
Friday, July 15, 2011

Giveaway winner!

Hi my friends!

Ne volim četaki, i vjerojatno vas se puno slaže sa mnom, pa... ću proglasiti pobjednika. Bilo je ukupno 127 ulaza, nekoliko nevažećih koji su ispali s liste, ali ne previše. Hvala svima na sudjelovanju, nadam se da će neki od novih sljedbenika i dalje ostati sa mnom. 
A sad, trenutak koji smo svi čekali, bubnjeve molim...
I don't like waiting, I'm sure lot of you think the same, so... I'm gonna announce the winner. It was 127 entries, there was few invalid of them, but not too much. Thanks all of you for participating, I hope some of new followers will stay with me.
Now, the moment you all were waiting for, drums please...

Da vidimo tko se krije iza ove brojčice...
And now, let's see who's hiding behind this number...

Čestitam Biberlee!!!
Congrats, Biberlee!!!

Svim ostalim želim više sreće neki drugi put 
To anyone else, wish you more luck some other time  

Till we meet again, love yourself!


Thank you for time spent with me, I appreciate every single comment :-)
But please refrain from spamming me with links.