
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Halloween nail art challenge - Spiderweb

Hi my friends!

Yeeeeey, today is the second blogaversary of 'Nail crazy' ! This blog today counts 
141.450 visits from 
134 different countries, 
10.908 comments (ok, some of them mine)
on 394 posts.
Most visited post was Giveaway, follows by Zip-it and Grand-plie in black.
I'd like to thank every single one of you for supporting me and staying with me all this time... hope you'll continue to do so in a future . I'll do my best to not disappoint you, after all, without you this wouldn't have any meaning.

Juhuuuu, danas moj blog slavi drugi rođendan ! I broji:
141.450 posjeta iz
134 različite zemlje,
867 sljedbenika,
10.908 komentara (među kojima i moji)
na 394 posta.  
Najposjećeniji postovi bili su Giveaway, pa onda Zip-it i Grand-plie in black
Htjela bih zahvaliti svakom od vas posebno na podršci i što ste ostali uz mene sve ovo vrijeme... nadam se da će tako biti i dalje . A ja ću se potruditi da vas ne razočaram, jer napokon, bez vas sve bi ovo imalo jako malo smisla.

Let's go back on our challenge, today's theme is spiderweb. I couldn't decide which colors to choose, so I choose both of them  and this is the result.
Idemo sad natrag na izazov, današnja tema je paučina. Nisam se mogla odlučiti koja bi kombinacija boja bila bolja, pa sam odradila obje , a nastalo je ovo:

Honestly, I'm not so happy with this manicure... It seems like all the brushes are too thick to draw the line properly . For this manicure I used:
Iskreno, baš i nisam presretna s manikurom... čini mi se da su mi svi kistići predebeli za povući tanku crtu kako treba . Za manikuru mi je bilo potrebno:

Let's see what the other girls have done! 
Da vidimo što su druge cure napravile!

Till we meet again, keep those nails polished, Žana 

p.s. you said what you think about 'jump break', so this will be 'jump break' free blog
p.s. rekli ste što mislite o 'jump break', pa toga na ovom blogu biti neće 


  1. :)Imamo skroz slican post danas:) Manikura je super,mislim da su ovi pauci na noktima jedini od kojih me nije strah:)Volim sto si stavila taj cirkoncic kao tijelo pauka,dobro izgleda:)

    1. išla odmah pogledat tvoj - hvala ti draga <3
      ma nekako je sve puno bolje izgledalo u mojoj glavi, ali eto, može proć ;)

  2. ajme predobro izgleda! za ovakve tanke crte stvarno treba imati mirnu ruku :)

  3. So beutiful! And the spider is very cute! :D

  4. Srecan ti blog-rodjendan i zelim ti jos mnogo mnogo uspesnih blog-rodjendana i mnogo mnogo lepih manikira!
    Prekrasna paucina, a pauk je fantastican! :-)

  5. Paukic <3
    Srecan blogorodjendan i jos mnooogo zanimljivih manikura ti zelim!!

    1. hvala ti, nadam se da ću dočekat još koju obljetnicu ;)

  6. Kako sam već na fejsu rekla, krasno napravljeno :)

  7. Wow this is so awesome! I hate spiders and stuff but your spiderwebs are beautiful!! And also congratulations on your second blogaversary!!! :)

  8. Congrats on that milestone!! :) I love your blog! wish you many more! Loooove the manicure too! Hugs*

  9. Congratulations!!! Love your blog and this manicure <3

  10. Vse najboljše! :D
    Manikura je krasna! Sploh pajek je lepiii! :)

    1. hvala :D
      ima i zgodnih paukova, al' se isto ježim od njih ;)

  11. Happy blogaversary and your mani for the challenge is great! Love it!!

  12. happy blogaversary!!! and these spider nails are amazing!!!

  13. čestitam na velikoj uspješnici ovog bloga! Nadam se da će i moj krenuti tim stopama :)
    Manikura je prekrasna a pauk-cirkonić je odlična ideja! <3

  14. Congrats on reaching a major milestone - that's super exciting!! This mani is pretty great too!

  15. Čestitke na godišnjici. Manikura je odlična. Nijansa naranđaste mi se sviđa

    1. hvala ti draga :D
      mislim da se čak i meni počela sviđat, nakon skoro dvije godine ;)

  16. Hoćem još pauka...sretan blogo b-day!

  17. Congratulations on the 2nd year of your blog. You do great work!

  18. Congrats on your blogiversary, and what gorgeous webs!

  19. Čestitke za drugo obletnico.
    Jaz pa mislim, da je manikura odlična in črte niso predebele. ;)

  20. Čestitam na blogorođendanu, želim ti još mnogo takvih, a nama i dalje super manikura za gledanje i inspiraciju. Uglavnom, nemam ništa protiv tvoje manikure, meni se sviđa i bolja mi je kombinacija crno-narančaste od crno-bijele. Eto. :)

  21. Nice spider webs!
    really liked your blog!
    I am a nail art blogger too, if you are interested you can check it out!

  22. Cool! Your spider is badass too. Hihi. Love the rhinestone.

  23. wow amazing photos! Your blog is great!!! maybe we follow each other !? let me know :-) greetings

  24. ma nisu ti predebele crte, super su ispale mrezice i cestitke na godisnjici :D :tulum:

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Perfect for Halloween and congratulations! You really do a great job!

  27. vau, ta manikura je prava umetnost!
    Čestitke in vse najboljše :)

  28. Hei :) Congrats on the 2nd blogaversary!
    Amazing stats, now you have one more follower (this time via bloglovin). It's really nice to meet you :)

  29. No problem ;)
    you have an interesting blog!

  30. Sretan blogorođendan, šareno vam i veselo bilo! Brojke me uopće ne čude, totalno si zaslužila! Uživaj!

  31. Congratulations on your blogiversary!

  32. I od mene sretan blogorođendan! Nadam se da će i moj blogić krenuti tvojim stopama. Svaka čast na uspjesima i veselim se novim manikurama!

    1. hvala ti :D
      samo budi uporna, a za dvije godine će se sigurno vidjeti rezultati ;)

  33. Sorry I am late with this but HAPPY BLOGVERSARY!!!! Thats so awesome!!!! And NO you can't have my stash! This halloween mani is to die for! I haven't decided if I'm doing one this year-I love the one I did last year and feel I can't top it!!!! Is that silly or not?

    1. thanks dear :D
      so understand you, i did so many halloween manicure last year, but i'm trying to do something different ;)
      please reconsider, i would really love to have your stash <3

  34. I just found your blog, it's awesome! I like that you published your stats, I'm always curious about other people's! My second blogaversary is a long way away yet, I've only been up for 5 months :P. I love the detail on those spiderwebs!

    1. thank you :D
      i'm so glad you found my blog because that way i found yours - and i'm amazed by your drawing skills :D
      wish you very successful blogging :D

  35. Happy blod-birthday! :)
    Nice mani! I like it! :)

  36. sretan blog rođendan i da do iduće godine uduplas ovu statistiku!


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