
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Misslyn Tropical Mix Nail Tatoos

Hi there!

O.K, this is definitely too much photos, but I had to show you manicure from all angles and different lights. The sun was already on its way down, so the colors are more accurate inside, under the white cold light.
Anyway, let me tell you few words about it. It started like this:

U redu, ovo je 'malo' više fotki, no morala sam pokazati manikuru sa svih uglova i pod različitim osvjetljenjem. Sunce je bilo već debelo na putu dolje, pa mi se boje čine realnije unutra, pod hladnim bijelim svjetlom. 
No, da vam kažem i par riječi o manikuri. Krenulo je ovako:

 essence 'I <3 BRASIL', two coats, no topcoat, outside / dva sloja, bez nadlaka, vani

inside, white cold light / unutra, hladno bijelo svjetlo

This cute pink was a gift from sweet Mila of GleeTree92 blog. She thought it would be a challenge for me, since I don't wear pinks that much. But, since I first saw it, I knew exactly what to do with it. 

Ova sasvim slatka ružičasta je dar od drage Mile s GleeTree92 bloga. Misllila je da će mi biti problematična, jer se ja s ovakvim nijansama baš i ne družim. No, otkako sam je vidjela, točno sam znala što želim napraviti s njom.

These nail tattoos* are part of forthcoming Misslyn Forbidden Fruits Collection.

Tetovaže za nokte* su dio nadolazeće Misslyn Forbidden Fruits Kolekcije.


On the back side you'll found the instructions. So, I did what the instructions said - cut the designs and put them into the water. After that I pressed them on my nail. The design stays on nail, and the paper is to be removed. When you're done, put a layer of your favorite top coat. Super simple! I was happy with it so I played and throw a bunch of them on my nails. 
But before I got to the nail tattoos, I did a gradient with tropical colors.

Na stražnjoj strani pakiranja naći ćete uputstva za uporabu. I sama sam napravila onako kako kažu - izrezala sličice i ubacila ih u vodu. Nakon par sekundi sam ih pritisnula na nokat. Dizajn se preslika na nokat, a papir uklonite. Nakon ovog još Vam je preostalo staviti sloj omiljenog nadlaka. Ne može jednostavnije! Malo sam se zaigrala pa sam nabacala čitavu hrpu na nokte.
No, prije tetovaža, napravila sam gradijent s tropskim bojama.

Well, the photo is taken before I cleaned up, but this is the only photo with gradient itself. I must do this few more time, I love how these colors looks together.

Misslyn Forbidden Fruits Collection will be available from next week in Müller stores.
What do you think of these nail tattoos? I myself can hardly wait for those polishes too.

No, fotka je nastala prije no što sam počistila zanoktice, ali jedina je sa samim gradijentom, a čini mi se vrijedan pokazivanja. Morat ću ga pronosati još koji put, baš mi se sviđa kombinacija boja.

Misslyn Forbidden Fruits Kolekcija će se moći naći od idućeg tjedna u Müller drogerijama. 
Kako Vam se čine ove tetovaže za nokte? Osobno jedva čekam i lakiće iz iste kolekcije.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

*PR sample


  1. pregenijalno! ja sam odusevljena :)

  2. Very cute pink, gradient and maniure! :)

  3. me gusta mucho! ove tetovaze su nesto ala water decals? roza ti suer stoji a kombinacija boja je odlična!

    1. daaa, slične samo ih ne odljepljuješ već potopiš u vodu i čitav papir preneseš na nokat pa se one preslikaju :D

  4. I really think the pink suits you perfectly!! You should wear more pink!!!! xD These fruit tattoos are super cute! and they look even cuter on the tropical gradient :D

    1. this pink has a cold undertone so i could see myself wearing it few more times ;)
      thanks sweetie :D

  5. Hajde, hajde, dozovi nam leto tim slatkim letnjim manikirom.

    1. moj sin se danas šetao u kratkim rukavima, šaljem sunce expresno ;)

  6. Pinkic je super a manikir je pravi tropski! :-)

  7. Kako je dobro <3
    Mnogo mi j lepa ta pink nijansa Essence laka <3

    1. da znaš da se i meni sviđa, iznenađujuće ali istinito :D

  8. This is such a great mani! I really like the cute nail tattoos :-D

  9. It's tropical - a cool and fruity mani :D

  10. I love the gradient and the fruits are so cute!

  11. Uh manikura je <3 Neću beštimat, al beštiman kad vidin nešto ovako :D Em što je super ideja, em što je još bolje provedena. Queen i točka <3

  12. I love that you did the gradient background for these decals--makes the mani so much more interesting.

  13. Krasan ti je Gradient!
    Naljepnice mi nisu baš neš, ali neki od lakova iz Forbidden Fruits kolekcije su mi baš baš :)

    1. hvala :D
      jooooj, smoothie lakovi odlično izgledaju *.*

  14. Sviđa mi se gradient efekt! :D

  15. volim jako ovu rozu :D a manikura podsjeca na koktelcice, ljeto, kao da nisu toliko daleko :D

    1. definitivno ima ljetni štih... ali pri današnjem pogledu kroz prozor ljeto ne izgleda baš tako blizu :P


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