
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Live, Love, Laugh - BP-71 Stamping Image Plate

Hi there!

Na gornjim fotkama možete vidjeti manikuru s BornPretty Store BP-71 pločicom za štambiljanje*, koju sam već upotrijebila u ovoj manikuri. Ovaj put je tema ljubavna, a da meni tema baš i ne paše vidi se po ovoj manikuri. Moram priznati da me pločica namučila, naročito tekst koji je prilično tanak, a kako je vruće, lak se počne sušiti čim ga stavim na pločicu... barem mislim da je u vrućini uzrok. Uglavnom, mislila sam da sve izgleda pristojno dok nisam vidjela uvećane fotke, a sad je već prekasno za ikakvo popravljanje
Prvo sam napravila gradijent, s dva Aurina laka, onda odštambiljala uzorke, a na mjestima gdje su srčeka bila, zalijepila sam ova od folije, koja mi je poslala slatka Minnie. Ovo mi se činila idealna prilika da ih konačno upotrijebim. Na kraju sam manikuru i matirala, lakše ju je pofotkati tako

On upper photos you can see manicure created with images from BornPretty Store BP-71 stamping image plate*. I already used this plate, here. This time it's all about love. Guess I'm not that good in love, judging by this manicure. I had some problems transferring the images, maybe it's my fault, maybe it happens because it's just too hot, I don't know. Anyway, I thought everything looks fine until I saw photos on big screen, but now it's too late to do something about it .
I started with gradient, made of two Aura polishes. Next step was stamping. Where I had stamped hearts I glued foil hearts on top. I got it from sweet Minnie, and this looks like a good time to use it. At the end I applied matte top coat, it's so much easier to take a photo with it  .

Jedan od Aurinih lakova je 'Scale Cocktail'.

One of  these polishes is Aura 'Scale Cocktail'.

 Aura 'Scale Cocktail', dva sloja, bez nadlaka / two coats, no topcoat

Aurin 'Scale Cocktail' je krem lakić zamagljene tirkizne boje. Na noktima imam dva sloja, a sve nepravilnosti koje vidite na laku, nisu tu zbog laka već zbog baze - essence the gel nail polish base coat. Možda i produljuje trajanje manikure ali s mojim se noktima ne slaže... a opet, na početku nisam imala ovakvih problema sa njim, pa bi i ovaj problem mogao biti zbog vrućine. 
Ova linija Aurinih lakova dolazi u okruglim bočicama od 6 ml, sa srednje širokim i ravno rezanim kistom. Prvi sloj nije izgledao baš bajno, ali drugi je sasvim popravio stvar. Nisam imala problema ni s vremenom sušenja.

BP-71 pločicu za štambiljanje možete nabaviti ovdje, za 2,99$, no sjetite se iskoristiti i moj kod za 10% popusta. 

Aura 'Scale Cocktail' is a creme polish, dusty teal I'd say. I have two coats on my nails. The bubbles are not from this polish, I have noticed that every time I use essence the gel nail polish base coat, I end up with bubbles on nails. Maybe it's too hot for this base too. 
This line of Aura polishes comes in a rounded bottle of 6 ml, with medium wide and flat brush. The first coat doesn't look great, but after the second one everything is like it suppose to be. Drying time was fine too. 

BP-71 stamping image plate you can get here, for 2,99$. Feel free to use my discount code. 

Sviđa li Vam se moja manikura? Imate li i Vi probleme s lakovima i vrućinom?

Do you like this manicure? Having problems with this heat and polishing too?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

*PR sample


  1. Mnogo mi se sviđa kako si uklopila šljokice srca sa motivima srca na pločici.

  2. Odlična pločica, preslatki nokti!

  3. Slatka manikura! Sviđaju mi se srčeka! <3

    1. hvala ti :D
      šta ja znam, nisam baš sigurna da ću ih prečesto šetati, nisu baš moj đir ali dobro dođe imati ih ;)

  4. It looks lovely, it doesn't look as if you had problems with it :)

    1. thanks Aneta, glad that my problems are not too visible :D

  5. Awww, what a gorgeous mani, you created!!

  6. Awww!! Thank you so much for using the heart holos!! :D It's so funny that the legs of the girl kinda disappeared while the other super thin letters came out perfectly. It still looks beautiful though! I don't know if you have watched the movie Maleficent, but I thought about it when I saw the floating girl :)))

    1. it was my pleasure, i thought this will be the perfect opportunity to use them :D
      i watched maleficent, even thought about doing some manicure... but that just slip of my minds :/
      floating girl have both legs on my other hand lol

  7. I just used this plate, too, but I absolutely didn't like the result. Your look is so much nicer!!

  8. ova plocica otkida, mislim i ako nije nista narocito mene je bas odusevila! volim kako si ovo slozila sve !

    1. hvala ti Bubice, drago mi je da ti se sviđa :D

  9. Divan manikir, baš si sve lepo uklopila. :) Inače, i mene su pojedini motivi namučili da ih lepo prenesem.

    1. hvala ti :D
      zbilja, ovaj je tekst teška kategorija

  10. Gledala sam ovu pločicu, ali nisam bila sigurna dal mi treba...
    Super si to (opet) gradirala i ukomponirala :) :*

    1. hehe, opet ;)
      ako želiš probati viči, ja većinu pločica probam jednom i spremim :/

  11. It looks so cool with the hearts! :)


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