
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's alive!!!

Hi my friends!

No nail art for you today... but I have to show perfect Halloween manicure. I used just one thing - nail polish, 'It's alive' by China Glaze from Halloween collection 2011. I'm sure that you all have seen swatches of this beauty, now it's my turn 
Danas nećete vidjeti novi nail art... ali isto imam savršenu manikuru za Halloween. Za nju vam treba samo jedna stvar - lak, i to 'It's alive' od China Glazea iz njihove Halloween kolekcije 2011. Sigurno ste već vidjeli swatcheve ovog ljepotana, ali sad je red na mene 

On my pictures are two coats with top coat except on ring finger nail (if you can see the difference), pics taken outside, see how the color changed when the light comes from different sides.  
All I can say is... my search for perfect Halloween polish is over . It has it all -  the color is perfect, so is the brush and the application, drying time is awesome, full of glitters of all sizes, it's kinda chunky when it dries, but I don't mind. If you do thick coats, just one is enough, maybe a top coat ... I'm in love 
Na mojim fotkama, odnosno noktima su dva sloja s nadlakom, osim na prstenjaku (ako možete vidjeti razliku uopće), poslikano vani, vidite kako se boja mjenja zavisno iz kojeg smjera dolazi svjetlo.
Jedino što mogu reći... potraga za savršenim lakom za Halloween je gotova . Ima sve - savršenu boju, kao i četkicu i aplikaciju, suši se savršeno, puno glittera svih veličina, hrapav je kad se osuši ali meni uopće ne smeta. Ako stavite deblji sloj, dovoljan vam je jedan, možda i nadlak... ma zaljubljena sam .   

Till we meet again, love yourself and respect everyone else!

Love, Žana  


  1. Oo kakva divota od lakica,a tek sav taj glitter:)Uzdisem:)

  2. Prekrasan je! Mene zanima onaj što svjetli u mraku... Čini mi se zanimljiv :D

  3. nije grozan samo zato jer je glitter, ali ne mogu se zamislit kako ga lakiram na vlastite nokte

  4. Oplakala bih kad ga skidam, i sa folijom, pretpostavljam, javi kako se ponaša.
    Meni srce ne kuca brže od njega, ali shvatam zašto se tebi toliko sviđa :)

  5. OMG you got the cool nail polish "It's alive" von China Claze, I want it too, but it is sold out... It is a great colour, I really like him :).

    lg Neru

  6. Mimi... haha, samo ti uzdiši ;-D

    Let's polish some nails... jel' da :-D

    Biba... slažem se :-D

    NatalieDouka... absolutely :-D

    Violet Fairy... joj i mene, ali od china glaze baš i nije predobar, sudeći po swatchevima :-(

    Lendoxia... ahaha, pa zelene je boje ;-D

    Polish AMOR... thanks :-D

    Biberlee... ali zato moje srce pjeva ;-D

    Neru... you can still found it on ebay :-D

  7. uuuu sljasti se jaaako :). Kako ga onda ne voleti <3

  8. šljokice, šljokice, šljokice, volim šljokice!!! I ja bi mu oprostila to što je hrapav :-D

  9. Love this glitter a bunch, it looks great on you!

  10. i like how it looks. abit chunky but it's fun..

  11. Šljokice,zelena boja,prekrasan O_O!!!!

  12. CopyCat... drago mi je da se slažemo :-D

    Nails From Fairy Tale... e da, to i ja kažem :-D

    Rea... hvala, drago mi je :-D

    sekav... nego, ovakvom krasotanu sve se oprašta ;-D

    Nail Nerd... thanks dear :-D

    pamgotcrazy... you're right, lots of fun ;-D

    Nina... baš mi je drago da nam se ukusi poklapaju ;-D

  13. This is my favorite of their Halloween ones this year--looks super on you!

  14. This shade looks amazing!! You don't need art on this at all! Simply gorgeous~:D

  15. I have been trying to look for a good green Halloween color but I can't seem to find something here. This shade looks perfect for the occasion. :)

  16. KarenD... thanks dear, my favorite to :-D

    Lenka... ahaha, hvala ti :-D

    Minnie... agree, this one is perfect on its own :-D

    Nemo Late... you should treat yourself with it ;-D

    rins... oh, this one is really perfect, halloween or not ;-D

  17. Everytime I see this polish I fall in love with it. I think it is so unique looking!

  18. imfeelingnail-venturous... totally agree, this one is perfect :-D

  19. I izgleda hrapavo, ali je boja jako lepa! :-)


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