
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saving Valentina

Hi my friends!

Ovaj post nema nikakve veze s noktima, niti s ičem u vezi s njima. 
Video sam pronašla pukim slučajem i rado bih ga podijelila s vama. Molim vas, pogledajte ga... ali ovo je isključivo za ljubitelje životinja, ako ste jedan od nas, uživajte   
This post doesn't have nothing to do with nails or anything related with it. 
I found this video by accident and I really like to share it with you. Please take a look... but this is only for animal lover, if you're one of them, enjoy it 

Till we meet again, love yourself... and be kind to animals of all sizes!


  1. Hvala za tole! Sem z veseljem pogledala :)

  2. rasplače me :D predivni ljudi koji su pomogli toj predivnoj životinji.. bez nas životinje su izgubljeni.

  3. Jako lijep video, nažalost premalo je dobrih ljudi koji će tako nešto učiniti..


  4. Beautiful video!! I love all kinds of animmals:D Thank you very much for sharing~<3

  5. cure, drago mi je da vam se video svidio, ja sam bila ganuta... daj nam svakim danom više ovakvih ljudi a manje ovakvih situacija :-D

    Minnie... i must say, i really can't understand the people who don't care about animals, they're defenseless against humans and technology :-(


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