
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Frozen Manicure

Hi there!

Tek jedan brzi post, da Vam konačno pokažem manikuru koju sam nosila nekidan.

One short and quick, just to finally show you my last manicure. 

Na ipak presuptilan gradijent, jer se jedva primjećuje, stavila sam naljepnice. Premda su zbilja tanke i s jakim ljepilom, čak i nakon nadlaka meni se čine previše isturene i upadljive, tako Vam je to kad se naviknete na vodene naljepnice.

This blue gradient turned out too subtle after all, but it was a great base for Frozen theme stickers. They are pretty thin and with strong adhesive, but comparing it with water decals, they look kinda thick.

Ali morate priznati da su preslatke love struck. Doputovale su čak iz Australije, poslala ih je slatka Minnie. Premda za kvalitetu i nemam zamjerki, moram reći da za nokte nema boljih naljepnica od vodenih, ili tattoo. Takve Vam se sigurno neće ni primjetiti ni odljepiti. 
Manikuru sam šetala dva dana, i moram reći da je bila primjećena :D Kako i ne bi, nakon planetarne slave koju je ovaj crtić pokupio.
Sviđa Vam se, ili su Vam ovakve manikure predjetinjaste?

You must admit that they are definitely super cute love struck. They came all the way from Down Under, from sweet Minnie. I really don't have any objection on quality,but I prefer water decals or nail tattoos. 
I wear it for two days, and received a lots of compliments for it. Not a big wonder, this movie was a smashing hit. 
Do you like it, or something like this is too childish for you?

Thanks for stopping by, Žana 


  1. Moram nekako sestrama nabaviti takve ili slične nalepnice! :D

  2. Replies
    1. srami se ;)
      ja volim crtiće, priznajem... eto sinoć sam gledala 'nema' i guštala k'o prase u malo vode :D

  3. I like it! Never too childish; I suppose I haven't told you this yet but I watch fairytales and such with my son on TV and know the most of them almost by heart - his favourite are the The Penguins of Madagascar and Mia and Me :D

    1. i absolutely agree :D
      my son is twenty years old, but we still love good cartoon :D
      the inner child has to bi happy too ;)

  4. Cute blue and lovely stickers! Never grow up ;-)

  5. It's really cute - I'm glad you didn't actually put your hands in the freezer to freeze your manicure :D

    1. so, you thought it would be that type of manicure, naughty ;)

  6. Ja još nisan gledala Frozen :'( Al nemogu odloit vine videovima o njemu ahhaha <3 Odlična manikura :D I gradient se primjeti :D

    1. ajmeeee tugo moja, crtani se trebaju gledat, prvih sto godina redovito, a poslije i češće :D

  7. Yaaay!! Thank you sooo much for wearing them!! They do look thick a little bit, don't they?! That is a huge let down :( But I'm super happy that you were able to use them anyways :))) Thank you!!!

    1. they're super cute, and i'm happy that i had a chance to wear them, thanks Minnie :*

  8. Super cute manicure! I think I am the only one who has never seen this movie. :D

    1. actually, you're the third person commenting this post saying you didn't watch the movie ;)
      but glad you love the manicure, thanks Cristina :D

  9. Preslatko mi je ovo, ali slažem se da vodene ipak ljepše izgledaju na noktima ;)

    1. jesu jesu, ali iskoristi ono što imaš pri ruci ;)

  10. Ajoj kako je slatko ^_^ zanimljivo je malo za promjenu, mada nisam bas ljubitelj naljepnica :D

    1. nisam ni ja ovih običnih, ali volim vodene :D

  11. frozen je obuzela svih, maloprije mi je bila susjeda s patikama i čarapicama s frozen ekipom ;) super manikura

  12. obožavam ovaj crtić,, preslatka manikura,, posebno Anna <3

  13. Volim Frozen jako <3 Djetinjasta, ma ne, svi smo mi djeca u duši :D

    1. nismo svi, neki svoje zatuku :(
      ja svoje njegujem i ponosno ga pokazujem :D

  14. Divan manikir. Obozavam Frozen, a ove nalepnice, iako nisu vodene, bas slatko deluju. :)

  15. Nista nije previse "decje" za jedan dan, ako ti je to u tom trenutku blisko srcu i donese ti osmeh na lice :-) Jeste, nalepnice su mnogo upadljivije nego water decals, ali su preslatke! A o boji laka i da ne govorimo.. :-)

  16. frozen je skroz kul kao i ova manikura :D

  17. Aww, how cute! :)

  18. Naljepnice su mi kraaasne, ali bile bi mi još krasnije da su vodene! :)


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