I finally took some time for nail painting, or rather drawing. When outside is pouring like there's no tomorrow, there's nothing better to do. To be honest, you can always take some book or watch a movie, but I feel like painting my nails winking. But what will I paint... it has to be something cute, I need cuteness today.

Konačno sam uzela vremena za pošteno lakiranje noktiju, odnosno crtanje. Kad vani pada kiša kao da sutra ne postoji, i nema se ništa bolje za raditi. Doduše, uvijek se može ugrabiti knjiga ili pogledati kakav film, ali meni se baš lakiraju nokti winking. A što da crtam... definitivno treba biti nešto slatko i medeno. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New in December

Hi there!

Let me just show you some of new stuff from the last month of the past year, and I'm done with 2013. I even throw all the empty bottles, jars etc from the last year. Next time you see an 'empty post' it'll be just from the stuff that I finished this year. Now, let me show you some of my goodies. 

Još da Vam pokažem neke novitete iz prošlogodišnjeg prosinca, i nakon toga sam završila s tom godinom. Čak sam se rješila sve prazne ambalaže, tako da idući put kad vidite 'empty post' bit će to stvari koje sam ispraznila u tekućoj godini. No, evo i stvarčica.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

SAMMY Dress for Less

Hi there!

Some two months ago, I accept the offer from Dora from SAMMY Dress online shop to do a review of some of their products. She offered me products worth 30 $, including shipping costs. Looking what they offering, I decided to take two things - one for me, one for my boy. The package arrived after some fifteen to twenty days, outside it looked undamaged. And in it...
Although this is not a fashion blog, let me introduce you my son - 19, occupation: model, at least for a day winking.

Pred neka dva mjeseca, prihvatila sam ponudu od Dore iz SAMMY Dress online trgovine da napravim osvrt na par njihovih proizvoda. Ponudila mi je proizvode vrijednosti 30 $, s uključenim troškovima prijevoza. Nakon što sam pogledala što nude, odlučila sam se za dvije stvari - jednu za sebe, drugu za svog sina. Paket je stigao nakon nekih petnaest do dvadeset dana, i izvana se činio neoštećen. A unutra...
Premda ovo nije modni blog, dozvolite mi da Vam predstavim svog sina - 19, zanimanje: maneken, makar na jedan dan winking.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #19 - Tribal

Hi there!

Today's theme is 'tribal' manicure. Although I love to see this kind of manicure, I never did it myself. Here's the chance to try it.

Današnja tema je 'tribal' manikura. Premda mi je drago vidjeti ju na nečijim noktima, osobno je nikad nisam radila. Evo konačno prilike da ju probam. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Favorites of 2013

Hi there!

It's been a while since I post 'new in' or an 'empty' post, so I decided to show you what I used the most during the last year. 

Nisam dugo napisala ni 'new in' ni 'empty' post, pa sam odlučila pokazati Vam za čim sam najčešće posezala tijekom prošle godine. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #18 - Animal Print

Hi there!

If you know where to look, you'll see a bunch of wild animals today. Mine's the the fastest of them all big grin.

Ukoliko znate gdje gledati, vidjet ćete prilično divljih živuljki danas. Moja je najbrža big grin .

Friday, January 10, 2014

KKCenterHk Soft Stamping

Hi there!

Today I'd like to show you something that I got for a review from KKCenterHk online shop, that I used for a very first time - soft stamper. Join me while I'm trying to learn brand new technique. 

Danas za Vas imam nešto što je stiglo na recenziju od KKCenterHk online shop-a, a što i sama prvi put koristim - mekani pečat. Pridružite mi se dok pokušavam savladati novu tehniku. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Christmas Great Challenge - Gifts

Hi there!

This week is the last one of our 'Christmas Great Challenge', and I'm little sad... it's like someone is telling me that Christmas is over... I know it is, but I still feel like it's yet to come winking. Anyway, here is my gift to you all:

Ovaj tjedan je i posljednji 'Velikog Božićnog Izazova', i malo sam tužna zbog toga... kao da mi netko kaže da je Božić prošao... ma znam da je, ali sve mi se čini da tek treba doći winking. Nego, evo mog poklona svima vama:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Matching Manicure Sunday #17- Ikat Print

Hi there!

Unfortunately, I skipped the last two rounds of Matching Manicure Sunday because I was otherwise engaged... my hubby is spending these holidays at home and we had a lots to catch up big grin. But, it's time for comeback... and for second post today.

Na žalost, preskočila sam dva posljednja kruga Nedjeljnih Manikura jer sam bila prezauzeta nekim drugim stvarima... moj vrli supružnik provodi blagdane kod kuće i imali smo dosta toga za nadoknaditi big grin. No, vrijeme je za povratak... i za drugi post danas. 

