
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Zip it!

Hi my friends!

I had a few bad days, but now I'm here... it's not like you've been missing me, right .
I have another fashionable set of water decals from KKCenterhk, hope you'll like it as much as I did.
Imala sam par loših dana, no sad sam tu... a i nije da sam vam baš nedostajala, zar ne .
Imam za vas još jedne moderne i aktualne vodene naljepnice od KKCenterhk, nadam se da će vam se svidjeti koliko i meni.


These are Zipper Water Decals Nail Art Metallic Silver and you can find it under code WDHHC086. Temporarily they are sold out , so you'll have to wait to get it, hope they'll be soon back in stock.  They came in a plastic bag, just like I showed you with  the last decals from KKCenterhk, this time I forgot to take a pictures at every step.
Not one of my best manicures, these decals deserve better presentation... but I was wearing this manicure for three days. It drawn a great deal of attention, I received a bunch of compliments .
Don't forget to use my code: nailcrazy69 for 10% off for any shopping at KKCenterhk!
This is also my very first Avon nail polish, called 'viva pink'. I applied three coats for full coverage, it's quite watery but it dries quickly. This is how it looks on its own:
Ovo su Zipper Water Decals Nail Art Metallic Silver koje možete naći pod kodom WDHHC086. Privremeno su rasprodane , pa ćete se morati strpiti dok se opet vrate u prodaju. Došle su u plastičnoj vrećici, kao i naljepnice koje sam vam već pokazala, ali ovaj put sam zaboravila pofotkati prethodne korake. 
Nije baš jedna od najurednijih manikura, ove naljepnice zaslužuju i bolju prezentaciju... ali nosila sam ih puna tri dana, privukle su puno pažnje i dobila sam brdo komplimenata na njihov račun .
Ne zaboravite iskoristiti i kod: nailcrazy69 za popust od 10% pri svakoj kupovini kod KKCenterhk!
Ovo je i moj prvi Avon lak - 'viva pink'. Za punu pokrivnost trebala su mu tri sloja, nekako je vodenast ali se prilično brzo suši. Ovako izgleda sam:

You'll have to excuse my dry skin and cuticles, I totally forgot to put some oil on it after polishing. The other polish in this manicure is Essence 'fivepocket grey' from 'denim wanted' collection, which I got thanks to  the  kindness of one of my readers . Thanks Tea!

That's all for today, I'll try not to disappear  again... Love you all, Žana

Morat ćete mi oprostiti suhu kožu i zanoktice, totalno sam zaboravila nanijeti ulje nakon laka. Drugi lak iz ove manikure je Essenceov 'fivepocket grey' iz 'denim wanted' kolekcije, koji sam dobila zahvaljujući svojoj ljubaznoj čitateljici . Hvala ti Tea!

Bilo bi to sve za danas, potrudit ću se da opet ne nestanem... Volim vas sve, Žana 

p.s. this product was sent to me for review 
p.s. proizvod poslan za recenziju 


  1. super mi je!!
    xoxo Sienna

  2. I'll unzip your nails lalala and they'll be naked lalala ;=) These are awesome!!!

  3. A great way to change polish, just zip of one coat LOL
    I missed you very much!!

  4. LOOOVE this manicure!!!

  5. We missed you :).
    Cool mani! I also have Viva Pink (but mine needs 2 coats for opacity. My Viva Pink is quit old, so maybe they changed the formula)

    1. thank you :-D
      maybe there's new formula, i really don't know because i don't have any older avon ;-D

  6. nedostajala si =(. A nokti su skroooz zanimljivi =D

  7. Odli;no iygleda, totalno realno :D

  8. Where did you get those cute nail decals? So cute!

  9. wow, super cool design! I have to try these decals!

  10. Predobro izgleda, i kombinacija boja i ovi zipovi, bas je fora! I ja isto svako malo nestajem, pa to potpuno razumem ;)

    1. hvala ti... ma bitno da se vratimo, zar ne ;-D

  11. A vec sam se pitala gdje si :) Ovo mi je preslatka manikura,bas onako cool:)

  12. rozni mi se svidja, a ni patenti nisu losi, malo vise preciznosti i bilo bi savrseno. a sivac mi je najdraza siva dosad koju imam

    1. malo je teško unaprijed pogodit kako će naljepnica leći, ali šta je tu je... i meni je drago što sam se dočepala ovog sivca :-D

  13. Predobro je. Super si ukombinovala boje :)

  14. those are absolutely adorable!

  15. OMG!! These are soooo cool!! I love the pink:D It made the design look cute as well;D

    1. thanks, this is really gorgeous shade of pink :-D

  16. Ove zip fore su mi predivne! Ja sam zip opsjednuta, pogotovo dok kreiram nove stvari, samo gledam di zip ide! Divnoooooo!

  17. Nalepnice su zanimljive, ali sam sigurna da ces ti sama zip bolje nacrtati! :-)
    Ja sam primetila da te nesto nije bilo, ali sam mislila da si nas zaboravila i da se negde brckas u moru i smisljas nove manikire! :-)

  18. These are super adorable!! I love it! ^.^

  19. Fashion Disorder... lol, pa kad su tako zgodni i praktični :-D

    Raggio di Luna... o da, vidila sam tvoje savršene patente, morat ću i ja jednom probat, ali čisto sumnjam da će biti bolje od naljepnica ;-D

    ScarsLikeLace... thank you :-D

  20. I love zipper designs and girlz, wanna share with you what i found on eBay. Hope this will help some of you. Check this out:

  21. there is one more if some one needs

  22. nail crazy, I ask for a bulk and seller gave me a great price


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