
Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween Nail Art Challenge - Mummy

Hi my friends!

What's new? Nothing really, once again I'm one day late. Really, I should put my real life on hold, it interferes in my blogging schedule too often . Ok, now I'm on the mission, today's theme is 'mummy' and I love mummies! Or not... if they smell to hard they better stay away from me!
Šta ima novog? Zapravo ništa, opet kasnim čitav dan. Stvarno, morat ću nekako odgodit svoj 'pravi' život jer mi se prečesto miješa u raspored bloganja . Ali sad sam na misiji, današnja tema je 'mumija' a ja baš volim mumije! Ili ne... ako ne mirišu dobro bolje da stoje što dalje od mene!

These were my little helpers in today's task: 
Evo i mojih malih pomagača u današnjem zadatku:

I did something similar last year and I haven't change almost anything, I think these mummies are pretty good job. But I have one assignment for you, my dears. You need to find the intruder among these mummies, one of them is pretty messed up and confused. Once you find that guy, the curse of mummies will skip you and you'll be safe . Good luck!
Nešto slično sam napravila i prošle godine i ni ovaj put skoro ništa nisam promijenila. Mislim da su ove mumije prilično dobre pa ni nema potrebe za promjenom. Ali, imam i za vas jedan zadačić. Trebate među ovim likovima naći uljeza, jedna je mumija prilično zbunjena i zbrljana. Kad ju pronađete, prokletstvo mumije će vas preskočiti i bit ćete sigurni . Sretno!

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else, Žana


  1. Bas su dobre:)Ova zbunjena je nekako i najsladja ;)

  2. All of them are so cute. Love the one on your pointer finger. Great job :)

  3. Ma vidi ti te okice :) Zbunjeni je favorit :))

  4. Love these mummies! They came out so cute! Awesome job :)

  5. Your mummy's are soo sweet, well done :)

  6. Se že ponavljam, vendar res obvladaš :)

  7. I will try a mummy nail art too, yours is so cute <3. I need a dotting tool *-*!

    lg Neru

  8. Da su ovakve,i da smrde,bile bi još uvijek slatke!

  9. Omg, this looks so amazing!

  10. znam da bi mumije trebale bit strasne, ali ove su tako slatke :D


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