
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas colors

Hi my friends!

I'm in war here... with my camera... bloody thing just don't wanna listen to me . I skip posting about my last mani just because of terrible pics, this time almost the same situation... but I found 2 pictures (from some 20 of them) that are not as bad as the rest of them. So, prepare yourself... 
U ratu sam... sa svojim fotićem... bezobraznik jednostavno neće da sluša . O prošloj manikuri nisam ni postala, samo zbog strava fotki, ovaj put skoro pa ista situacija... uspjela sam pronaći dvije fotke (od njih dvadesetak) koje nisu tako loše kao ostatak. Pa, uzdahnite duboko... 

First picture taken in the shade, second one in the sun.
I played with all time favored Christmas colors - green and red... now I'm not sure if this stamping was improvement or I just spoiled the mani, the snowflake is from image plate HB36 of Beauties factory. 
I used Gabrini 326 and Pastel 74, which is one of the most beautiful green color I have ever seen. Shimmer, of course, is not visible on my pics, that's why I'm so mad at my camera... after I post this we'll be having one long conversation, eye to eye 
Prva fotka u sjeni, druga sa sunca.
Igrala sam se s omiljenim Božićnim bojama - zelenom i crvenom... i baš nisam sigurna je li ovaj stamping poboljšanje ili sam samo pokvarila manikuru, a pahuljida je s pločice HB36 od Bauties factory.
Koristila sam Gabrini 326 i Pastel 74, koji je apsolutno jedna od najljepših zelenih boja koje sam uopće vidjela. Shimmer, naravno, baš i nije vidljiv na mojim fotkama, zato sam tako ljuta na kameru... nakon što ovo postam obavit ćemo jedan dug razgovor, oči u oči 

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana


  1. super ti je ispalo stambiljanje, a ovo zelena zelena :P al crveni dio je krasan XD

  2. so Christmassy, love this mani! ;)

  3. Pravi bozicni miks,dobro je isalo bas,svidja mi se:)

  4. Famozno izgleda. Bilo bi dobro vidjeti kombinaciju zlatno - crveno, ako postoji ili srebrno - plavo...mmm

  5. In my experience talk doesn't work with camera's - only settings ;)
    On the sun photo, you could have turned your hand a bit more towards the sun,then you would have seen the shimmer. I always take around 30-40 pics pro mani.
    Nice color combo, I like the way the green is sponged (I guess) over the green. The poor little star is picking up on your mood, it looks quite scared hahahaha ;)

  6. božićno! ;)
    nadam se da će nam te pahulje donijeti snijeg za božić...

  7. This is not as bad as you think!! I like the stamp!!

  8. Tale mi je pa zelo všeč.

  9. Crveno da te napali, a zeleno da smiri oči ;)

    Odlično :)

  10. Menije super i sa pecatom :)
    Odlicno si boje ukomponovala, slika u sjeni mi je ljepsa :)

  11. Nice Colours, but I think the snowflakes are looking like a sun o.O The green nail polish is great I need it too :D. Nice evening ;).

    lg Neru

  12. Lendoxia... haha, isto te zelena ubola u oko ;-)

    Creations by Ane... zar ne ;-)

    zebra-nails... thanks :-D

    Mimi... hvala draga :-D

    Good Ghost... hvala na sugestiji, valjda i to dođe na red ;-D

    Maria... ahaha, if the talk doesn't work i'll try the settings ;-D

    Ines... kako je krenilo, do božića bi se mogli i kupati ;-D

    Fingers... thank you :-D

    S.Art... hvala ti :-D

    Mateja... drago mi je da ti se sviđa :-D

    Lalica... haha, hvala ti :-D

    Let's polish some nails... i meni, hvala ;-D

    Andrea... hvala ti :-D

    Neru... i didn't ask, maybe the snowflake is a sun in real life ;-D

  13. Super su mi,pogotovo pahuljice,preslatke su ;))))

  14. Meni ova manikura fenomenalno izgleda!! :)

  15. meni izgleda super, obe boje su pun pogodak

  16. Nina... hvala ti :-D

    Rea... drago mi je da ti se sviđa :-D

    hermetic... hvala i tebi :-D

  17. Love this mani! I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out my blog to see what it's about :)

  18. odlično, jednostavno a efektno ;)

  19. drago mi je da ti se sviđa, hvala :-D


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