
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Essence TE 'Fruity'

Hi my friends!

Sorry, this is one of those 'only in croatian' posts.

Drage moje, od idućeg tjedna u najbližem dm-u ćete moći pronaći i 'Fruity' TE by Essence. Pogledajmo još jednom što nam ona donosi:
essence fruity - sorbet sjenilo za oči, mousse teksutre po 24,90 kn
01 peach beauty
02 banana

03 one kiwi a day
essence fruity - balzam za usne, njaaaaami voćni okusi po 17,90 kn
01 peach beauty

02 very cherry

essence fruity - sorbet rumenilo, lagano i prozračno, za 24,90
01 smoothie operator
essence fruity - lak za nokte po 15,90 kn
01 banana joe

02 peach beauty

03 very cherry 
04 one kiwi a day
05 smashed berries 
 essence fruity - mirisni nadlak, s mirisom jagode za 17,90 kn
01 smells like strawberry...
essence fruity - voćni nokti, fimo voćke za 17,90 kn
essence fruity - nail art sealing nadlak, za ušvršćivanje manikure, za 17,90 kn
01 stay fruity 

Iskreno se nadam da s ovom kolekcijom neće biti zabune kao s prošlom, 'nails in style' još uvijek nije došla do mog dm-a ... i nadam se da ću ulovit barem ovaj kiwi lakić .
A vi, što vi nosite doma?

Do idućeg susreta... Žana


  1. I love the new collection! Nice post!


  2. Zasto, zasto nisam doma iduci tjedan nego van Hr? :( o ovoj kolekciji sanjam jos od prosle godine ili kad je vec bila najavljena, a 'nails in style' je kod mene dosla i jedan stalak je ful pograbljen, a u nekima jos ponesto ima. No, nisam nista ugrabila..

    1. možda u moj dođu istovremeno... nadam se da ću ih uspit vidit uživo ;-D

    2. Ako bude trebalo, vidjela sam kod sebe jedan nails in style dosta pun stalak pa ako ne dode kod tebe..rijeka to the rescue! :P

    3. hvala ti <3
      nabavila sam jedan, poslat ću izvidnicu za drugi,a ako to ne upali, javim ti se :-D

  3. ja mislim da sam ja od ove kolekcije uzela sto sam imala, mozda jedan od ovih balzama, ali sumnjam. a nails in style je dosla kod mene, bila je na odvojenom displayu pa ne znam kako je tvoj dm zaobisla

  4. Oh, well I have bought them in Germany, so this time the Croatian girls doesn't have all the fun LOL
    But I was stupid enough not to buy 05 smashed berries - so if you please could buy two of those for me...?
    I'll send you an email...

  5. Uh,skoro sve *.*!!!
    Balzam za ćubice,rumenilo,mirisni nadlak,lakići 3,4 i 5...Nadam se da ću ih uspjeti uloviti,taman mi je plaća došla ;)))

  6. Banana Joe and One Kiwi A Day look amazing! I remember Maria doing a post on those ones, and I thought they were beautiful. :)

    1. well, we in croatia always get these collections with delay :-(

  7. Now I have to move to Croatia LOL;D

  8. Kako super kolekcija, jedva čekam, weeeeeeeee :D Sve mi se sviđa, sve! Morat ću opljačkati DM :D

  9. Ja bih rado uzela Very Cherry, One Kiwi A Day i Smashed Berries :-) Voce treba jesti svakog dana, pa zasto onda i da ga ne mazemo na nokte? :-)

  10. Hi, Žana :). I know that Maria already gave you "Por tu naturalidad" award, but I also gave you it :)

  11. Ma koji lak za nokte nikad zviška. :)

  12. Replies
    1. they are, but i didn't catch any but one kiwi a day :-(

  13. I don't have any Essie polishes, but you just may have gotten them a new customer!!

  14. Sorry I do have Essence, I read it too fast I thought it was Essie! I love Essence polishes!! Thanks for this post!!

    1. thank you... essie is a 'stronger' brand, but i love essence, they are quite imaginative with theirs polishes :-D

  15. We had these a few months ago, bought the scented topcoat.


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