
Friday, December 9, 2011


Hi my friends!

I know, I know - two days in a roll, but I just couldn't resist ... because these are not just an ordinary snowflakes, these are holo snowflakes, I'll bet you haven't seen it yet. 
Ma znam - dva dana za redom, ali jednostavno nisam mogla odoljeti ... uostalom, ovo nisu obične već holo pahuljice, kladim se da ovakve još niste vidjeli. 

Luckily, it was sunny outside. For this mani I used: China glaze's '2nite' and Color club's 'Worth the risque'... and while I wrote this the Boss was singing 'Santa Claus is comin' to town' - how appropriate .
Let me hear you, what say you!?
Srećom, vani je sunčan dan. Za ovu manikuru sam koristila: China glaze '2nite' i Color club 'Worth the risque'... a dok pišem ovo Boss (trebam li vam reći da je to Bruce Springsteen) onako promuklo pjeva 'Santa Claus is comin' to town' - baš prikladno (valjda će doći i do mene) 

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana



  1. holo snowflakes - amazing! ;)

  2. E ovo mi se već više sviđa, bitno je samo da se nešto presijava i blješči! :D

  3. Jako mi je slatko! Mislim da ću iskopirati .-)

  4. Prekrasno je, super ideja s holo snežinkami. ;)

  5. Joj, kako je dobar taj 2nite...prava ledena plava boja!

  6. Let's polish some nails... hvala :-D

    zebra-nails... i'm glad you like it :-D

    Rea... srećom je takvo doba godine ;-D

    Maybe... hvala ti :-D

    Maartje... thanks :-D

    Taya... hvala :-D

    Mimi... i meni ;-D

    Biberlee... jel' da ;-D

  7. Great!!! I love the blue nail polish so pretty. Are the snowflakes made with a holo polish too? I hope to find time to stamp some snowflakes too tomorrow :3. Nice weekened.

    lg Neru

  8. 2nite je krasan, a zao mi je samo sto nije malo veci kontrast da se pahulje bolje isticu, ali opet ovako izgleda kao da je sve zaledjeno kao sto i treba bit kad je vrijeme za pahuljice

  9. There are no twin snowflakes so you post as many as you want! I just love them!

  10. I ove pahulje su odlične, a kaj se dedice s bjelom bradom tiče, ako si bila dobra doći će, zar ne...:))

  11. LOVE the holo snow flakes!

  12. Laura... thanks :-D

    Kia... thank you :-D

    Neru... thanks, and yes, snowflakes are made with holo polish too - color club worth the risque :-D

    Lendoxia... e kad nema bijelog holića :-(

    Laura... thank you :-D

    CopyCat... hvala :-D

    Fingers... true, thank you :-D

    Good Ghost... ja sam uvijek dobra ;-D

    KarenD... thank you :-D

    Katt... thanks :-D

    imfeelingnail-venturous... thank you :-D

    fairy_ana... hvala ti :-D


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