
Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog awards, volume ...x?

Hi my friends!

It's time for some more awards that I've received some times ago... but somehow never got the time to do it. 
Vrijeme je za još neke nagrade koje sam primila prilično davno... ali nikako nisam našla vremena da ih pokažem.

This one came from sweet Minnie (thanks dear), great nail artist, her blog should be among yours mandatory reading. 
The rules of this award are:
1) Link back to the person you got it from
2) Tell seven things about yourself
3) Give the award to ten bloggers
Ok, these are the things about me...
1. I'm really a nail polish addict... but I love it!
2. I don't remember the last time I wear a skirt 
3. I hate summer, the heat, the sweat and everything that comes with it...
4. I love swimming  
5. I love all kinds of animals... well, almost all, because I just can't stand the cockroaches and spiders... yuck!
6. I'm a night person, always been 
7. I really hate to talk about myself 
Now I have to tag 10 fellow bloggers... let's try!
Pink_DiamondNicBlu11LendoxiaInesManuelaMimiBREATH OF COLORRina and Maria... all the blogs I love to read, and great girls behind it. 
Ova je došla od slatke Minnie (hvala ti draga), super nail art umjetnice, i njen blog bi trebao biti među vašom obaveznom literaturom.
Pravila ove nagrade su:
1. Linkajte do osobe od koje ste ju dobili
2. Recite nam sedam stvari o sebi
3. Proslijedite nagradu na deset blogova
Ok, evo i nekih činjenica o meni...
1. Zapravo sam lakoholičarka... ali sviđa mi se to!
2. Ne mogu se niti sjetiti kad sam zadnji put nosila suknju
3. Mrzim ljeto, vrućinu, znoj i sve ono što već ide s time... 
4. Obožavam plivanje
5. Volim sve životinje... ok, skoro sve, jer se grozim žohara i paukova... bljaks!
6. Noćna sam osoba, oduvijek
7. I stvarno mrzim govoriti o sebi
Sad još i tag proslijediti na 10 kolegica blogerica... 'ajmo probat!
Pink_DiamondNicBlu11LendoxiaInesManuelaMimiBREATH OF COLORRina i Maria... sve blogovi koje volim čitati, i krasne cure iza njih.

Here's another one, this one came from Sweden, from dear Olivia (thank you honey), please check her blog for some great nail polish collection. It's the Butterfly Award!
Evo još jedne, koja je stigla iz Švedske, od simpatične Olivia (hvala draga), provjerite njen blog, ima zgodnu kolekciju lakića. To je Butterfly Award!
The Butterfly Award has got the following rules:
1. Link back to the person who awarded this award to you.
2. Answer the following questions.
3. Award to other bloggers and let them know.
Ova nagrada ima sljedeća pravila:
1. Linkati do osobe koja vas je nagradila.
2. Odgovoriti na donja pitanja.
3. Nagraditi neke blogere i obavijestiti ih o tom.
What's your favourite colour? Omiljena boja?
black / crna

What's your favourite song? Omiljena pjesma?
at the moment... good feeling by Flo Rida / trenutno good feeling od Flo Rida
What's your favourite dessert? Omiljeni desert?
ice cream / sladoled, uvijek
Who's your favorite pet? Najdraži ljubimac?
my tomcat Bebe / moj mačak Bebe
Black or white? Crna ili bijela?
black for winter, white for summer / crna zimi, bijela ljeti
What's your biggest fear? Najveći strah?
not to be the best parent that I can and must be / da ne budem roditelj kakav bih mogla i trebala biti
What's your best feature? Najbolja osobina? 
I'm great listener / znam saslušati ljude
What's your everyday attitude? Stav za svaki dan?
one day at the time... / dan po dan...
What is perfection? Što je savršenstvo?
me? kidding... clear sky, great song, wind in my hear... / ja? šala mala... čisto nebo, super song, vjetar u kosi...
What's your guilty pleasure? Griješno zadovoljstvo?
cookies / ma kolači, vrag ih odnio

I'd like to pass this award to the same bloggers as above.
Neka ova nagrada ide istim blogericama kao i gornja.

Ok, that was it, thanks once more to Minnie and Olivia, these awards really mean a world to me, it's a great feeling when someone appreciate your work.
To bi bilo to, još jednom hvala Minnie i Olivia, nagrade mi stvarno puno znače, super je kad netko cijeni ono što radiš. 

Till the next polishing... love, Žana

p.s. bonus pic of last month's manicures 
p.s. a za bonus dobijete fotku manikura prošlog mjeseca 


  1. Thank you Zana for giving these to me, I appreciate them very much :)

  2. And oh, where are my manners, congrats to you for receiving them :)

  3. Čestitam na nagradi, a ovaj post me upravo podsjetio na nagradu koju sam dobila od tebe i napravila skicu pa nisam objavila post zbog noći muzeja i tak.. Sad bi baš mogla to! :)

    1. hvala ti... eto vidiš, sad sam još učinila dobro djelo ;-D

  4. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...divna si! Ja bi ovih dana trebala svakako skupiti vremena i proslijediti nagrade koje sam dobila i objaviti ih na blogu! Hvala ti od srca! DIVNA SI! Stvarno sam počašćena ovcim predivnim nagradama! Ljubim!

  5. hvalaaaaaaa:) zlatna siiiiiii:) i meni se jako sviđa tvoj blog:)

  6. Hvala draga,uvijek mi je zanimljivo citati ovakve postove,malo se bolje upoznamo:)

    1. istina, ali meni je ovakve baš teško pisati... nema mi težeg pitanja nego kad mi netko kaže reci nešto o sebi :-p


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But please refrain from spamming me with links.