
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wild thing...

... you make my heart sing... you make my everything...

Ok, I won't be singing to you, I better spare your ears from a misery . I don't know why, but this manicure provoked me and the song 'wild thing' instantly came to my mind.
Ipak bolje da ne pjevam i da poštedim vaše uši od tog jada . Ne znam zašto, ali manikura me izazvala i stvar 'wild thing' mi je isti tren pala na pamet. 

Why so many pictures? Well, because the stamping on my left hand was done with Essence 'steel me' polish, from 'metallics' collection, and the one on the right hand with Color Club 'worth the risque'. Stamping with holographic polish came to late to my mind .  'Steel me' is great for stamping, but not on this background, the base should be lighter, that's why I switched to 'worth the risque'. Oh, that holo beauty... this reminded me that I should wear my holo polishes more often. The plate I used it m69 from BornPretty Store that I bought quite some time ago... you can get it with 10 % off, if you use my code which is on the right side of the blog.
The base is another eBay catch, it's Ebalay 004, it should be iridescent color with duochrome effect, which was mission impossible for me and my camera. I put two coats over black, except on my ring finger, where are three coats on its own.
Zašto ovoliko slika? Pa zato jer sam pečat na lijevoj ruci otisnula s Essence-ovim 'steel me' iz 'metallics' kolekcije, a onaj na desnoj ruci s Color Club 'worth the risque'. Pečatiranje s holo lakićem mi je prekasno palo na pamet . 'Steel me' je super za pečatiranje, ali ne na ovoj podlozi, trebala bi biti svjetlija, zato sam se prebacila na 'worth the risque'. Ajme holo ljepote... ovo me podsjetilo da bih svoje holiće trebala malo češće nositi. Uzorak je s pločice m69 iz BornPretty Store-a koju sam kupila pred neko vrijeme... možete je dobiti s 10 % popusta, ako iskoristite kod koji se nalazi na desnoj strani bloga. 
Baza je drugi eBay ulov, Ebalay 004, trebao bi biti lak kojem se boje prelijevaju, a meni je bila nemoguća misija da isto uhvatim fotićem. Nanijela sam ga dva sloja preko crnog, osim na prstenjaku gdje je sam, u tri sloja.

I wouldn't wear it on its own, but over black it looks quite interesting. On my next pic you can see that duochrome effect I was talking about, so shy but it's there. 
Ne bih ga baš nosila samog ali preko crne podloge sasvim pristojno izgleda. Na sljedećoj fotki jedva da se može vidjeti duochrome efekt o kojem sam govorila, jako je stidljiv pred kamerom.

And here it is on my nails... too shy if you ask me, and really PITA to catch .
Evo ga i na noktima... pravi sramežljivko i PITA za poslikat .

Well, I was expecting something else, I thought that duochrome effect will be more visible... Never the less, I pick up some compliments for this manicure. 
What do you think - is this polish worth any trouble?
Iskreno, očekivala sam nešto drugo, mislila sam da će duochrome efekt biti malo jači... Nije važno, isto sam dobila par komplimenata za manikuru.
Što vi mislite - bi li lak dobio prolaznu ocjenu kod vas?

Till we meet again... love, Žana 


  1. Prekrasan je!Meni na slikama odlicno izgleda 5 +

  2. Na zadnji sliki si ga dobro ujela! Preko črne podlage izgleda fantastično!

    1. bar jedna fotka da pokaže malo od onog što on da ;-D

  3. I'm giving this manicure one more compliment - it looks very pretty! ;)

  4. I had not heard of Ebalay brand. The colors looks great

    1. i found it on ebay, i was surprised when i saw the label, it's made in netherlands ;-D

  5. Super je lakić!
    Ali još mi se više sviđa onaj tamno plavi koji si prikazala u prošlom postu - taj je famozan!

  6. Super lakec in še lepša končna manikura! =)

  7. pa baš mi se sviđa lak, ali na crnoj pozadini :) i fora je stamping.. to mi se pak nikako ne da, ni uložiti money ni time.

    1. je malo dulji proces... ali zadovoljstvo je na kraju veće ;-D

  8. They look great in the sunlight! So pretty...

  9. I love the way the duochrome pops over black! Fantastic!

    1. it was really hard to capture it, but at least one picture shows this beauty like it is :-D

  10. I love the duochrome over black. I was very confused by the stamping photos until I got to the part where you revealed it was two different polishes. :)

  11. Pa šta ja znam, meni se sviđa i sam i preko crnog. Ovisi što voliš.

  12. Fantasticno je. Meni se bas svidja :D

  13. ma kakva prolazna ocjena, petica za sve navedeno gore :D

  14. Super ti je ispala štampa, a lak mi se više sviđa preko crne podloge! :-)

    1. hvala ti, i meni više paše preko crnog :-D

  15. Slušaj,ono ti nije wild thing,nego Madagaskar 3.dio.Ako si ga gledala,onda ćeš me razumijeti.Ako nisi,onda me nećeš razumijeti.

    Animal uzorak "ou yeah baby"

    1. ako ti tako kažeš...
      obožavam madagaskar, trojku još nisam stigla pogledat ali budem obavezno... sjetit ću se ja i tvoje asocijacije, ne boj se ;-D

  16. Draga, sjajno mi je sve ovo! Baš mi se jako, jako sviđa! Pogotovo onaj wild efekt! :) <3


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