
Friday, October 28, 2011

Jack Skellington

Hi my friends!

This was supposed to be Jack Skellington, the king of the Halloweentown... but unfortunately it doesn't look so great. From the distance, my nails are super cool, but they don't look like Jack Skellington .
This is very simple manicure, I used only two polishes - black and white, dotting tool and tip painter. I'll let you to judge - thumb up or down .
Ovo je trebao biti Jack Skellington, kralj Halloween grada... ali na moju nesreću baš i ne liči na njega. Iz daleka, moji nokti izgledaju baš cool... ali ne kao Jack Skellington .
U biti, radi se o vrlo jednostavnoj manikuri za koju sam koristila samo dva laka, točkalicu i tanki kistić. Puštam vas da odlučite - palac gore ili dolje .

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana 


  1. a jesi luda!!! OVO JE GENIJALNO!

  2. Tea Jurković... ahahaha, hvala ti :-D

    Taya... hvala draga :-D

    Irena... hvala i tebi :-D

    idem se sad malo uobrazit ;-D

  3. Ma sta gore, ode palac u visinu daleeeko :D Super je, prepresuper :)

  4. Definitely thumbs up!
    I knew exactly who it was, so you did a great job :)

  5. Nema palac dolje,odlicni su,meni su pravi Halloween noktici,dizem oba palca gore:)

  6. ma uopce nisi cool, necu ti vise hvalit ove manikure :raspa:

  7. super su noktići, pravi za halloween

  8. hvala cure... ma ne mislim ja da je manikura loša, nego da nedovoljno liči na mr skellingtona ;-)

    Anutka... thank you, i'm glad you like it :-D

  9. Ma daaj odlični su! Sad ti fali još Sally :)

  10. Definitivno palac u nebesa!!!!Ja sam pokušala napraviti mumiju i bundeve,ali bezuspješno,svaka ti čast ;)))

  11. looks like Jack to me! :) i like it! <3 hugs

  12. palac gore, naravno, fantastično je!!!

  13. PALAC GOREEE!!! =))
    Ful mi je všeč, pa še podoben si je, takoj sem ga prepoznala! ;D

  14. Your nails are ready for Halloween!
    Your Jacks look spooky. Perfect for the occasion! :)

  15. I really love Nightmare before Christmas *_*, your nail art is great!!! Not Everything can be perfect, but you tried your best and I really like it <3. A crazy Halloween weekend and a lovely Halloween Monday ;).

    lg Neru

  16. These are very cool and I did immediately reconize Jack from these, though I wacthed the movie yesterday:) I'm also going to do jack skellington nails because I just got stamping plate wich has the picture in it! :)

  17. prezakon... tako efektno, a djeluje dovoljno jednostavno da i sama probam :)

  18. I am so loving these! Really awesome mani!

  19. wow, kako si samo uspjela nokte na desnoj ruci iscrtati, Savršeno

  20. hvala cure, drago mi je da vam se sviđa manikura :-D
    i da, violet fairy... ma nema šanse da ti ja nacrtam sally, možda ako vježbam do idućeg halloweena ;-D

    thanks girls, your kind words mean a world to me :-D
    shiny... oh, i didn't even know for image plate like that, i'm waiting to see your mani with it :-D

  21. Ma daj, što govoriš, ova manukura je fenomenalna, onak scary i posebna, meni se baš sviđa.

  22. Meni se ovo bas svidja! :D Odlicno su ispali, ne znam zasto nisi zadovoljna kako izgledaju iz bliza :))) Preslatki su! Palac gore, svakako :)

  23. Those are really crazy nails :).
    Don't know wether I would wear mine like these but they are pretty awesome.

    X, Sarah

  24. Rea... hvala ti... meni se činilo da ne liči previše na mr skellingtona ;-)

    Marija... hvala ti :-D

    Sara.H... thanks dear :-D

    Sarah... i know what you mean, people were looking at me kinda weird lol

  25. These are cute! Love the design!

  26. imfeeling-nailventurous... thanks dear :-D

    Paulina... i'm glad, thank you :-D

  27. Inače obozavam Tim Burtona i sve njegove filmove, a Nightmare Before Christmas mi je omiljeni:)

  28. AngeliqueDama... i ja ;-D
    hvala ti :-D

    fairy_ana... hvala draga :-D

  29. super cute mani! loving the skulls:)
    just found your blog and its lovely:)
    following u now would love if u follow back!!


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