Christmas Great Challenge - Christmas Elf

Hi there!

Who said it's too late for Christmas themes on nails!? In some part of the world people are still preparing for this holiday.

Ma tko kaže da je kasno za Božićne teme na noktima!? U nekim djelovima svijeta ljudi se tek pripremaju za ovaj blagdan.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Muchi, Muchi with Parka Perfect

Hi there!

It's time for some serious business, so, let's get it on!
Vrijeme je za ozbiljan posao, idemo!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Recap of 2013

Hi there!

Allow me to begin this year with the best wishes for you all, may this year be the best so far. 
Beginning of new year, often makes us recap of what we have done through last one. I wore so many manicures, some of them were great looking, some of them not that successful, but I enjoyed every single one.

Dozvolite mi da započnem ovu godinu tako da Vam još jednom poželim sve najbolje, neka Vam ova godina bude najbolja do sada.
Početak nove godine, često nas tjera da se osvrnemo na ono što smo napravili prošle. Nosila sam brdo manikura, neke od njih su bile super, neke i ne tako uspješne, ali ja sam uživala u svakoj od njih. 

Favorite? Don't know, those penguins and balloons are so adorable, but so are the Christmas scene and Valentine's day manicure... and I'm especially proud of Bart and Lisa and Beetlejuice, because they look almost like the real thing.

Omiljene? Zbilja ne znam, pingivni i baloni su mi baš slatki, ali takvi su i Božićni prizor i Valentinovska manikura... a posebno sam ponosna na Burta i Lisu i Bubimira, jer izgledaju gotovo kao originali. 

As for polishes... it breaks my heart when I have to choose among those bottles I adore. Last year I went bananas over textured polishes, love them all, in all colors, with glitter or without it... but #1 is this baby:

A što se tiče lakova... srce mi se slama svaki put kad trebam birati između svojih obožavanih bočica. Prošle godine sam totalno pukla za hrapavcima, volim ih u svim bojama, s glitterom ili bez... ali #1 je ipak:

deBBy SAND 04, that I have thanks to Tanja... which I'll never 'forgive' her kiss

deBBY SAND 04, kojeg imam zahvaljujući Tanji... i to joj nikad neću oprostiti kiss.

My favorite base and top polishes are the same as the last year:

Omiljena baza i nadlak su isti kao i godinu prije ove:

When it comes to taking care of my hands, I have new pet - cocoa butter with jojoba oil, I don't have enough words to describe my love for it, and it's all natural! Castor oil is also always on my polishing table.

Kad je riječ o njezi ruku, imam novog ljubimca  - kakao maslac s jojoba uljem, za kojeg sam ipak zaključila da mi više paše nego karite maslac, naročito zimi. Nemam dovoljno riječi da ga nahvalim, a riječ je i o prirodnom proizvodu! Ricinusovo ulje ima stalno mjesto na mom stoliću za lakiranje. 

Speaking of last year, I have one big debt. Suzana was the commentator of the month - in November, and her prize is still with me, shame on me tongue. This is what she'll get, soon, I promise:

Govoreći o protekloj godini, ostao mi je i jedan velik dug. Suzana je bila komentator mjeseca - za studeni, a nagrada je još uvijek kod mene, sramota tongue. Evo što će dobiti, i to uskoro, obećajem:

L'OREAL 'purple disturbia', p2 SAND STYLE 'lovesome', EBALAY iridescent polish #4 and flormar 129. Some of these waited too long to see light of the day, so it's probably the best to found them new owner. 
One more thing... which is really embarrassing, at this moment I have 70 polishes that I never wore. Just look at them, they're really miserable waiting for so long sad.

L'OREAL 'purple disturbia', p2 SAND STYLE 'lovesome', EBALAY iridescent polish #4 i flormar 129. 
Neki od ovih čekali su predugo da ugledaju svjetlo dana, pa je ipak najbolje da im pronađem novog vlasnika. 
Još jedna stvar... koja je uznemiravajuća, u ovom trenutku imam 70 lakova koje nikad nisam nosila. Pogledajte ih samo, jadničci ostavljeni i zapušteni sad.

I was really surprised by this number, I thought I have some 30-40 polishes waiting... well, I guess I'm not that good at guessing. It looks like season of non-buying is in front of me. 

Ova me brojka baš iznenadila, mislila sam da imam nekih 30-40 lakova na čekanju... ok, izgleda da ipak nisam tako dobra u pogađanju. Čini se da je sezona suzdržavanja od kupnje novih bočica ispred mene. 

Have you picked your favorites already?

Jeste se već odlučile za vlastite favorite?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana